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How much do we think HOL staff makes?

I don’t know how it’s possible, but I have never even acquired a single frequent flier point for ChileAir..
I have a number of emails from Brat and a few from Kong (from quite a while back).
7th Brat sent me packing as well and also permabanned a few innocent accounts. She’s a fun one to troll too until she catches on what’s happening.
I feel like between all of us we could find some sort of picture of the guy
For as long as he has been working the site I’m surprised there isn’t anything out there.

On another note- there is nothing more hilarious on RRS than the crabby old men posters (one is on tPB), Rick Shaw going after Dean passive aggressively, and Mike M’s fits of rage and no sense of humor.
That’s him, I’m pretty sure he works for UPR and lives in Papillion or Bellevue
On a side note to this conversation, how much should Kevin Kugler be paid, and how much should Nic Bahe get? If their pay is equitable, I'll not understand.

Kugler is awesome, no matter BTN or Westwood One, basketball or football. I have a longstanding distaste for Bahe, but he was decent tonight.

Why in the hell is a former Jayhawk and Bluejay providing color commentary for BTN at an Nebraska game?
Well he’s lost $10/month from me effective Friday. Dude does no real work. Gives softball questions to the coaches. Hell he doesn’t even cover recruiting, the other guys do that.

I think if the team continues to suck, the subs will go down. Potentially materially
Please go out in a blaze of glory

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