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New Years Day Bowl Thread

Not sure we have the depth to consider this. Can you imagine Wandale getting hurt on special teams? Fans would have a heyday with that decision.
I don't think Wandale is a great candidate, but given that guys can get hurt on a number of inconsequential plays, i think it's better to take special teams seriously than to hope we can put out not shit tier special teams with basically no talent on the field.
I don't think Wandale is a great candidate, but given that guys can get hurt on a number of inconsequential plays, i think it's better to take special teams seriously than to hope we can put out not shit tier special teams with basically no talent on the field.

Now that I agree with. Special teams needs to improve immensely. How that's done overall, I don't have the answers but they need to figure it out.

I used WR as an example because Olave is a star receiver.
OSU is fun to watch at the moment. Using the pass to open up their other offensive options.
I hate how espn thinks a gold background on down and distance is a good idea.

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