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tPB Parents Venting Thread

Fargo Husker

Elite Member
I know many on here are parents like me and, oftentimes, our children do ridiculous, asinine, and downright annoying things. Well, here’s your place to vent about those things.

Our youngest (son, almost 3yo) has really started to enter his tantrum phase over the past couple weeks. He’d obviously had some before but they are now getting to the stage where they’re more frequent. I can deal with the typical stuff pretty well (i.e. screaming, crying, throwing stuff). What grinds my gears the most is the game where he says he wants something so I offer to do it, then he says he doesn’t want it, and then when I don’t do it he gets mad and says he wants it again. Just tremendous fun all around.
My 9 year old doesn't pick up shit around the house and constantly makes messes. My wife called her disgusting today after looking in her backpack. Maybe she finally realizes she needs to toughen up on her and make her clean up her fucking shit.
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My 9 year old is super sensitive. I'm skeptical she's mine.

Couple of weeks ago I was driving her home from school. Stairway to Heaven comes on the radio. After a minute or two I say...This is such a great song. Isn't this song awesome Amelia?

She says...No. I don't like it.

Naturally I respond that she's crazy. I ask if she has something wrong with her ears. *laughter* I say...When you get home tell your mother that you don't like it. She may not feed you dinner but I think she needs to know. *laughter*

I drop her off and head back to work. As I'm driving I get a phone call from my wife.

She asks...What is going on with Amelia. She just burst into tears for no reason.

I explain I have no idea. What happened?

She said Amelia came in the door and asked what my favorite song was. She told her...oh I don't know. If I had to pick one it would probably be Stairway to Heaven. Then she burst into tears and wouldn't tell me what was wrong.
My 9 year old is super sensitive. I'm skeptical she's mine.

Couple of weeks ago I was driving her home from school. Stairway to Heaven comes on the radio. After a minute or two I say...This is such a great song. Isn't this song awesome Amelia?

She says...No. I don't like it.

Naturally I respond that she's crazy. I ask if she has something wrong with her ears. *laughter* I say...When you get home tell your mother that you don't like it. She may not feed you dinner but I think she needs to know. *laughter*

I drop her off and head back to work. As I'm driving I get a phone call from my wife.

She asks...What is going on with Amelia. She just burst into tears for no reason.

I explain I have no idea. What happened?

She said Amelia came in the door and asked what my favorite song was. She told her...oh I don't know. If I had to pick one it would probably be Stairway to Heaven. Then she burst into tears and wouldn't tell me what was wrong.
Kids don't get sarcasm. It fucks me up almost daily.
My wife is pretty rational. Children much less so. I can understand a kid going from 0 to 60 when I tell him shit he doesn't want to hear cause he's 4 and doesn't know better. It drives me crazy when it happens for no reason, but kids are kids I guess.
This is what happened to us tonight. Son got upset absolutely out of nowhere. We hadn’t told him he couldn’t do/have something or anything like that. 🤷🏻‍♂️
My 6 year old is always good for a quip (and about 2 breakdowns per day... I feel your pain OP).

The latest... We were watching Bugs Bunny the other night and Bugs was talking to two "human" characters and she looks at me all serious and asks... "Why don't they ever freak out because a rabbit is talking to them?"

I've watched Looney Tunes for 40 years and I've honestly never thought about that. I don't know sweetie, I don't know.
My 9 year old is super sensitive. I'm skeptical she's mine.

Couple of weeks ago I was driving her home from school. Stairway to Heaven comes on the radio. After a minute or two I say...This is such a great song. Isn't this song awesome Amelia?

She says...No. I don't like it.

Naturally I respond that she's crazy. I ask if she has something wrong with her ears. *laughter* I say...When you get home tell your mother that you don't like it. She may not feed you dinner but I think she needs to know. *laughter*

I drop her off and head back to work. As I'm driving I get a phone call from my wife.

She asks...What is going on with Amelia. She just burst into tears for no reason.

I explain I have no idea. What happened?

She said Amelia came in the door and asked what my favorite song was. She told her...oh I don't know. If I had to pick one it would probably be Stairway to Heaven. Then she burst into tears and wouldn't tell me what was wrong.
I don’t like this song.

Somehow it came up in conversation at a family gathering that my sweet mother lost her virginity to it.

I don’t like this song.
My 17 month old daughter went through a phase of throwing her entire plate of food on the floor routinely when she was “done”. That boiled my blood every time—think we remedied that, though.

I’m sure I’m in for far worse as time goes in and we add baby #2 in July, but to this point that is the worst. I’m also by far more patient than my wife so I’m sure her list is longer.
I know many on here are parents like me and, oftentimes, our children do ridiculous, asinine, and downright annoying things. Well, here’s your place to vent about those things.

Our youngest (son, almost 3yo) has really started to enter his tantrum phase over the past couple weeks. He’d obviously had some before but they are now getting to the stage where they’re more frequent. I can deal with the typical stuff pretty well (i.e. screaming, crying, throwing stuff). What grinds my gears the most is the game where he says he wants something so I offer to do it, then he says he doesn’t want it, and then when I don’t do it he gets mad and says he wants it again. Just tremendous fun all around.
I’ve got a 3 year old also. He is more rambunctious than anything, but when he throws a tantrum i usually ignore him. He also gets plenty of spankings when listening becomes an issue.

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