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What are the “cool kids” from your high school up to nowadays? (4 Viewers)

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
A bunch of horses (apparently) died at a Vet Clinic and the Prosecutors have not filed any Criminal charges because: a) there were no criminal laws violated; and b) Law Enforcement has not sent the prosecutors any referrals (because there were no criminal laws violated)

Naturally every idiot is freaking out due to Gage County Sheriffs Office and the Gage County Attorney not inventing new laws (which they can't do) and then charging people with the new laws after the action was already committed. (That pesky US Bill of Rights and not allowing ex post facto laws like the English King used to do)

I found out about it from 1 of the Gage Prosecutors who wanted my advice on what (if anything) his office should say about it.

It's amazing that people in Gage County didn't really have a mass freak out when it came out that they wrongfully convicted 6 innocent people and sent them to the State Pen for 20 years.... but lose their minds and want pure anarchy and no rule of law all because some horses negligently (no intent) died at a Vet clinic.
This is absolutely incredible


Elite Member
Newport Beach, CA
I don't have social media (other than a Twitter burner for the news) but apparently on Facebook it's a shit show of people freaking out because "animals > humans"
Dennis Prager tells a story about a question he asks when he gives a talk to college students. He asks them if there was a stranger and your dog drowning, and you only had the ability to save one, which would it be? Let's just say most of the strangers would drown. "Pets > humans" every time.


Elite Member
I graduated from Elkhorn Mt Michael. Most of us were dorky nerds so being the coolest kid there was like being the skinniest kid at Fat Camp. Most of them to this day couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50's. Only had 28 in my class but pretty confident in saying I've gotten way more quantity & quality strange than any of them. I think about half of them are doctors & lawyers. We had 1 go to Stanford and later start a computer company who is now rich as shit. Anther was Yale ending up as an Ambassador to a country. 1 started an export import company that did quite well. Had one who was building golf courses all over the country. Had another go to the Naval Academy that ended up being a Nuclear Physicist on a Submarine. Gotta say that sounds like an interesting job.
That's what I did/do now. Nuclear Engineer with a specialization in Health Physics.

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
Dennis Prager tells a story about a question he asks when he gives a talk to college students. He asks them if there was a stranger and your dog drowning, and you only had the ability to save one, which would it be? Let's just say most of the strangers would drown. "Pets > humans" every time.
Those people need mental help

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