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Best board interaction you’ve had


tPB or scrolls, I don’t give a fuck which...
Just share a funny, maybe unknown interaction you’ve had with a fellow scroller.
I used to have an avatar of a dead buck with an arrow still in it-my first buck with a bow-and was asked one day by someone, forget his name to “have some class, and change my avatar”.
So, I said I would do it if he changed his, just to see if he’d go for it, didn’t care one bit what his was. He agreed, and changed his to a baseball player, so I looked through my pictures to find one I thought was suitable, and updated it. Sent him a note letting him know, and he flew off the handle, calling me a douchebag and a few other names. The buck was replaced with a slightly more tasteful picture of a doe, which is my current avatar over there.
So now every time I log in, I give myself a little chuckle that he is triggered by it.
anything with @ungle gus has been fantastic for me personally. he wants me @dead.

@uncle-gus to me:

yore a circus act. a phony. ya might be a Husker fan, i'll give ya that much...yore a message board star, with a circle of crones (some of them yourself), with an agenda to belittle everyone, including the team you proclaim to love...you think yore better than everyone...you play to the masses (lemmings) on here to get yucks. i imagine you've done that yore whole life...you were the guy in grade school who got yuks & popularity from the dumbasses by makin smart remarks about the unpopular, the nerds, the different, the shy, the afflicted, the poor...

if you worked solo you prolly couldnt survive. you need yore buddies to support you...you post seldom anymore cos i'm in yore head & afraid of what to say...you provide no value to this board despite what you think, & ne'er have...

you don't discuss Husker sports like the better posters on here do; whom you troll and belittle....now, what say ye?
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This may be blasphemy here but it was with Dean and I talking about the current Lincoln High coach Mark Macke (he was my position coach at Prep). Literally the funniest guy I have ever met. The stories I could tell...

That was one hilarious coaching staff at Prep with Macke, Jerry Murtaugh, and Lynn Groff.
This may be blasphemy here but it was with Dean and I talking about the current Lincoln High coach Mark Macke (he was my position coach at Prep). Literally the funniest guy I have ever met. The stories I could tell...

That was one hilarious coaching staff at Prep with Macke, Jerry Murtaugh, and Lynn Groff.
I’d enjoy a tale or two about that staff! Sounds very interesting
anything with @ungle gus has been fantastic for me personally. he wants me @dead.

@uncle-gus to me:

yore a circus act. a phony. ya might be a Husker fan, i'll give ya that much...yore a message board star, with a circle of crones (some of them yourself), with an agenda to belittle everyone, including the team you proclaim to love...you think yore better than everyone...you play to the masses (lemmings) on here to get yucks. i imagine you've done that yore whole life...you were the guy in grade school who got yuks & popularity from the dumbasses by makin smart remarks about the unpopular, the nerds, the different, the shy, the afflicted, the poor...

if you worked solo you prolly couldnt survive. you need yore buddies to support you...you post seldom anymore cos i'm in yore head & afraid of what to say...you provide no value to this board despite what you think, & ne'er have...

you don't discuss Husker sports like the better posters on here do; whom you troll and belittle....now, what say ye?
After you added this note, I felt compelled to change my reaction from “like” to “😍”
anything with @ungle gus has been fantastic for me personally. he wants me @dead.

@uncle-gus to me:

yore a circus act. a phony. ya might be a Husker fan, i'll give ya that much...yore a message board star, with a circle of crones (some of them yourself), with an agenda to belittle everyone, including the team you proclaim to love...you think yore better than everyone...you play to the masses (lemmings) on here to get yucks. i imagine you've done that yore whole life...you were the guy in grade school who got yuks & popularity from the dumbasses by makin smart remarks about the unpopular, the nerds, the different, the shy, the afflicted, the poor...

if you worked solo you prolly couldnt survive. you need yore buddies to support you...you post seldom anymore cos i'm in yore head & afraid of what to say...you provide no value to this board despite what you think, & ne'er have...

you don't discuss Husker sports like the better posters on here do; whom you troll and belittle....now, what say ye?
My favorite interactions are watching your interactions with Gus.
“Alexa, insert I’mretarded?.gif”
Usually this one..

Not that exciting but one time Dean had some shitty shirt making company send him some promo codes for free shirts. He decided to share with subscribers randomly apparently. I got a PM that looked like a total scam email with the promo code. So I posted a thread on RRS with the message asking if anyone else got the scam email. Dean deleted it immediately and sent me a scathing PM asking why I did that and he only had a few codes so he had to be discrete and I ruined it. By the time I went to the actual site someone else used the code but the shirts were fuggin terribly not-clever so I wouldn’t have wanted one anyway.
anything with @ungle gus has been fantastic for me personally. he wants me @dead.

@uncle-gus to me:

yore a circus act. a phony. ya might be a Husker fan, i'll give ya that much...yore a message board star, with a circle of crones (some of them yourself), with an agenda to belittle everyone, including the team you proclaim to love...you think yore better than everyone...you play to the masses (lemmings) on here to get yucks. i imagine you've done that yore whole life...you were the guy in grade school who got yuks & popularity from the dumbasses by makin smart remarks about the unpopular, the nerds, the different, the shy, the afflicted, the poor...

if you worked solo you prolly couldnt survive. you need yore buddies to support you...you post seldom anymore cos i'm in yore head & afraid of what to say...you provide no value to this board despite what you think, & ne'er have...

you don't discuss Husker sports like the better posters on here do; whom you troll and belittle....now, what say ye?
Sounds like he's right on the money.
My favorite interactions are watching your interactions with Gus.
this one was probably the best:

this one was probably the best:


He hates you. Fucking awesome.

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