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Frost Tidbit

As someone who has lost several wedding rings, I’m giving him benefit of doubt. My wife found the last one I lost 8 months later. It was in the yard. I lost it doing yard work.

My wife lost her ring I had spent about $10K on back in the day (04), we moved 3 years ago & last summer I got a call from the new owner of our place saying he found it digging in the garden. The wife was convinced she lost it in the house, so we tore the place apart, blew the ducts out twice, destroyed furniture every time we replaced a piece, etc. I was shocked the guy called me, he gave me some hope for mankind.
My wife lost her ring I had spent about $10K on back in the day (04), we moved 3 years ago & last summer I got a call from the new owner of our place saying he found it digging in the garden. The wife was convinced she lost it in the house, so we tore the place apart, blew the ducts out twice, destroyed furniture every time we replaced a piece, etc. I was shocked the guy called me, he gave me some hope for mankind.
That is amazing. I'd have sold it ftr.
It's amazing that you have time to do all the things you do, and still find some time for primetime smut television. Who do you think the dance in the something mask is? Janeane Garofalo, maybe? I'm asking for @BigCL24, since he's busy trying to quit music, but can't seem to do it.
I've only seen a couple of the Dancer ones, they aren't as entertaining as the masked singer IMHO
We love watching those shows with the kids. Give us something PG to watch with them that doesn’t complete bore us to death.

And I'm not judging people that do watch those shows too much. Your reason for watching them is actually pretty good, and since I don't have kids I hadn't thought of it from that point of view.

When my ~60 year old mom and step-dad sit around and watch them, I do shake my head and wonder if there isn't something more enriching they could do with their time. I'm just glad they watch that stuff rather than doom-scrolling on whatever internet echo chamber that they might be drawn to, which are wide and varied.
I've only seen a couple of the Dancer ones, they aren't as entertaining as the masked singer IMHO

I've never watched either of them, and I'm sure there are worse things on TV. I didn't even know the "dancer" one existed until maybe last week.

These type of shows fascinate me, not in their content, but in their popularity.

Girlfriend watches those real housewives type of shows instead.

Yep, those are the ones I was talking about that are worse. I pray for you both that you'll soon both be watching masked singers and dancers.

Also, sorry to hijack the thread about the Frost family match to Teammates in leu of reality television programs. I'll see my way out for now.
Girlfriend watches those real housewives type of shows instead.
The wife and I watch Below Deck all of the time and she sits there criticizing the crew for their behavior while I sit there quietly acknowledging that I missed my calling in life by working on a yacht because of the hot women that work on them. The worst shows are the ones that involve the Property Brothers, Chip and Joanna, or any home renovation show on HGTV.
The wife and I watch Below Deck all of the time and she sits there criticizing the crew for their behavior while I sit there quietly acknowledging that I missed my calling in life by working on a yacht because of the hot women that work on them. The worst shows are the ones that involve the Property Brothers, Chip and Joanna, or any home renovation show on HGTV.
I don't intentionally watch that show with the wife but I don't leave when she turns it on.

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