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New Years Day Bowl Thread

Big ten is showing some dominance in bowl season. Northwestern rolling Auburn, Wisconsin handling WF and now Ohio state smoking Clemson. I don't care what anyone says, big ten is the toughest conference from top to bottom.
Fields ribs aren’t broken. Maybe slightly bruised. He could have barely breathed let alone play football and throw if they were.
I got the feeling he was intentionally exaggerating the grimacing for the cameras he knew were pointed on him. He put everything he could into that 60 yard pass. If his ribs were truly injured that would have been really painful.

Unless as the doc said the drugs were really good.
Big ten is showing some dominance in bowl season. Northwestern rolling Auburn, Wisconsin handling WF and now Ohio state smoking Clemson. I don't care what anyone says, big ten is the toughest conference from top to bottom.
I'm torn between wanting this trend to continue and wanting Indiana to lose for their temper tantrum about which bowl they got.
Fields ribs aren’t broken. Maybe slightly bruised. He could have barely breathed let alone play football and throw if they were.

I fell about 8 feet off a ladder almost two years ago and landed on my miter-saw stand, with a much smaller radius than a football helmet. That did break three ribs, and I couldn't get into my car without totally bracing myself and holding my breath,, let alone throw a ball 61 yards. (I never could throw a football that far, but I digress).

The chances of an 18-22 year old getting ribs broken by a football helmet spearing/targeting are next to nothing.

The weird thing is, aside from an extreme rib breakage with penetration into the chest cavity, there's not much more the meds know about treating bruised ribs differently than broken ribs.
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