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Frost Tidbit

Maybe Frost was just eating/drinking his feelings and his finger got too fat for his ring? It's happened to my friend before.

I have two rings for this very reason. Both sit in a box - I never wear them. We celebrate 30 years of marriage this summer.
Or maybe too skinny? He looked pretty stressed out for a while there. Could have started sliding on and off too easily.
I lost my first wedding ring swimming in the ocean after losing some weight following the boot camp that was my honeymoon. It happens ...
My buddy likes to forge different things, mostly knives. He started out practicing damascus by making rings and so I made one with him. I had that thing for a week before I lost it, and I'm not the kind of person that loses things.
I've thought for a long time now that he needed to take a full month vacation somewhere warm and sunny with his wife after the season to just decompress and think about anything other than football for awhile. I'm glad that might have come true. In my opinion he's seemed in his own head and overwhelmed for at least the past two years, and clearing his mind and remembering some of the other important things in life might help him mentally and end up making him better at his job. Just get back to basics and leave all of the "golden boy returning to save the program" pressure behind. If it's true that he was having problems with his marriage, I wish for the best but sadly I'm not surprised at all. He has seemed very unhappy and stressed the fuck out and that leads to marriage problems in all kinds of couples. I hope they're able to work it out, genuinely.

Hopefully he remembers his own advice from this video (specifically the speech he's giving that starts at 1:30).
"Football oughta be what you do, and you oughta do it as well as you can do it. And you oughta show up the next day and do it even better. But don't hold on so tight - coaches, players, anyone - that this becomes the only thing that matters to you because I think it's detrimental to everything in your life and on this team."

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Also - I'm sure I'll get replies saying "actually Frost isn't putting in ENOUGH effort and needs to do even more and work even more hours or else he's not cut out for the job" and maybe that's true, I don't know the inner details or work schedules at all haha. But just on a mental level whatever he's been doing hasn't been working lately. Clearly the pinnacle of his coaching career (so far?) was reached in a time and place where he felt carefree and confident and wasn't "holding on so tight" in his words. For a lot of very understandable reasons he's been wound so tight at NU that he seems uncertain and borderline miserable at times. We have a lot of things that need to be fixed but I'd put Frost's own mental state as one of the first dominoes that needs to fall before other things can fall into the right place.

He's under a hell of a lot of pressure, even within the world of big time college football coaches. The context of it all is probably pretty overwhelming. I don't really envy his position at all, and I'm sure it leads to some serious anxiety and exhaustion that just make the problems he's facing and mistakes he's making as our coach spiral. Anyway, maybe I'm projecting some of my own experiences hahah but some of the stuff I see makes me hope he tries some therapy just to have someone impartial to talk to and vent and get his head cleared a little.
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I just got a warm fuzzy that you referred to me as a friend.

National Football League Smile GIF by Carolina Panthers
Lets start a thread that says Frosts new lover is a homosexual Mexican man and see if he subtly mentions it’s false in his next presser

Id say black man if I were you. Would be good for optics given Frost’s camo, chew, country music, Busch lite, and overall white guy from Nebraska has been known to cost us black recruits and current players.
As someone who has lost several wedding rings, I’m giving him benefit of doubt. My wife found the last one I lost 8 months later. It was in the yard. I lost it doing yard work.
As someone who has lost several wedding rings, I’m giving him benefit of doubt. My wife found the last one I lost 8 months later. It was in the yard. I lost it doing yard work.
Scott’s wife must not be overly possessive of her man, or just extremely confident.

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