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How much do we think HOL staff makes?

Yeah, not sure why people assume that one of the biggest sports journalists in the state who also owns the publishing rights to the most successful PAY Huskers board there is isn't doing damn fine. Can't speak for Clouse or Washut, but Dean is definitely very upper-middle class for Lincoln.
You think Dean goes cheap on his hired help? I definitely sense some discontent between him and Clouse. In chats they generally always give opposing views and don't really acknowledge each other. I wonder if Clouse isn't on the way out. Washut seems content to just lay back in the shadows and report on hoops.
You think Dean goes cheap on his hired help? I definitely sense some discontent between him and Clouse. In chats they generally always give opposing views and don't really acknowledge each other. I wonder if Clouse isn't on the way out. Washut seems content to just lay back in the shadows and report on hoops.

Not necessarily cheap, but I guarantee he's not giving them an equal share of all the cream coming from the publishing rights to HOL. Dean also has the KETV gig and all those speaking engagements. Now, Clouse has some of his own, but I doubt it's anywhere near what Dean has. I suspect the other guys make somewhere in the higher five figures--Washut probably more than Clouse given that he actually has a beat entirely on his own but also contributes for football. So basically, the lowball estimates people were giving for Dean are probably in the neighborhood for those dudes. I'd be shocked if Dean wasn't above $150,000, and he's probably over it by a decent margin.
Not necessarily cheap, but I guarantee he's not giving them an equal share of all the cream coming from the publishing rights to HOL. Dean also has the KETV gig and all those speaking engagements. Now, Clouse has some of his own, but I doubt it's anywhere near what Dean has. I suspect the other guys make somewhere in the higher five figures--Washut probably more than Clouse given that he actually has a beat entirely on his own but also contributes for football. So basically, the lowball estimates people were giving for Dean are probably in the neighborhood for those dudes. I'd be shocked if Dean wasn't above $150,000, and he's probably over it by a decent margin.
I think Dean rolls in it. I can't quite figure out the others or exactly what Nate's role on the team is?
My gut tells me Clouse is about ready to leave HOL....probably after signing day. Just a feeling. He seems completely checked-out. I mean it's a freakin' paysite and message board, and it's plain as day...is Dean so dumb that he thinks other people don't notice?
My gut tells me Clouse is about ready to leave HOL....probably after signing day. Just a feeling. He seems completely checked-out. I mean it's a freakin' paysite and message board, and it's plain as day...is Dean so dumb that he thinks other people don't notice?

they all seem disengaged as hell. Robin is Cleary excited about basketball so that keeps him going. But the overall level of content has been shit for awhile.
I'd put Deano the $250K or slightly more range. The other full-time guys......maybe $100 - $125K. Just a guess.
Who cares what they make? kind Of petty and Ridiculous

I actually think Robin has been the most valuable guy for a while... Nate hasn’t had a ton of info since Riley left, and has been doing next to nothing for months. If he is leaving, he better have something promising lined up..
Deab has not offered up anything of consequence for quite a while... it’s been 3 years with this staff, you’d think he could have developed a little better connections, or have someone on the staff do it.
My suggestion for the site is to have Mike be the only guy that does the chat. That shit would be fucking epic every week! Dude would have meltdowns and fly off the handle, and I would continue my membership to get to watch it every week.
I actually think Robin has been the most valuable guy for a while... Nate hasn’t had a ton of info since Riley left, and has been doing next to nothing for months. If he is leaving, he better have something promising lined up..
Deab has not offered up anything of consequence for quite a while... it’s been 3 years with this staff, you’d think he could have developed a little better connections, or have someone on the staff do it.
My suggestion for the site is to have Mike be the only guy that does the chat. That shit would be fucking epic every week! Dude would have meltdowns and fly off the handle, and I would continue my membership to get to watch it every week.
Mike reminds me of that guy that is just going to snap one of these days and absolutely no one would be surprised. Love to see him and Rick Shaw run the chat. Feed Rick some Deano questions and watch him go off. Well worth the $$. Lots of bad blood there you can tell.
Yes, he is! It would be so glorious to have him in that chat by himself. Can you imagine 5 questions in a row about Manning? Lol
Mike has no sense of humor that I have ever seen.
Mike’s lack of sense of humor is amazing. Makes me want to troll the hell out of him, but he’s Chile’d me multiple times so it ruins the fun somewhat.
Mike’s lack of sense of humor is amazing. Makes me want to troll the hell out of him, but he’s Chile’d me multiple times so it ruins the fun somewhat.
I don’t know how it’s possible, but I have never even acquired a single frequent flier point for ChileAir..
I have a number of emails from Brat and a few from Kong (from quite a while back).

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