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The Message Board Fallacy (2 Viewers)


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
I know this is gonna go over like a fart in church on this site, but fuck it.

A couple points I think we can all agree on to get started:

1.) TPB is unequivocally the greatest Husker message board of all time. Hell, it might be the greatest message board in general of all time regardless of topic. That being said, it is not immune to what makes all sports message boards miserable from time to time: it becomes an echo chamber based solely off of the opinions of the the most emotionally attached fans.

2.) Local (and sometimes National) media reacts to coaching controversies by putting out headlines that will get clicks, generate reactions on social media, and hook people to a story.

Considering the above, I think we (as a collective Husker message board community) are misjudging the perception of our program from the perspective of the “average Husker fan” and non-fan alike. Which also leads me to believe we very well could be misjudging the perception of Nebraska’s administration as it relates to the direction of the program.

A few strictly anecdotal observations that have lead to this inference:

1.) I see a couple dozen pet owners a day, most of them Husker fans. I make small talk with all of them, and end up talking Husker football with most of the men. Over the last week, I had somewhere in the range of 20 conversations in my clinic venture to Scott Frosts future.

One guy said Frost should be fired. One guy.

The rest, every single one of them, said he should be given more time. They cited the usual reasons that many scoff at: we’re close, we’ve belonged on the same field as every team we have played including top 10 teams, we’re one kicker away, Frost is young and will learn, can’t keep firing coaches every 3-4 years, etc.

2.) I watched Big Noon Kickoff today and Rob Stone essentially asked the other 4 if Frost should be retained. They all said…yes. Bush, Leinart, Stoops, Quinn. 4/4 national media members said he needs more time.

3.) I look at Facebook and Twitter posts from the OWH and Journal Star from columns by Sip, Shatel, Dirk, etc. that are skeptical, to varying degrees, of Frosts future. There’s a whole range of comments under each of them but again, the vast majority of them support Frost, or at the very least say he deserves another year.

Bottom line: because of where we choose to get our Husker football fix (message boards), we are repeatedly exposed to the opinions that come from fans who are much more emotionally invested than your average fan. And based on the anecdotally observations I listed above, there is a huge disconnect between our collective perception of the program and reality. My guess is there’s also a disconnect between what we think and what Turd and Ted think.

I don’t really want to discuss the merits of keeping Frost or firing him in this thread. But I think many of us could use a wake up call to realize that the community in which we form our opinions from is disconnected from the rest of Husker Nation. We most likely are, unfortunately, a vocal minority.

Fun fact about the one and only guy in my clinic who said Frost should be fired: during one of his previous visits, he told me about some rumor he had heard. I asked him where he heard it. His answer: The Red Sea Scrolls.

Yep. The one and only person who told me Frost should be fired is a message board guy. We are the absolute fucking worst.

Pepe Silvia

Wide Receiver
Elite Member

all I know is that I wouldn't want to associate with people who view this result as acceptable. they are a bunch of fucking losers


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
A lot of Husker fans on my social media want him retained.

Grits and Gravy

Elite Member
I think you nailed it.

Anger wants a voice
Voices want to sing
Singers harmonize 'til they can't hear anything.


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
A lot of Husker fans on my social media want him retained.
A said this the other day…overwhelming majority of folks on Facebook pages want him retained


Graduate Assistant
I have taken a lot of time off the boards from what I generally do and the notion about all message boards being disconnected from reality is 100% true.

Just this afternoon I was remembering when some prominent members over on RSS were talking about how great of a head coach Bob Diaco will make when Riley hangs it up.

I also remember not months after that was the prevailing opinion that people were honestly suggesting that Scott Frost would take a demotion from his position as the head coach at UCF and come here to be our offensive coordinator while he learned how to be a head coach from Mike Riley.

Bottom line, nobody posts on any message board thinking they’re wrong before they post it and we all have our opinions some strong and some not so strong. But just because any one of us believes or feels something doesn’t make it so.


Elite Member
Just this afternoon I was remembering when some prominent members over on RSS were talking about how great of a head coach Bob Diaco will make when Riley hangs it up.

I also remember not months after that was the prevailing opinion that people were honestly suggesting that Scott Frost would take a demotion from his position as the head coach at UCF and come here to be our offensive coordinator while he learned how to be a head coach from Mike Riley.

