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Nebraska offers Avery Johnson (4 Viewers)


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
Neither of those classes are good. Why should we be satisfied competing in recruiting with Minnesota?

The transfer market doesn’t excuse poor HS recruiting either.
1. No one has said that we should be satisfied competing with Minnesota.
2. No one has said that the transfer market excuses poor HS recruiting.


That Dude
Elite Member
Omaha, NE
HS coaches cover up his rape allegations? No teammates showed up to his bday party? If he’s cocky & arrogant with a dad living his nfl dream thru him, wgaf, get him on campus & see what he can do.

What’s the worst that can happen, he gets a revenge porn charge while being a dumb asshole & ya send him packing.
early nominee for post of the year?

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
1. No one has said that we should be satisfied competing with Minnesota.
2. No one has said that the transfer market excuses poor HS recruiting
1. Why are you bringing up rankings like it matters? Recruiting plans don’t seem to be the same thing to me. Not to mention resources and all that other fun stuff. Nebraska should (emphasis on should) offer waaaay more than a Minnesota.

It’s like two race car drivers with different cars. Frost’s got the better car, Fleck is the better driver.

2. Just trying to get in front of it. That’s usually always the next thing i hear.
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Wide Receiver
1. Why are you bringing up rankings like it matters? Recruiting plans don’t seem to be the same thing to me. Not to mention resources and all that other fun stuff. Nebraska should (emphasis on should) offer waaaay more than a Minnesota.

It’s like two race car drivers with different cars. Frost’s got better car, Fleck is the better driver.

2. Just trying to get in front of it. That’s usually always the next thing i hear.
Are we sure Frost even has a license?


Really Big Truck
Elite Member
He’s the King and the Knight


Graduate Assistant
Although I believe you know a lot of what you say, you definitely white knight for Scott. It's became very evident. I like a lot of yore posts, but man, Scott has you by the fuckin eyelids. Why?

There’s generally two valid opinions to have in most cases that arise and are discussed here. I tend to find myself hoping for the best possible outcome for Nebraska football and remembering that I am no better or worse than any other fan. Just because we spend a lot of time on a message board talking nebraska football doesn’t mean we are anyone special.

All that being said, I find it to be an objective fact that the best case scenario is for Frost to win a lot of games next year and demonstrate that this is clearly the correct path moving forward.

If we end up in a position where Frost is fired, we will lose quite a few kids that we had hopes for to transfer like every other program, we will leave our new coach with 2 weeks to fill a recruiting class and his staff due to the early signing day, he will definitely have a different offensive and defensive scheme than the one we currently run so you can count on another 3 years where there are no expectations around Nebraska football besides us hoping we don’t lose to tOSU or Wisconsin by 30.

It appears we’ve been in a state of constant rebuild or build for the past 20 years. I’d like for that to finally end. In my opinion, Frost showed this past year that he’s still got the high end potential to meet the expectations set here at Nebraska. He also has a floor that is extremely low as well. That being said, I’d much rather give a guy with a high ceiling a bit more time than maybe we should than fire him and hire someone who might have a higher floor but who’s ceiling is much lower.

The “white knight” line is used an awful lot when it doesn’t apply. Many tend to believe that as soon as they throw that gif into the thread that they’ve successfully “won” some sort of points and it’s often used as a conversation ender. I will always back the head coach at nebraska until it’s clear for all to see that he should be gone or is no longer employed. I’m a fan of the team just like you. I don’t see anything wrong with that and I hardly believe that makes anyone a white knight.

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
With the transfer portal now, we might need to redraw the lines on what is and isn’t considered good in a year or two once there is more data.

Is it a good thing to sign 14 HS kids and 12 transfers? Could be.

Is it a good thing to not take basically any transfers like Cockeyes and Wisconsin? We will see.
The goal of every offseason is to upgrade the talent on your roster. I don't ever see the portal superseding traditional high school recruiting as the most likely way to add high level talent to your team. Most high level talent never enters the portal because they never transfer so once you miss them out of high school they're gone. So it's absolutely important to sign a strong high school class each year.

There are probably a lot of different recipes to build a high level team with the emergence of the portal, but even if Nebraska settles into a 60/40 high school vs transfer distribution, I still expect the 60% to be a higher level of talent, on average, than the level of talent in other Big Ten West classes,imo.


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
1. Why are you bringing up rankings like it matters? Recruiting plans don’t seem to be the same thing to me. Not to mention resources and all that other fun stuff. Nebraska should (emphasis on should) offer waaaay more than a Minnesota.

It’s like two race car drivers with different cars. Frost’s got the better car, Fleck is the better driver.

2. Just trying to get in front of it. That’s usually always the next thing i hear.
Because the thread is about recruiting, and other posters were discussing Minnesota's attempts to recruit Kansas.

@lee_carvallo_12 said the following: "Minnesota and Fluck know what the fuck they are doing and it shows. Frost and co… let me know when a legit & clear plan materializes."

I posted the recruiting rankings to show that our recruiting class is objectively similar to Minnesota's recruiting class, which would suggest that Minnesota isn't doing any better recruiting wise than we are, which would conflict with carvallo's claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows.

Now, if the claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows refers to on the field performance, then sure, you could make that argument. But that's not what was being discussed.


Wide Receiver
Because the thread is about recruiting, and other posters were discussing Minnesota's attempts to recruit Kansas.

@lee_carvallo_12 said the following: "Minnesota and Fluck know what the fuck they are doing and it shows. Frost and co… let me know when a legit & clear plan materializes."

