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On3 or Rivals?

well the anniversary of Dean's $1 deal is nearly upon us which means I suppose many of us will be deciding between whether to renew with Dean at regular rates or head back to Rivals dot com. Zack and team are clearly better reporters and writers and if that's all you're going by its an easy call.

However just when I thought I could quit Dean for good he goes off and hires another franchise corch, against all odds. the man just knows the right moves at the right time, what an innate sense for scrolling.
I’m with you. I rarely read any of the publisher’s content on RRS. I’m just there for the ridiculousness of it all.
I'm sticking with On3 for the time being for purely economic reasons. I really like Zack and Greg and the work they're doing over at Rivals, but Dean is comping my membership on RRS for doing the #PortalSZN thread and I don't really want to pay for 2 message board subscriptions, so I chose tPb and cancelled my Rivals subscription about a month or so ago.
I'm going to admit I am a Husker junkie and keep both subs, plus here.
247 is probably wondering what they ever did to alienate me.
Rivals. Been banned 3 times from on3 for giving better and more accurate info then those taters and calling them out when they either delete my post or when they get shit wrong.
Greg and Zach(or the guys at 247) are more humble and will admit when others have scooped them
well the anniversary of Dean's $1 deal is nearly upon us which means I suppose many of us will be deciding between whether to renew with Dean at regular rates or head back to Rivals dot com. Zack and team are clearly better reporters and writers and if that's all you're going by its an easy call.

However just when I thought I could quit Dean for good he goes off and hires another franchise corch, against all odds. the man just knows the right moves at the right time, what an innate sense for scrolling.
J- you know I love you, brother. I see no need to go to either site when we have tPB and all we need right here. I thought we all left those sites?! What am I missing? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

Rivals, easily. I got the Dollar Dean deal but I even cancelled that early. The guy just really rubs me the wrong way at this point. But more than that, Zack and Greg and Steve have turned out to be a gigantic upgrade. I'm not ashamed to admit I figured Rivals was just going to shut it down after Dean left. That was the impression they gave, that's for sure. And I didn't expect that a new crew would be able to keep the ship afloat, let alone build up into something better. I was wrong! I'm very glad I stuck around and gave them a shot, and I'm def planning to keep going there (along with the plati board of course).
I have both. But Rivals is definitely better than Tater Island and it's not even close. Of course, we are really spoiled here at tPB, as it's the Rolls Royce of the three. 247 sports doesn't count for me as it doesn't compare well to the other 3, and I don't like their ranking system.

Also, nobody replying to this thread mentioned that after $Dean defected to Tater Island, Rivals didn't ban anyone. And this was posted in a dedicated thread on this very subject.
Try 20-25 times like myself. Get in the big leagues bro @lee_carvallo_12
@That SOB Van Owen -
No negative recruiting from me here lol ... we've made a strong case for ourselves over the last nine months (wild that it's already been that long) and will continue to do so throughout spring ball. I could make a stronger pitch for ourselves right now but...I will rest my case there
What Zack is saying without saying is their offer is journalism vs the other’s stenography. I’m always on the side of journalism.

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