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Anyone home school or know of someone who home schools? (Year 1 update)

Apologies for the thread derailment.

In conclusion:

Public schools are gay. Homeschooled kids both are and aren't weird. Did I miss anything?
Huge straw man detected. All these parents want their kids to go to school. They are simply choosing to reject schools that teach and even encourage sexual perversion and instead enroll in different schools that don't (whether a different public school, private school, or homeschool).

That sounds like what someone who’s politically extreme but thinks they’re the normal one would say.
I'm sitting with my 13 now and asked him about this. His middle school in LPS has several furies. Cats, dogs, and a random animal. The furies are not allowed to wear headwear or tails but they still wear clothing and makeup and act/make animal noises.
I think your 13 year old is fucking with you, man.
Anticipation Popcorn GIF

LINCOLN, Neb. (LNK Scanner) — The Lincoln Police Department has successfully located and arrested Zachary Sheik, a 26-year-old man, on one count of sex trafficking of a minor after he impersonated a student at 2 local high schools. The investigation was initiated on June 1st, 2023 when authorities were alerted about an individual posing as 17-year-old student Zach Hess in the Lincoln Public Schools.

Zachary Sheik initially enrolled at Northwest High School but transferred to Southeast High School during the second semester of the 2022–2023 school year. However, it was later discovered that he had actually graduated from Lincoln Public Schools in 2015. Authorities confirmed his true age and found that he attended approximately 54 days of school.

Mr. Sheik managed to blend in with other students, making it challenging to identify him initially. However, as the investigation progressed, authorities discovered multiple contacts he had with juvenile students under the false name of Zach Hess. This crucial information led to his arrest on the charges of sex trafficking of a minor and two counts of sexual assault involving the use of electronic devices to engage with the victims.

The arrest took place without incident at one of the city’s libraries. Throughout the investigation, Lincoln Public Schools worked closely with the police, promptly alerting families at Northwest and Southeast High Schools about the incident. Any inquiries regarding the enrollment process should be directed to the school district.

“We want to thank the investigators of the Special Victims Unit for their diligence throughout the course of this investigation. The focus has now shifted from trying to locate the suspect to trying to identify the scope of his actions,” said the Lincoln Police Department during a press conference.

Authorities are urging anyone who had any interactions with Zachary Sheik or his alias, Zach Hess, or anyone who believes they might be a victim in this case, to come forward and provide information. Tips and information can be provided to the Lincoln Police Department’s non-emergency number at (402) 441–6000 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at (402) 475–3600.

Regarding the enrollment process in public schools, officials explained that the general requirements include providing a birth certificate, immunization record, and for high school students, a record of transcripts. They emphasized that the district is looking into potential changes to prevent similar fraud from occurring in the future while remaining within the requirements of state and federal law.

The safety of students in Lincoln Public Schools was also addressed, with officials stressing that they maintain good relationships with their students and have measures in place to ensure a safe environment. While this incident was an exception, the district will be examining ways to enhance safety protocols further.

Developing Story…

LINCOLN, Neb. (LNK Scanner) — The Lincoln Police Department has successfully located and arrested Zachary Sheik, a 26-year-old man, on one count of sex trafficking of a minor after he impersonated a student at 2 local high schools. The investigation was initiated on June 1st, 2023 when authorities were alerted about an individual posing as 17-year-old student Zach Hess in the Lincoln Public Schools.

Zachary Sheik initially enrolled at Northwest High School but transferred to Southeast High School during the second semester of the 2022–2023 school year. However, it was later discovered that he had actually graduated from Lincoln Public Schools in 2015. Authorities confirmed his true age and found that he attended approximately 54 days of school.

Mr. Sheik managed to blend in with other students, making it challenging to identify him initially. However, as the investigation progressed, authorities discovered multiple contacts he had with juvenile students under the false name of Zach Hess. This crucial information led to his arrest on the charges of sex trafficking of a minor and two counts of sexual assault involving the use of electronic devices to engage with the victims.

