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Breaking Niko Cooper to the Portal

I would actually be more concerned if it was another offensive guy. I’m not a big Chinander fan, but we know his guys want to play for him. That says a lot.
Yeah I wonder what the dynamic is there between Frost and Chins with these players
I honestly just blame this generation as a whole. All schools deal with it, but it obviously looks worse when you lose a lot.

little story, I’m 28 so I’m not THAT MUCH older than these kids. One of my best friends is an assistant coach at the high school we all played baseball at. He’s 2 years younger than me but I played with his older brother. Anyway, hate to be that guy but when we played, we won multiple state championships and had a stellar culture. This was only 2010-2011. Respect for coaches, team mates, accountability, hard work, you name it. Sooooooo 2 summers now ago, we were bored on a Sunday and just decided that a few of us would go up to the field and play a little pickup game before they had a game that evening. My friend/their coach was with us. So team starts to show up, starts to go through warm ups and us older guys back off but are asked to just stick around and hang out. Head coach and main assistants are the same now as they were then, stability concept. We’re all still cool so we stuck around and BSed for a little bit. Tbis baseball program hasn’t won a state title since we’d been there. It was a little drop off in talent after we left, but it’s very evident that just the attitude and culture has changed greatly since we’ve been gone and it’s strictly the players actions. They simply don’t care as much as we did. They called all the coaches by their first names, not “coach” or anything respectful, clearly didn’t give a shit taking ground balls, some didn’t even show up with hats on or had them backwards, whatever. One kid stopped during warm ups, walked over and grabbed his phone, brought it back out to ground balls, and just sat there on it. My buddy tried to discipline a kid who was a few minutes late and the kid said “yeah whatever Sam” back to him. He’s a COACH. Shit wouldn’t have flown even 5 years ago there. Me and my best friend were shocked. He was a high profile pitcher at Pickle Smoochers from like 2011-2015, so he’s seen good programs.

I blame these younger generations

Is it hilarious to anyone else that 28 year old's are already calling those younger than them soft? Greatest Generation and Baby Boom folks have been doing it forever regarding gen-X and millennials, but to me this seems rather "too soon." JMHO.

Surely something has changed anecdotally in your former baseball program, but it might be a stretch to far to pin it on the current kids in the program if the coaches are still the same.
Is it hilarious to anyone else that 28 year old's are already calling those younger than them soft? Greatest Generation and Baby Boom folks have been doing it forever regarding gen-X and millennials, but to me this seems rather "too soon." JMHO.

Surely something has changed anecdotally in your former baseball program, but it might be a stretch to far to pin it on the current kids in the program if the coaches are still the same.
Am 30.

I'm soft as fuck.
Sean said over on RSS that he’s the guy that he told the story about in TT a while back that bitched out a veteran walk on player holding him accountable for missing a workout and making the whole team do extra work....don’t think he’ll be missed

Assuming that’s true I’d take it as a positive. When a guy leaves at a weird time it’s either because of an emergency, or the team hates him
Is it hilarious to anyone else that 28 year old's are already calling those younger than them soft? Greatest Generation and Baby Boom folks have been doing it forever regarding gen-X and millennials, but to me this seems rather "too soon." JMHO.

Surely something has changed anecdotally in your former baseball program, but it might be a stretch to far to pin it on the current kids in the program if the coaches are still the same.
I’m 29 and think that people @Pipe Line s age are soft AF
Is it hilarious to anyone else that 28 year old's are already calling those younger than them soft? Greatest Generation and Baby Boom folks have been doing it forever regarding gen-X and millennials, but to me this seems rather "too soon." JMHO.

Surely something has changed anecdotally in your former baseball program, but it might be a stretch to far to pin it on the current kids in the program if the coaches are still the same.
Not trying to be cheesy or cliche or anything but it’s really similar to Nebraska Football over the last 20 years. After we graduated, they were still pretty good for about 3 years, but never quite “got there” meaning a state title or anything. But as time went on, and those new guys stopped seeing older guys who had been there before and saw what it took, it slowly got worse. They play a shit load of games in legion ball and I’m pretty sure they only won like 10 games? Which is terrible. Just from what I saw that day and what our friend had told us about the team, it was just very evident that the care wasn’t the same, they didn’t like being called out for things, and the details weren’t there

call it what you want, I call it soft
Not trying to be cheesy or cliche or anything but it’s really similar to Nebraska Football over the last 20 years. After we graduated, they were still pretty good for about 3 years, but never quite “got there” meaning a state title or anything. But as time went on, and those new guys stopped seeing older guys who had been there before and saw what it took, it slowly got worse. They play a shit load of games in legion ball and I’m pretty sure they only won like 10 games? Which is terrible. Just from what I saw that day and what our friend had told us about the team, it was just very evident that the care wasn’t the same, they didn’t like being called out for things, and the details weren’t there

call it what you want, I call it soft

Peoples feelings are the most important thing now.

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