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I feel kind of dirty posting this (1 Viewer)


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
What info did I post?
Not a thing - but to criticize a laughing critique of "WE" (very carefully phrased) as "fIrSt TiMe On ThE iNtErNeT?" is pretty telling that you're very comfortable in more of a peeping Tom role - just watching as others do things...Hilarious to jump on criticism in a thread titled "I feel kind of dirty posting this"

Michael J Fox Creep GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

I bet you know what color boxers Scotty is wearing today?


Offensive Lineman
I think it's a mistake in the County Assessor's system. The Scott Frost buying the $345k house is a completely different person. The Scott Frost buying the $4.5m house is the former Husker. He bought that one on his own (w/o his wife) and the $5.4m house with his wife.

If you check the sale agreement for the $345k house (https://recorder.maricopa.gov/UnOfficialDocs/pdf/20190446941.pdf) you'll see the signature on page 4 doesn't match Scott Frost's signature. Additionally, on page 1 it says Scott Frost is an unmarried man.

If you look at the sale agreement for the house he and his wife just bought recently (https://recorder.maricopa.gov/UnOfficialDocs/pdf/20220860382.pdf) you can see the signature on page 8 matches his signature.

The sale agreement for the $4.5m house doesn't list his wife and has no signature to compare.
His wife's signature is brutal


Not a thing - but to criticize a laughing critique of "WE" (very carefully phrased) as "fIrSt TiMe On ThE iNtErNeT?" is pretty telling that you're very comfortable in more of a peeping Tom role - just watching as others do things...Hilarious to jump on criticism in a thread titled "I feel kind of dirty posting this"

Michael J Fox Creep GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

I bet you know what color boxers Scotty is wearing today?
You're right. This thread is the first time that anyone on this site has posted any personal information about someone. The behavior is unprecedented and your brave criticism should be enshrined. Perhaps a sticky post to show how heroic you are.

...or maybe I'm not surprised that people do shit like this because I'm not naive. I don't have to engage in the behavior to know it exists. If you're so outraged, why continue to visit the site and post?


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
You're right. This thread is the first time that anyone on this site has posted any personal information about someone. The behavior is unprecedented and your brave criticism should be enshrined. Perhaps a sticky post to show how heroic you are.

...or maybe I'm not surprised that people do shit like this because I'm not naive. I don't have to engage in the behavior to know it exists. If you're so outraged, why continue to visit the site and post?
Or MAYBE when the original post in the thread says "tell me I'm creepy for posting this" and someone confirms that, we shouldn't be surprised?

My first post about it was laughing and in jest - you have taken a TON of offense to me saying "we are lunatics..."

So maybe...you can fuck right off and not get so defensive when someone says "yeah this is pretty creepy"


Or MAYBE when the original post in the thread says "tell me I'm creepy for posting this" and someone confirms that, we shouldn't be surprised?

My first post about it was laughing and in jest - you have taken a TON of offense to me saying "we are lunatics..."

So maybe...you can fuck right off and not get so defensive when someone says "yeah this is pretty creepy"
Lol, yea I'm so offended. Fuckin potato


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
If you think the term "potato" was born on this board, then you are definitely a potato.
Then use it correctly the first time...God, I've never hated someone faster than I've come to hate you in this thread. You're such a whiny bitch.

"Mooooom, he said it was weird to compare signature pages from multiple house deals, track down the woman's college basketball page, only to find out she's likely associated with a different Scott Frost who plays billiards in a high population area (his nickname is the freezer - hilarious btw), and post that likely unassociated female's cell phone number - so I told him HE was the one being outraged because he said we are lunatics! Can I suck from your teet now, mom? I'm hungry after all that work"

Sad Los Angeles Dodgers GIF by Jomboy Media

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