I posted the recruiting rankings to show that our recruiting class is objectively similar to Minnesota's recruiting class, which would suggest that Minnesota isn't doing any better recruiting wise than we are, which would conflict with carvallo's claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows.

Now, if the claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows refers to on the field performance, then sure, you could make that argument. But that's not what was being discussed.
But the fact that MN has typically had worse classes with significantly better results on the field proves the point that Fleck has a plan and is executing it. He gets dudes that fit, buy in, and produce. Not sure Frost has gotten many, to date that have done any of that…


Graduate Assistant
The goal of every offseason is to upgrade the talent on your roster. I don't ever see the portal superseding traditional high school recruiting as the most likely way to add high level talent to your team. Most high level talent never enters the portal because they never transfer so once you miss them out of high school they're gone. So it's absolutely important to sign a strong high school class each year.

There are probably a lot of different recipes to build a high level team with the emergence of the portal, but even if Nebraska settles into a 60/40 high school vs transfer distribution, I still expect the 60% to be a higher level of talent, on average, than the level of talent in other Big Ten West classes,imo.

I’d tend to agree with what you’re saying. I’d say 60/40 high school to transfers is too high. I’d say 70/30.

Calling it like it is this year, the staff 100% missed on players they wanted for this high school class and they made some really dumb choices. As I have said previously here or on RSS (and for you @The Bearded One ), taking a kid like the RB who signed with Cal instead of Justin Williams was stupid. Taking a kid like Grant Page who you ended up cutting loose instead of Landon Samson was also ridiculous. Torres couldn’t possibly have been first choice and while he’s an interesting prospect, him and Haarberg should have both been second QBs in classes rather than the only ones. Which is why we are after Purdy now. Which brings me to my biggest frustration with the staff, which is that we apparently feel like we can only take one QB per year and they’ve all been projects rather than well-coached fundamentally sound QBs.

Having said all of this, there are things we need to consider in the interest of fairness and objectivity. It is fair to say that the 22 class may have been hurt because of Covid restrictions more than 21. Nebraska hasn’t been in the position to just go pluck kids they want without building relationships with them or having them visit campus.

Wrapping this up, you either get it done or you don’t regardless of circumstances. In my opinion, while the high school class isn’t great and it’s weird that I can’t name basically all of them and where they’re from, if this is just one class that ends up not meeting recruiting standards among the others from Frost that have, I’m not too concerned about it. However, if we get to a point where we win 8 games in 22 and the second class in a row looks like this one I’ll get nervous.


Elite Member
I'd still take Frost over Peepants. That's how much I illogically hate that mother fucker. If I saw him in the street I would run him over.
Don’t get me wrong, fleck is my least favorite coach and top ten least favorite sports figure. But…. He’s so much better at coaching CFB than hcsf.


Elite Member
But the fact that MN has typically had worse classes with significantly better results on the field proves the point that Fleck has a plan and is executing it. He gets dudes that fit, buy in, and produce. Not sure Frost has gotten many, to date that have done any of that…
This ^ @Kaladin ^this


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
Don’t get me wrong, fleck is my least favorite coach and top ten least favorite sports figure. But…. He’s so much better at coaching CFB than hcsf.
I agree. I'd rather lose with Frost than win with Peepants if those were my only two options.

If there was a B1G draft of coaches where you could only pick existing coaches, I had the last pick and Peepants was the only one left. I would stomp his bald head and go without a coach.


Wide Receiver
So does this mean Mr. Whipple won't be going out and recruiting much?

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
So does this mean Mr. Whipple won't be going out and recruiting much?

I think historically, they've done recruiting by region rather than by position. At least primary recruiters. No word on where the rest of the assistants are outside of Busch and Joseph though.

Red Finger

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Because the thread is about recruiting, and other posters were discussing Minnesota's attempts to recruit Kansas.

@lee_carvallo_12 said the following: "Minnesota and Fluck know what the fuck they are doing and it shows. Frost and co… let me know when a legit & clear plan materializes."

I posted the recruiting rankings to show that our recruiting class is objectively similar to Minnesota's recruiting class, which would suggest that Minnesota isn't doing any better recruiting wise than we are, which would conflict with carvallo's claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows.

Now, if the claim that Minnesota knows what the fuck they are doing and it shows refers to on the field performance, then sure, you could make that argument. But that's not what was being discussed.
And I just said the recruiting rankings are different from recruiting plans. Clearly Minnesota's 2023 plan, right in Nebraska's backyard, is better than Nebraska's plan. Had Nebraska not offered it maybe a little different....but they did...indicating they'd like to get Johnson and Edwards. They're clearly behind. Fleck has a plan. Frost does to, just not as good which is why I used the race car example.

Exclude Minnesota. There's plenty of schools that have been putting in work on those guys and Nebraska hasn't. Some aren't even in the region. Avery Johnson has already visited 5 schools. We're just now offering. I don't know how anyone with a straight face could argue we aren't behind. Doesn't matter what the reason is or what excuses someone could put to. You're behind.

If Nebraska wants a guy in Kansas, there should be zero issues getting them away from the Minnesota's, Cockeye State's, Kansas's Missouri's of the world. However, that expectation and standard appears to have gone out the window awhile ago. (with plenty of other things) How that 's being allowed? I'll never understand that. Scott Frost has been atrocious in the 500 mile radius. We want the good players in the 500. They're clearly going elsewhere.

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