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Random guy on FB says Urban meeting with boosters today (2 Viewers)


Elite Member
Frost might have been a better a coach on meth.


Running Back
Elite Member

I know it is fun to get caught up in the hype but something needs to be pointed out....

When Urban was near microphones as an NFL coach talking to other coaches he could be heard saying how much he liked the NFL better because he "didn't have to make any recruiting calls"

If he was being honest and not just shooting the shit, then that spells trouble for getting back into the college game where recruiting year round and from the portal has become the rule and not the exception.


Running Back
Elite Member

I know it is fun to get caught up in the hype but something needs to be pointed out....

When Urban was near microphones as an NFL coach talking to other coaches he could be heard saying how much he liked the NFL better because he "didn't have to make any recruiting calls"

If he was being honest and not just shooting the shit, then that spells trouble for getting back into the college game where recruiting year round and from the portal has become the rule and not the exception.
There are 130 D1 College Football Coaches with the same opinion.

I hate cold calling but understand if I don’t spend some time doing it I won’t be good at my job.

Dell Husker

Sip confirming it:

Heard this morning from highly-connected source in the coaching industry that Turd Alberts will indeed meet with Urban Meyer this weekend, if it hasn't happened already.

Meyer is in town for Oklahoma-Nebraska as part of FOX's crew.

Alberts told reporters earlier this week that just because he's talking to a certain coach or former coach, it's not necessarily because the AD is interested in that person for Nebraska's head coach opening.

It would be sort of odd if Alberts didn't tap into Meyer's wisdom while Meyer is in Memorial Stadium for a couple days.

Maybe Alberts will ask Meyer for recommendations as Alberts goes through the process of hiring Nebraska's next coach.

Or, perhaps Alberts will even gauge Meyer's interest in the position.

If I were Alberts, I would get a few names from Meyer, then come with, "What about you? Would you perhaps be interested?"


Running Back
Elite Member
Sip confirming it:

Heard this morning from highly-connected source in the coaching industry that Turd Alberts will indeed meet with Urban Meyer this weekend, if it hasn't happened already.

Meyer is in town for Oklahoma-Nebraska as part of FOX's crew.

Alberts told reporters earlier this week that just because he's talking to a certain coach or former coach, it's not necessarily because the AD is interested in that person for Nebraska's head coach opening.

It would be sort of odd if Alberts didn't tap into Meyer's wisdom while Meyer is in Memorial Stadium for a couple days.

Maybe Alberts will ask Meyer for recommendations as Alberts goes through the process of hiring Nebraska's next coach.

Or, perhaps Alberts will even gauge Meyer's interest in the position.

If I were Alberts, I would get a few names from Meyer, then come with, "What about you? Would you perhaps be interested?"
The other side of that would be.....

Urban would be an idiot not to listen to an offer. I mean what if Nebraska comes in and offers 11 million a year? Sure at 5 or 6 million maybe Urban isn't interested, but what if Nebraska has gone nuts and offers 15?

You at least go to the dinner and see what the pitch is and if Nebraska is offering lottery ticket numbers.

Eaton Beaver

Prime Time
Elite Member
Sip confirming it:

Heard this morning from highly-connected source in the coaching industry that Turd Alberts will indeed meet with Urban Meyer this weekend, if it hasn't happened already.

Meyer is in town for Oklahoma-Nebraska as part of FOX's crew.

Alberts told reporters earlier this week that just because he's talking to a certain coach or former coach, it's not necessarily because the AD is interested in that person for Nebraska's head coach opening.

It would be sort of odd if Alberts didn't tap into Meyer's wisdom while Meyer is in Memorial Stadium for a couple days.

Maybe Alberts will ask Meyer for recommendations as Alberts goes through the process of hiring Nebraska's next coach.

Or, perhaps Alberts will even gauge Meyer's interest in the position.

If I were Alberts, I would get a few names from Meyer, then come with, "What about you? Would you perhaps be interested?"
yeah we knew this on Monday Sip! Welcome to the party

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