The arrest took place without incident at one of the city’s libraries. Throughout the investigation, Lincoln Public Schools worked closely with the police, promptly alerting families at Northwest and Southeast High Schools about the incident. Any inquiries regarding the enrollment process should be directed to the school district.

“We want to thank the investigators of the Special Victims Unit for their diligence throughout the course of this investigation. The focus has now shifted from trying to locate the suspect to trying to identify the scope of his actions,” said the Lincoln Police Department during a press conference.

Authorities are urging anyone who had any interactions with Zachary Sheik or his alias, Zach Hess, or anyone who believes they might be a victim in this case, to come forward and provide information. Tips and information can be provided to the Lincoln Police Department’s non-emergency number at (402) 441–6000 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at (402) 475–3600.

Regarding the enrollment process in public schools, officials explained that the general requirements include providing a birth certificate, immunization record, and for high school students, a record of transcripts. They emphasized that the district is looking into potential changes to prevent similar fraud from occurring in the future while remaining within the requirements of state and federal law.

The safety of students in Lincoln Public Schools was also addressed, with officials stressing that they maintain good relationships with their students and have measures in place to ensure a safe environment. While this incident was an exception, the district will be examining ways to enhance safety protocols further.

Developing Story…

I’m guessing he’s one those furries that has everyone’s panties in a bunch in this thread?

LINCOLN, Neb. (LNK Scanner) — The Lincoln Police Department has successfully located and arrested Zachary Sheik, a 26-year-old man, on one count of sex trafficking of a minor after he impersonated a student at 2 local high schools. The investigation was initiated on June 1st, 2023 when authorities were alerted about an individual posing as 17-year-old student Zach Hess in the Lincoln Public Schools.

Zachary Sheik initially enrolled at Northwest High School but transferred to Southeast High School during the second semester of the 2022–2023 school year. However, it was later discovered that he had actually graduated from Lincoln Public Schools in 2015. Authorities confirmed his true age and found that he attended approximately 54 days of school.

Mr. Sheik managed to blend in with other students, making it challenging to identify him initially. However, as the investigation progressed, authorities discovered multiple contacts he had with juvenile students under the false name of Zach Hess. This crucial information led to his arrest on the charges of sex trafficking of a minor and two counts of sexual assault involving the use of electronic devices to engage with the victims.

The arrest took place without incident at one of the city’s libraries. Throughout the investigation, Lincoln Public Schools worked closely with the police, promptly alerting families at Northwest and Southeast High Schools about the incident. Any inquiries regarding the enrollment process should be directed to the school district.

“We want to thank the investigators of the Special Victims Unit for their diligence throughout the course of this investigation. The focus has now shifted from trying to locate the suspect to trying to identify the scope of his actions,” said the Lincoln Police Department during a press conference.

Authorities are urging anyone who had any interactions with Zachary Sheik or his alias, Zach Hess, or anyone who believes they might be a victim in this case, to come forward and provide information. Tips and information can be provided to the Lincoln Police Department’s non-emergency number at (402) 441–6000 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at (402) 475–3600.

Regarding the enrollment process in public schools, officials explained that the general requirements include providing a birth certificate, immunization record, and for high school students, a record of transcripts. They emphasized that the district is looking into potential changes to prevent similar fraud from occurring in the future while remaining within the requirements of state and federal law.

The safety of students in Lincoln Public Schools was also addressed, with officials stressing that they maintain good relationships with their students and have measures in place to ensure a safe environment. While this incident was an exception, the district will be examining ways to enhance safety protocols further.

Developing Story…

30 Rock Fellow Kids GIF by PeacockTV
The vibe in our town was that homeschooling is a reflection of parents being insecure about their kids’ upbringing. Teachers and classmates come and go and are a small chapter of childhood. There will be good ones and bad ones that prepare for adulthood, where the goods and bads become bosses, coworkers, neighbors, etc.