Bottom line, nobody posts on any message board thinking they’re wrong before they post it and we all have our opinions some strong and some not so strong. But just because any one of us believes or feels something doesn’t make it so.

Yeah I remember when some guy on this board told me this Nebraska team was going to win more than 6 games - lotta bad takes on here for sure


Graduate Assistant
Yeah I remember when some guy on this board told me this Nebraska team was going to win more than 6 games - lotta bad takes on here for sure

Yep I was wrong. It ended up being a bad take, yes.

As I said in the post you quoted, just because someone feels or thinks something doesn’t make it so. I appreciate you bringing up an instance that demonstrates that point.


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
I think you nailed it.

Anger wants a voice
Voices want to sing
Singers harmonize 'til they can't hear anything.
We do the same thing with our political beliefs. We follow people on Twitter and Facebook whose beliefs align with ours. TikTok has an algorithm that does that for the user. And in the end, it pulls us further to the right or further to the left.


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
when you consider the intelligence of people who post the most of FB, I'm not sure that's exactly a positive thing for the Frost cult to promote
funny you bring up intelligence, because your post seems to completely miss the point of my post and of this thread


Pussy Patrol
Elite Member
Yep I was wrong. It ended up being a bad take, yes.

As I said in the post you quoted, just because someone feels or thinks something doesn’t make it so. I appreciate you bringing up an instance that demonstrates that point.
Appreciate your takes true. Hindsight is 20/20 and that’s especially true this season. Who could have foreseen our kickers/punters single-handedly losing us 3 games against top 10 opponents, or the same team that should have beaten 3 or 4 top 10 opponents also shitting the bed against Illinois, Minnesota, and Purdue. Although the Purdue loss doesn’t look as bad today as it did last week.


Graduate Assistant
We do the same thing with our political beliefs. We follow people on Twitter and Facebook whose beliefs align with ours. TikTok has an algorithm that does that for the user. And in the end, it pulls us further to the right or further to the left.

Basically, if you have an opinion you can find a place on the internet that will “prove” or agree with your opinion regardless of how dumb said opinion is.

Honestly, I’ve been talking such little football this year that I couldn’t tell you what I think the majority opinion is on Frost. But I could tell you exactly what it was in 07 and 17.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
I think the educated fans who closely follow Husker Football generally want Frost fired. I know amongst my group of friends and family the passionate ones who follow it closely want him gone. The ones who basically get their information from the World Herald and Ross Jurnstrom believe he just needs more time. They don't read about what is going on behind the scenes or follow recruiting. It seems the more you learn about Scott and how he runs the program the more frustrated you get.


Elite Member
Appreciate your takes true. Hindsight is 20/20 and that’s especially true this season. Who could have foreseen our kickers/punters single-handedly losing us 3 games against top 10 opponents, or the same team that should have beaten 3 or 4 top 10 opponents also shitting the bed against Illinois, Minnesota, and Purdue. Although the Purdue loss doesn’t look as bad today as it did last week.

But the Michigan State loss looks worse…..

Sous Chef

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
And this is why we are mocked as being delusional by so many other fan bases and national pundits. Each and every one of the fans who are saying give Frost more time wouldn't say the same thing if he were any other coach. Period. We all want Frost to be the guy who restores the winning tradition. What we want and what is reality are two different things. In the long run it won't matter. Unless Frost under goes a major transformation over the off season of who he is as a coach we will be in a similar spot next year this time. Unless Frost not only gets it that stats don't mean shit if you don't win and proactively finds coaches who are good upgrades to replace the OBVIOUS weaknesses on his staff it's only delaying the inevitable.

Frost had every reason and opportunity to make moves in the off season after last year's shit show. He doubled down on Martinez and his staff. So far he has proven that he is if not incapable of change then at best he is so highly resistant to change that it might as well be the same thing. When I listen to him talk I hear a man who doesn't really think that there is anything inherently wrong with his approach to his job. It's just been so much bad luck. His refusal to even internally accept blame will only mean that the same stupid shit will keep happening over and over and over ad nauseum next year as well. I think we all know that there is a realistic chance that Martinez will return for another year of piling up meaningless stats and never winning games that should be won against teams with a pulse.

So fuck it. Bring him back for another year of moral victories. Who gives a fuck? Apparently not Husker fans. As long as our coach is "the right guy" winning games means nothing anymore. To quote our fearful leader: We all know where this is headed.

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