Day to day for Doc -
up at 2:30am, turn on npr for world affairs, then local radio news for bean and wheat( winter included) prices, have a pot of folgers (dark roast), let the dogs out to chase the coyotes away from the chickens and such, 4:15am head to the barn and see if anything needs gas or part repair, 4:35am back inside, make some cheerios and bacon while watching espn to check up on my beloved huskers, 6:30am head into town and meet the boys for coffee and local town affairs and local sports news catch up, 9:30am back to the farm and hop on the truck and go millin around the property looking for down fences/posts anywhere, 11:15am back into town and meet the coffee gang at the bar for the geezer lunch special and more national affairs $3.15 plates, 1:15pm have sex w/ Nancy, 1:18pm take a 1 hr long nap, 2:45pm back into the truck w/ appropriate fence posts/wire to fix around the property, 4:30pm hook up the ammonia and go sprayin, 9:30pm back into town one last time at the bar to have 3 bud heavys and watch jeopardy/wheel of fortune re runs from the day.