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Doomsday Clock (1 Viewer)


Big Ten referee
Why are people so pessimistic? Are you guys projecting? Like, you can't imagine anyone doing something for any reason other than money or fame because that's the only thing that motivates you? Maybe, just maybe, there are people out there who actually see a very serious problem, and this is the best way they can come up with to try and warn people and or do something about it. I will admit I could be wrong, and they may be in it for the fame/money/prestige. But to view the world through the lens that everyone is greedy and self-serving seems like a shitty way to live your life and view other people, especially when they seem to be trying to use their position to make a difference.

Jonah Hill Ok GIF


Running Back
Elite Member
Why are people so pessimistic? Are you guys projecting? Like, you can't imagine anyone doing something for any reason other than money or fame because that's the only thing that motivates you? Maybe, just maybe, there are people out there who actually see a very serious problem, and this is the best way they can come up with to try and warn people and or do something about it. I will admit I could be wrong, and they may be in it for the fame/money/prestige. But to view the world through the lens that everyone is greedy and self-serving seems like a shitty way to live your life and view other people, especially when they seem to be trying to use their position to make a difference.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

Damar Hamlin is definitely dead and/or a lizard person.

I would venture to guess that most people are pessimistic because of the extreme hyperbole that finds its way in the headlines or even into Politicians mouths. It is extremely common for the media or Politicians to throw out crazy things like "If we don't enact this, our planet isn't going to be here in 20 years" or "If we don't make this change now, in 15 years, all of the East Coast of the United States will be under water. Every time those things don't come true, it makes rational people more and more skeptical of what is behind that kind of talk, given that it is very rarely rooted in hard core scientific studies. When you peel back the layers of the onion, it's usually one of two things. An agenda driven by money (getting some financial benefit from the legislation that they are proposing) or a passion for change that is a little misguided.

If people were a little more honest about things up front, it would go a long way. For instance, do carbon emissions have an impact on our environment? Yes. Do they have the impact that most of these people would like us to believe they are having? No. Now, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do the responsible thing and slowly pivot towards things that have less of an impact on our environment, but it doesn't mean that we need to do it immediately or half of the world is going to die tomorrow.


Big Ten referee
"The clock's original setting in 1947 was seven minutes to midnight. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 17 times for a total of 25, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 90 seconds, set on January 24, 2023."
The last time the clock moved further from midnight was 2010, when it moved from 23:55 down to 23:54. So @2010sarenevercoming was correct, and your correction doesn't address his claim that it hasn't moved back in the last 10 years.


Elite Member
The last time the clock moved further from midnight was 2010, when it moved from 23:55 down to 23:54. So @2010sarenevercoming was correct, and your correction doesn't address his claim that it hasn't moved back in the last 10 years.
He is correct. I just wanted to provide context that it has gotten further from midnight. But yes, that has not happened in the last 10 years.


Elite Member
I would venture to guess that most people are pessimistic because of the extreme hyperbole that finds its way in the headlines or even into Politicians mouths. It is extremely common for the media or Politicians to throw out crazy things like "If we don't enact this, our planet isn't going to be here in 20 years" or "If we don't make this change now, in 15 years, all of the East Coast of the United States will be under water. Every time those things don't come true, it makes rational people more and more skeptical of what is behind that kind of talk, given that it is very rarely rooted in hard core scientific studies. When you peel back the layers of the onion, it's usually one of two things. An agenda driven by money (getting some financial benefit from the legislation that they are proposing) or a passion for change that is a little misguided.

If people were a little more honest about things up front, it would go a long way. For instance, do carbon emissions have an impact on our environment? Yes. Do they have the impact that most of these people would like us to believe they are having? No. Now, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do the responsible thing and slowly pivot towards things that have less of an impact on our environment, but it doesn't mean that we need to do it immediately or half of the world is going to die tomorrow.
All fair points.

I would like to point out, in the last few years, we've started to see some effects of climate change that scientists predicted wouldn't actually happen until much later. So it goes both ways.

I'm interested in where you got your info about the impact of carbon on our environment. I'd like to read that.


Elite Member
because of his poll numbers, Biden has to resign or start a war
I sincerely hope he doesn't run again.

That said, I do like his "CHIPS" legislation and the fact that this administration has started to enforce anti-trust laws. I'm curious about everyone's thoughts on those two things, specifically. Like? Don't like? Why/why not?


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
Tbf, we were much, much closer to war when Trump took out the IRGC Commander in Iraq than we are right now.
This would be two different type of wars though. A war with Iran and other organizations wouldn't have been on the same level as a war with Russia.

Both would have sucked and costly, but the impact of a war with Russia could be literally nuclear.


Ghost of Kiev 👻
Elite Member
This would be two different type of wars though. A war with Iran and other organizations wouldn't have been on the same level as a war with Russia.

Both would have sucked and costly, but the impact of a war with Russia could be literally nuclear.
Iran has nuclear weapons.


Elite Member
Iran has nuclear weapons.
But do they have a delivery system capable of reaching the US? Not that the US is the only country that matters here, but it would obviously be the primary concern of everyone on this board. And I honestly don't know the answer if they do or not, but my guess is they don't.


Ghost of Kiev 👻
Elite Member
But do they have a delivery system capable of reaching the US? Not that the US is the only country that matters here, but it would obviously be the primary concern of everyone on this board. And I honestly don't know the answer if they do or not, but my guess is they don't.
Possibly. But like in a war with Russia, lower yield weapons would likely be used on the battlefield and not ICBMs fired at cities. Although I could see Iran targeting Israel or possibly trying to smuggle a bomb into the US.


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
That's it. This thread is going to the parking lot and you're all banned from memorial stadium
Well, if the Doomsday clock indicates that there is going to be a nuclear bomb, how do we know Memorial Stadium is going to even be there anymore? And you think the 600 million to 3 billion would help rebuild that stadium by Kiewitt?

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