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Who replaces Cooper at DB coach? (1 Viewer)

Stan Raymond

Cooper's replacement could go many ways.

-Could hire a straight up replacement and an assistant DB coach.
-Could hire a S coach and a CB coach.
-Could hire an older experienced DB coach and a younger DB coach, but only one recruits off campus.

Lot's of ways that Rhule could approach this as there is flexibility in number of coaches, plenty of money and different ways to divide it up.


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
None of our GAs or assistants are DB centric. WRs and DL. This is Williams, Sneed, Savage-Lewis, and Potenza.

McGarry was LBs and DL.
Bringuel was LBs.

I don’t think we can ask White to stay in the DB room without help (I.e. they are actually doing the coaching) from our GAs and analysts. Further, Coop was the leading candidate for DC after White gets a HC gig. This screams external to me.

I assume Busch would be a fine hire but that’s a place holder and not a strategic move. This is a position we need to knock out of the park given half the defense on any given play comes out of this room. We need to have our future DB coach on staff this year as it’ll have to recruit effectively and develop potential DC in waiting.

I also don’t see us going after someone in Tony White’s network as is likely that we’re hiring someone for White to just take to his next stop.
Curious why you refer to Busch as a placeholder - is it because he wouldn’t go on to be the DC if White were to leave?


Ziggy Stardust
Elite Member
Curious why you refer to Busch as a placeholder - is it because he wouldn’t go on to be the DC if White were to leave?
It’s all moot at this point but it was because Busch is happily retired. Try telling a retired person to come in and bust their ass working again. It won’t work.
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