Man that dog has reaffirmed that I'm not ready for a kid. He got into a fight with the 100 pound neighbor dog an in the process he got cut in his ear. He proceeded to rub that raw which led to an infection. Thankfully we were able to get some amoxicillan and a dog cone. So far he seems to be ok with the dog cone as he's broken 2 of them so far because he likes to use it as a battering ram. He's figured out how to scoop snow with it which seems to be another unexpected positive.
The other day his face swelled up like he ate a bee or something. We freaked out, because there isn't a vet here, and the flights to Anchorage were 600 round trip. Thankfully benadryl worked on the swelling although we never did figure out what happened. He's been a little shit the last week, since I returned to work, because he got accustomed to lots of walks and naps on the couch.