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MLPFC Shit Posting

I thought Husker Priapism was just posting a pic of the new house he just bought so I liked it

But then I find out it belongs to some RSS daughter and now it just seems creepy

I got no idea what’s happening ITT lately but the vibes are hurtful IMO

Ole Skunk never did anything to anybody except be overly proud of his little girl.

The man’s gut is so big he probably hasn’t seen his penis since 1997 and he clearly has a sub 100 IQ… I vote we leave him alone.

I got no idea what’s happening ITT lately but the vibes are hurtful IMO

Ole Skunk never did anything to anybody except be overly proud of his little girl.

The man’s gut is so big he probably hasn’t seen his penis since 1997 and he clearly has a sub 100 IQ… I vote we leave him alone.

Not sure if serious…….😎🫣🤔😜🤓🤩🥸🥳😎

Good morning, gents. Just wanted to share a “quick” story about my day yesterday. I’ve got a good friend who grew up near Taylor, NE (15 miles west of Burwell) who now lives 25 miles southwest of Lincoln. (Kramer/Hallam area)

He has gotten a beef processed from Sargent Pack each year, going back 35-40 yrs. He knows the feeder where the moo-cow comes from, just outside of Sargent. All angus, corn-fed and top shelve beef.

We decided to start getting a half a beef there about theee yrs ago. We committed to the critter, he got processed a couple months later and then the phone call to show up with our checkbook and lots of coolers.

In the past we would meet my friend and his wife (and me with Mrs. Bomber) in Broken Bow, spend the night at the fabled Arrow Hotel, visit Kinkaider’s north of BB for Happy Hour, come back to the Arrow, eat, then sleep, pick up our beef the next morning and go our separate ways.

This year was different, however. Our beef ended up being done sooner than expected. Got the phone call last Friday that it was ready and we needed to get it picked up asap, as the folks at the locker plant needed the freezer space.

Neither of our wives could do the “go out the day before” thing, so he and a couple of buddies headed west yesterday morning around 7 while I had headed east around 5:45, a time that, normally, this old fuck is usually sawing logs. Had to do it tho thanks to the time-zone difference.

We got to the locker plant (who btw has been owned for 40-some yrs by a gent with the name of “Tom Osborne”) within 15 minutes of each other, got our precious cargo loaded, stopped at a small local diner for a burger and two beers and, again, headed our separate ways home.

As a storyteller, I know I’m maybe a distant 3rd place to @bbenson67 and @MtnHusker but the real reason for my offering this morning was to share the front end drive of my journey yesterday. Took me back to the harvest days of my yute.

I drove down Hwy 26 SB-Ogallala, then got on 80 to NP. Exited 80 and headed north on 83. The harvest memories came back quickly on that 16 mile drive north to the hwy 92 turnoff that would take me thru Arnold and on east to Merna and eventually to Broken Bow. And then on to the final 25 miles to Sargent.

It was a bright, sunny day (windy as shit, from the SE) and a few miles north of NP, all the way to Sargent, there were combines in more than halve of the cornfields, tractors pulling wagons and semis hauling corn. Just gave me a wave of good memories about all of the silage we chopped and corn that was picked every fall.

I’m always envious when Woodrow, Scotch, GIAH and others perform the simple task of posting pictures here and I always love seeing those pics. I had some of my own pics yesterday, if only thru my eyes and in my memory.

And the cherry on top yesterday was I made it back to ScoBlo safe and sound by somewhere around 5 and ZERO speeding tickets for the day…….😎

Happy and safe harvest to all.

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my senior year, we flipped our line to the strong side in high school. i was the guard and bet i pulled no less than 30 times a game. power, traps, false pulls. i miss it
Was an OL/OC coach, and about 6 years ago maybe, we played a team that had 2 collegiate players on their OL. RT & RG. Both ended up going on and playing at the lower D1 level - like South Dakota. They flopped their OL and it didn't matter. You knew it was going there...but they were road graders.
Good morning, gents. Just wanted to share a “quick” story about my day yesterday. I’ve got a good friend who grew up near Taylor, NE (15 miles west of Burwell) who now lives 25 miles southwest of Lincoln. (Kramer/Hallam area)

He has gotten a beef processed from Sargent Pack each year, going back 35-40 yrs. He knows the feeder where the moo-cow comes from, just outside of Sargent. All angus, corn-fed and top shelve beef.

We decided to start getting a half a beef there about theee yrs ago. We committed to the critter, he got processed a couple months later and then the phone call to show up with our checkbook and lots of coolers.

In the past we would meet my friend and his wife (and me with Mrs. Bomber) in Broken Bow, spend the night at the fabled Arrow Hotel, visit Kinkaider’s north of BB for Happy Hour, come back to the Arrow, eat, then sleep, pick up our beef the next morning and go our separate ways.

