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How much do we think HOL staff makes?

Fargo Husker

Elite Member
@TrentMilfer brought this up in the RSS Chat thread and it’s something I’ve wondered myself for a while.

I do not have the foggiest idea how salaries work in the realm of online sports journalism or what the ranges of salaries would even look like. Is there anyone out here in tPb land that would be able to make an educated guess on what Dean, Clouse, Robin, and Matya make in a year?
@Mike Wheeler probably would have the best guess of anybody.

Tough to tell with Dean because of all of his other revenue streams, if you will, speaking engagements, KETV, radio shows, etc. Wouldn't surprise me if he pulled in like $70k but also wouldn't be surprised if it was over $100k.

I'm guessing everybody else is $50k-$65k ish.
@Mike Wheeler probably would have the best guess of anybody.

Tough to tell with Dean because of all of his other revenue streams, if you will, speaking engagements, KETV, radio shows, etc. Wouldn't surprise me if he pulled in like $70k but also wouldn't be surprised if it was over $100k.

I'm guessing everybody else is $50k-$65k ish.
The Husker Rivals network is one of the largest, so I bet Deab is doing pretty well, and clearing well over $100k. No idea about any bonus or incentives he is offered, but imagine they exist.
The Husker Rivals network is one of the largest, so I bet Deab is doing pretty well, and clearing well over $100k. No idea about any bonus or incentives he is offered, but imagine they exist.
Rivals is absolutely raking it in with subscriptions.
This is completely low balling it. I've been in Sean's house and met his family. Sean makes north of 150k, I can't tell you how much the rest of the shit pile makes but Sean has the biggest house on his street/block
The only question I have from this response is-no, 2 questions:
1. Why were you there?
2. Were you there to bang his wife?
Used to be that a huge thread would have 3-4K views. Now it’s damn near pushing 10. Times aren’t tough for them.
Yeah, not sure why people assume that one of the biggest sports journalists in the state who also owns the publishing rights to the most successful PAY Huskers board there is isn't doing damn fine. Can't speak for Clouse or Washut, but Dean is definitely very upper-middle class for Lincoln.
Well he’s lost $10/month from me effective Friday. Dude does no real work. Gives softball questions to the coaches. Hell he doesn’t even cover recruiting, the other guys do that.

I think if the team continues to suck, the subs will go down. Potentially materially

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