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Inside Info Inside Info - Re: Performance Testing

Fast skinny guy that'll never play. I'm surprised he's still in the program, frankly.
For the fact that I hate the transfer portal, I applaud and respect him much more that he is still here. Probably enjoys the celebrity status around campus.
In TT the other day, Dean mentioned that Luke Reimer ran a 4.59 in the 40 and Jojo ran a 4.65. What he failed to mention is that those were the 4th and 7th fastest 40-times on the whole team. Apparently that was a cause for alarm by some people in the program...that two LB's pretty much out-ran all of our WR's, DB's, and RB's. FWIW, Jamie Nance was one of the players that was faster than Luke and Jojo...and he's not even in the discussion to be in the WR rotation.

I know Dean also said in TT that there were some issues with the electronic timing system. Perhaps that caused most of the times to be off, or that might also be code for "the times were slower than expected so we're not releasing most of them."

Take it for what it's worth...this info comes from a family member of a current player.
They had to have some major problems.... Because at worst Manning, Betts and Toure are faster than 4.59.

So if this is true that is a big fucking problem... I just question if they were getting good numbers on the 40.
Didn't Betts run in the 4.4's at that camp?
Yes... He was a top 1% athlete. I frankly think all of them are 4.4 guys.

I also think Nixon and Brown would run below a 4.59. IIRC Nixon was a 10 second 100 guy. Brown looks quick, but not sure if he has that top end gear to run a fast 40 (I just haven't noticed him in the open field.)

Not saying OP is wrong, but I think there is problems with the system more than Reimer being the 4th fastest guy.
Being around the team, it's not surprising. Team speed is not something that never really stood out to me.
Being around the team, it's not surprising. Team speed is not something that never really stood out to me.
This should be the biggest team we have had in a long time, if not ever, but I would be surprised if there wasn't more WRs and DBs running sub 4.6's.

That isn't exactly asking for a lot from them..
Yes... He was a top 1% athlete. I frankly think all of them are 4.4 guys.

I also think Nixon and Brown would run below a 4.59. IIRC Nixon was a 10 second 100 guy. Brown looks quick, but not sure if he has that top end gear to run a fast 40 (I just haven't noticed him in the open field.)

Not saying OP is wrong, but I think there is problems with the system more than Reimer being the 4th fastest guy.

Nixon tore his ACL in mid-July, so he's probably not up to full-speed yet.
Should go back to NOT releasing any info on S&C testing at all...

explosion nothing to see here GIF
@Pipe Line, how important for getting the best times is coaching the players to use the best technique for using this system?

Is it possible that those two linebackers were just better at getting out of the block and not causing an issue?

20-some years ago, I was coached for multiple sessions on how to do it best. Now (and back then), I'm slow as shit, but I have to wonder if coaching for the testing equipment has something to do with it, too.

Edited to make clear that I've never been fast.
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@Pipe Line, how important for getting the best times is coaching the players to use the best technique for using this system?

Is it possible that those two linebackers were just better at getting out of the block and not causing an issue?

20-some years ago, I was coached for multiple sessions on how to do it best. Now, I'm slow as shit, but I have to wonder if coaching for the testing equipment has something to do with it, too.
Love these kinds of conversations but I’ll do my best to keep this as short as I can. I’ll answer each paragraph one at a time

Extremely important. I’ve been out of it for about 5 years now but the electronic system I used was basically a dumbed down version of what they use for the NFL Combine. I’m sure it’s taken a step up or so since I’ve been out of it but same concept. The technique is critical. It’s the difference between “great timed speed” and “average”. You pull your thumb a hair too soon and you’re toast. There’s a bunch of biomechanics and timing with the sprinter position that goes with it but it’s very important, especially if you’re not naturally lightning quick and you’re doing this training to get faster. Now obviously I don’t know Zach’s exact S&C schedule but I know they don’t do a ton of running right now. Just enough to where they’re trying to improve 10/40 times but not enough to be considered conditioning. That’s what the Olympic/explosive/power day is for right now. Those 3 help out tremendously in the 10 yard dash and Vertical

Very possible. Detail and technique. I know it’s been said on here before that the WR room hasn’t had a true leader up to this point so maybe they haven’t cared as much about their technique which could contribute? However, I do lean more towards Sean’s claim of technical issues because again that stuff can go weird on any given for no reason at all. I’ve had a post test day or two over at X Edge where I was running the 10/40 station and for just some reason the system was sensitive and would start on a thumb flinch before high school athletes were even ready to run, which gets very frustrating. You either get 2 or 3 attempts at it depending on how Zach does it and I just find it really hard to believe that Nick Heinrich can out run Omar Manning atleast 2/3 times without technology issues. We’ve seen videos of him and I wouldn’t call Omar “bulked up” by any means. Also not trying to discredit @Driveway Jordan by any means, we know he’s a solid guy. I’m just going off my past experience

So actually during conditioning, on speed days, they do train and do sprints from the 3 point sprinter stance, and practice that movement hundreds of times as the program goes on. It’s not so much coaching I don’t think as it’s just attention to detail and focus. I should say it is coaching, yes, but it’s not the most complex thing in the world. I haven’t coached it in years and I remember every step and focal point cause I recited it so many times. I could still do it although it’d be slow as shit. It’s just making your body move as one and making everything smooth over and over again. It’s included in the conditioning program for days like testing day

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