This year was different, however. Our beef ended up being done sooner than expected. Got the phone call last Friday that it was ready and we needed to get it picked up asap, as the folks at the locker plant needed the freezer space.

Neither of our wives could do the “go out the day before” thing, so he and a couple of buddies headed west yesterday morning around 7 while I had headed east around 5:45, a time that, normally, this old fuck is usually sawing logs. Had to do it tho thanks to the time-zone difference.

We got to the locker plant (who btw has been owned for 40-some yrs by a gent with the name of “Tom Osborne”) within 15 minutes of each other, got our precious cargo loaded, stopped at a small local diner for a burger and two beers and, again, headed our separate ways home.

As a storyteller, I know I’m maybe a distant 3rd place to @bbenson67 and @MtnHusker but the real reason for my offering this morning was to share the front end drive of my journey yesterday. Took me back to the harvest days of my yute.

I drove down Hwy 26 SB-Ogallala, then got on 80 to NP. Exited 80 and headed north on 83. The harvest memories came back quickly on that 16 mile drive north to the hwy 92 turnoff that would take me thru Arnold and on east to Merna and eventually to Broken Bow. And then on to the final 25 miles to Sargent.

It was a bright, sunny day (windy as shit, from the SE) and a few miles north of NP, all the way to Sargent, there were combines in more than halve of the cornfields, tractors pulling wagons and semis hauling corn. Just gave me a wave of good memories about all of the silage we chopped and corn that was picked every fall.

I’m always envious when Woodrow, Scotch, GIAH and others perform the simple task of posting pictures here and I always love seeing those pics. I had some of my own pics yesterday, if only thru my eyes and in my memory.

And the cherry on top yesterday was I made it back to ScoBlo safe and sound by somewhere around 5 and ZERO speeding tickets for the day…….😎

Happy and safe harvest to all.


@God is a Husker

Found a hoody for you.

my senior year, we flipped our line to the strong side in high school. i was the guard and bet i pulled no less than 30 times a game. power, traps, false pulls. i miss it

Was an OL/OC coach, and about 6 years ago maybe, we played a team that had 2 collegiate players on their OL. RT & RG. Both ended up going on and playing at the lower D1 level - like South Dakota. They flopped their OL and it didn't matter. You knew it was going there...but they were road graders.



@MtnHusker just went against Roger Gibbons from your neck of the woods.

Dresses like a banker but a good guy.
(At least he was nice to me)

PS: this lake property is way overpriced, I was skeptical at the start of the values the parties were claiming…. but guess I was wrong. Trial is set for late spring of 2023 and damages of $620,000.

PS: PS: internet went out at the courthouse for like 20 minutes and clogged up the docket, made me laugh tho. God damn I love rural America
@MtnHusker just went against Roger Gibbons from your neck of the woods.

Dresses like a banker but a good guy.
(At least he was nice to me)

PS: this lake property is way overpriced, I was skeptical at the start of the values the parties were claiming…. but guess I was wrong. Trial is set for late spring of 2023 and damages of $620,000.

PS: PS: internet went out at the courthouse for like 20 minutes and clogged up the docket, made me laugh tho. God damn I love rural America
Fucking Roger Gibbons. I'm using him for a Quiet Title Suit right now. He's slower than old people fucking. Not sure I will use him again. Seems really nice but deer lowered it takes him forever to get things done, or get back to me.
Fucking Roger Gibbons. I'm using him for a Quiet Title Suit right now. He's slower than old people fucking. Not sure I will use him again. Seems really nice but deer lowered it takes him forever to get things done, or get back to me.

If it makes you feel better maybe the internet keeps going out.

Everybody was blaming CoMo
I thought Husker Priapism was just posting a pic of the new house he just bought so I liked it

But then I find out it belongs to some RSS daughter and now it just seems creepy
I posted it because Skunk requested help. Only reason I posted it here, was to try and copy the link here and post it on Rival’s shitty board. It didn’t work….
I posted it because Skunk requested help. Only reason I posted it here, was to try and copy the link here and post it on Rival’s shitty board. It didn’t work….
I wasn’t directing any criticism towards you. Rather the the guy who apparently posts pictures of his daughter and her home on message boards
I wasn’t directing any criticism towards you. Rather the the guy who apparently posts pictures of his daughter and her home on message boards

Ole Skunk has been doing that since Nebraska was in the Big XII.

He might be the most caricature fan we got. No limits Message board guy who looks the way he does and constantly blows up the board talking about selling Corn. What a creature.
We’ve got a couple of bald eagles around that will circle around when the cornfield near our house gets cut. Waiting for the rabbits to scurry for the trees and dice bomb their ass.
That’s always great. Eagles and hawks love harvest. Always seeing rabbits, pheasants and coons run out in front.

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