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RSS Has it all wrong (1 Viewer)


Running Back
Elite Member
Hey Big 10, we won’t play unless you give into our demands, even though that could hurt the Big 10’s chances off having a member play in the playoffs. That would go over great with Nebraska’s conference partners who would like the extra money from having a playoff team. I can’t imagine the amount of negative press Nebraska would get from the National media.

Nebraska has had plenty of embarrassing moments on the field over the last two decades. There’s no reason to extend that embarrassment to off-the-field activities as well.
Arguably too late, depending on perspective.


Graduate Assistant
Idk. I think if anyone approaches you about another game, you say that you'll play because that's what you wanted to do all year

You demand a bowl slot because you’ve essentially just ended any chance of getting one adding a second top 5 team to your schedule. If this scenario plays out, our opponent’s combined record would stand at 20-11 and almost 50% of those losses come from 1-5 PSU.

You tell them more TV dollars because you’re providing the content and round one of this matchup had 7 million viewers. You don’t have to say take from school x to pay us. Tell Kevin Warren to open Jim Delaney’s vault and cut us a check. This is absolutely no different than when schools pay schools to come play during non-con.

Yes we want to play. You told us at every turn to fall in line and when we didn’t you had your idiots at every national outlet write a bunch of shit articles about us and you kept us from playing another game there should have been no issue with us playing. So if you want us to come to the table here, you’re gonna have to make it worth our time.

If I’m Moos and Kevin Warren says no, I tell him he’s got to go tell Gene Smith and tOSU that they don’t get to play for the conference title and the committee isn’t going to pick a team that only played 5 games to play for a Natty. Because I won’t be the one to have that conversation with the program that runs the conference.


Running Back
Elite Member
You demand a bowl slot because you’ve essentially just ended any chance of getting one adding a second top 5 team to your schedule. If this scenario plays out, our opponent’s combined record would stand at 20-11 and almost 50% of those losses come from 1-5 PSU.

You tell them more TV dollars because you’re providing the content and round one of this matchup had 7 million viewers. You don’t have to say take from school x to pay us. Tell Kevin Warren to open Jim Delaney’s vault and cut us a check. This is absolutely no different than when schools pay schools to come play during non-con.

Yes we want to play. You told us at every turn to fall in line and when we didn’t you had your idiots at every national outlet write a bunch of shit articles about us and you kept us from playing another game there should have been no issue with us playing. So if you want us to come to the table here, you’re gonna have to make it worth our time.

If I’m Moos and Kevin Warren says no, I tell him he’s got to go tell Gene Smith and tOSU that they don’t get to play for the conference title and the committee isn’t going to pick a team that only played 5 games to play for a Natty. Because I won’t be the one to have that conversation with the program that runs the conference.
Whole lot of words to not recognize the B1G can just change the rule and let Ohio State into the B1G title game.

Also, how fucking embarrassing for us. GIVE US A BOWL GAME OR ELSE! (said the 1-4 hapless and last-place-in-the-B1G West Nebraska Cornhuskers)


Graduate Assistant
Whole lot of words to not recognize the B1G can just change the rule and let Ohio State into the B1G title game.

Also, how fucking embarrassing for us. GIVE US A BOWL GAME OR ELSE! (said the 1-4 hapless and last-place-in-the-B1G West Nebraska Cornhuskers)

In this scenario, if they were going to change the rule they would have likely 1) already done it by now or 2) Would never approach us to play tOSU.

You realize that in the scenario laid out you’re all but guaranteeing that your team doesn’t get to .500, and won’t get more practice time in for bowl prep, right? If you’re going to ask us to do that and add a second game against the #3 ranked team in the nation you’re going to have to do some stuff for us.


Running Back
Elite Member
In this scenario, if they were going to change the rule they would have likely 1) already done it by now or 2) Would never approach us to play tOSU.

You realize that in the scenario laid out you’re all but guaranteeing that your team doesn’t get to .500, and won’t get more practice time in for bowl prep, right? If you’re going to ask us to do that and add a second game against the #3 ranked team in the nation you’re going to have to do some stuff for us.
We aren't winning out as is, but I'll humor that point just for the thought experiment.

In the situation that we're looking for another opponent on 12/12, we're already in the situation where we don't get to .500 unless we play (and win). Some fucking leverage we got there...not to mention, .500 doesn't matter this year, even if bowls actually end up happening (not convinced they do at this point, but it's fair to ignore that reality for the good of the thought experiment).

Regarding the decision process, it doesn't stop at #2. They approach us and we pretend like we have a big dick when we really have next to nothing but a shitshow going on in Lincoln, it's not like 3) well, we tried, but nothing worked out, so Ohio State beat Indiana head's up and they get to go to the title game isn't on the table. Laughable to think otherwise.


Graduate Assistant
We aren't winning out as is, but I'll humor that point just for the thought experiment.

In the situation that we're looking for another opponent on 12/12, we're already in the situation where we don't get to .500 unless we play (and win). Some fucking leverage we got there...not to mention, .500 doesn't matter this year, even if bowls actually end up happening (not convinced they do at this point, but it's fair to ignore that reality for the good of the thought experiment).

Regarding the decision process, it doesn't stop at #2. They approach us and we pretend like we have a big dick when we really have next to nothing but a shitshow going on in Lincoln, it's not like 3) well, we tried, but nothing worked out, so Ohio State beat Indiana head's up and they get to go to the title game isn't on the table. Laughable to think otherwise.

Yes. Everyone is bowl eligible. However, the conference is going to get X amount of bowl slots still. Come to think of it, this may be a flawed thought anyways because I don’t think conferences dictate who goes to what bowl game as I believe the bowls themselves do. So this may not even be a thing.

This whole year was played because they wanted to give tOSU a shot to play for a Natty. Give us some incentive to play a second game against a playoff team. At the moment, there is nothing for Nebraska, in the scenario laid out, to gain by playing another game against tOSU. Open up the vault and cut us a check. This is no different than when OOC opponents get paid to play in the first few weeks.

In your #3, that’s fine. But if they were going to change the rules they were always going to change the rules. Us saying no wouldn’t have any bearing on it.


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member
Reading this thread is like ...



Elite Member
Your Mom's House
I actually like Dean's idea of Ohio St playing Maryland and us playing Rutgers. Would be really embarrassing if se lost to Rutgers though.


Offensive Lineman
We’re the guy holding the gun given that we can say no and keep tOSU from playing for a big ten title and a Natty. That’s who we are.
No we actually aren't. If Nebraska's game gets cancelled, they are going to have them play Rutgers and OSU will play Maryland.

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