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What do you bring your accountant?

I've had some odd gifts before but today takes the cake. So far this year I've got

A bottle of wine
A bottle of whiskey
Homemade BBQ sauce
Deli tray
Cheese cake

Today 2 Viagra
Older guy that was talking about Viagra during last years appt. We were laughing. His wife was super embarrassed. So he brought me a couple today.
Grats on the sex Jim
I've never used an accountant but am planning to this year. Good to know that accountants are super duper entitled and think they deserve a bottle of wine and a blowie.

But I guess if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. @Jim14510 - what kind of wine do you like?
I'm a cab guy but anything red would be appreciated.
I hope to someday have income enough to need an accountant other than online self-filing.

To turn OP's question around, @Jim14510, what gifts do accountants prefer to receive? I know as a paperboy I fucking hated everyone that gave me a box of cherry cordials for X-mas.
I'm not really picky. Clearly they can see that I like food, alcohol, and sex.

Guy last week tried to give me some cash because he was going to bring me a bottle of liquor and forgot. I wouldn't accept the cash of course. Same guy brought me a bunch of fly tying material one year.

Sounds like I'm just blessed to have such nice clients. Maybe it's that I'm such a fantastic accountant that they feel they're underpaying so they feel guilty and bring me gifts. Probably some of both but mostly the latter.
I'm not really picky. Clearly they can see that I like food, alcohol, and sex.

Guy last week tried to give me some cash because he was going to bring me a bottle of liquor and forgot. I wouldn't accept the cash of course. Same guy brought me a bunch of fly tying material one year.

Sounds like I'm just blessed to have such nice clients. Maybe it's that I'm such a fantastic accountant that they feel they're underpaying so they feel guilty and bring me gifts. Probably some of both but mostly the latter.
Have you ever made any pike or smallie flies?
I've never used an accountant but am planning to this year. Good to know that accountants are super duper entitled and think they deserve a bottle of wine and a blowie.

But I guess if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. @Jim14510 - what kind of wine do you like?
bruh a good accountant is worth a bottle
of whiskey. if you work a 8-5 and have nothing else going on, then no you dont need to blow
your accountant. and there is nothing wrong with that.
Smallie flies are pretty much the same as trout flies. I have made pike flies too. Haven't used them much. Lot harder to cast because they're so heavy.
I bought a few pike flies and one Miuras mouse for fun.

My tax information
Amen. My CPA has me fill out a multi-page "Questionnaire" every year ... in advance. Because I'm OCD, I've replicated it into an Excel Spreadsheet broken down into separate worksheets for each relevant tax area which I send to him - along with the stoopid questionnaire and supporting documentation in .pdf form - in advance of our meeting. This Friday morning's appointment ought to last about 15 minutes.

Me: "Did you review the materials I sent you?"
Him: "Yes I did. Thank you again for doing that."
Me: "Any questions or any areas that are unclear to you?"
Him: "Nope. Seems pretty straight forward."
Me: "Call me when the return is done, and I'll run you up a check. L8R. Oh, some online accountant buddy of mine asked me to bring a gift. Here's some brownies that I baked for you. You should eat them at home and not drive for a while. Bye."

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