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Deab already in damage control mode

I feel for him and want the product to improve. Responded telling him to listen to his paying customers, not be thin skinned and owning a business is not about being right. It's about hearing your customers complaints and trying to appease them even if he doesn't necessarily agree with them. And that some of his Mods really suck

Whatever happened to the where are they now segments with former players? I loved that shit.
I feel for him and want the product to improve. Responded telling him to listen to his paying customers, not be thin skinned and owning a business is not about being right. It's about hearing your customers complaints and trying to appease them even if he doesn't necessarily agree with them. And that some of his Mods really suck
Well put
Sorry, I dont feel one bit sorry for that thin skinned doofus. Hes a damn baby, Mike is a total piece of shit scumbag and his mods mostly suck. Fuck that place. Full of waterheads and all Dean cares about is the allmighty dollar.
that guy probably has a huge dick

I'm sympathetic that this covid/cancellation thing is fucking up the man's business, but other than an additional late morning chat, he hasn't really done much to try to make people stay.
COVID has been a magnifying glass more than anything else. We live in a dynamic world...you pivot, roll with the punches, and re-invent as required or you get left behind. Over the long run, this would have been revealed anyhow. COVID just sped up the process.

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