What bad apples do the kids get with mommy and daddy? Is it coming from newsmax? If they can’t cope with a classmate that dresses up like a cat, or uses the “wrong” restroom, what are they gonna do in the real world? Homeschooled kids were soft and it is obvious why.
The vibe in our town was that homeschooling is a reflection of parents being insecure about their kids’ upbringing. Teachers and classmates come and go and are a small chapter of childhood. There will be good ones and bad ones that prepare for adulthood, where the goods and bads become bosses, coworkers, neighbors, etc.

What bad apples do the kids get with mommy and daddy? Is it coming from newsmax? If they can’t cope with a classmate that dresses up like a cat, or uses the “wrong” restroom, what are they gonna do in the real world? Homeschooled kids were soft and it is obvious why.
Better to be soft than to chance getting mixed up hanging with the wrong crowd and end up pooping in a litter box, imo
The vibe in our town was that homeschooling is a reflection of parents being insecure about their kids’ upbringing. Teachers and classmates come and go and are a small chapter of childhood. There will be good ones and bad ones that prepare for adulthood, where the goods and bads become bosses, coworkers, neighbors, etc.

What bad apples do the kids get with mommy and daddy? Is it coming from newsmax? If they can’t cope with a classmate that dresses up like a cat, or uses the “wrong” restroom, what are they gonna do in the real world? Homeschooled kids were soft and it is obvious why.

As soft as a Public School kid that can't cope with a classmate not referring to them as a Cat or whatever pronoun of the day they're going by? This is how ridiculously stupid your argument is...
The vibe in our town was that homeschooling is a reflection of parents being insecure about their kids’ upbringing. Teachers and classmates come and go and are a small chapter of childhood. There will be good ones and bad ones that prepare for adulthood, where the goods and bads become bosses, coworkers, neighbors, etc.

What bad apples do the kids get with mommy and daddy? Is it coming from newsmax? If they can’t cope with a classmate that dresses up like a cat, or uses the “wrong” restroom, what are they gonna do in the real world? Homeschooled kids were soft and it is obvious why.

There's plenty of outside bad influences they interact with on a daily basis in various sports, activities, child watch, neighbor kids, hell even church has some asshole kids.

Our house doesn't have no question asked safe spaces that can be used at any point of the day when feelings are hurt. Our house doesn't allow you to sit out of PE class if you don't feel like participating because you're overweight.

I can walk my 13 around the confusing bullshit he's sees at middle school and understands the mental disorders displayed with a few kids and teachers.

For our situation and my original question was based on kindergarten, possibly the first 1-3 years of education. The school we are enrolled at has 28 other kids in his class for one teacher. Limited recess or outside time, 15 minute period to eat (30 minutes from out classroom door to out of lunch room),
As soft as a Public School kid that can't cope with a classmate not referring to them as a Cat or whatever pronoun of the day they're going by? This is how ridiculously stupid your argument is...
Whats that? They want my little jimmy to call a classmate something jimmy and I don’t understand?? Better homeschool him. It’s for his protection.
There's plenty of outside bad influences they interact with on a daily basis in various sports, activities, child watch, neighbor kids, hell even church has some asshole kids.

Our house doesn't have no question asked safe spaces that can be used at any point of the day when feelings are hurt. Our house doesn't allow you to sit out of PE class if you don't feel like participating because you're overweight.

I can walk my 13 around the confusing bullshit he's sees at middle school and understands the mental disorders displayed with a few kids and teachers.

For our situation and my original question was based on kindergarten, possibly the first 1-3 years of education. The school we are enrolled at has 28 other kids in his class for one teacher. Limited recess or outside time, 15 minute period to eat (30 minutes from out classroom door to out of lunch room),
Would your kid take advantage of the “no question asked safe spaces”? If not, why do you care? Would your kid sit out of PE class? If not, why do you care?

It would be nice to simply walk around the mental disorders and bullshit of today from a safe distance. It’s hard to control for those. For us, we’re working on limiting “news” time that was rotting our brains trying to make us afraid of public schools and other kids with less fortunate home scenarios.

I hear you on the teacher ratio thing. Our hope is that their high ratios get them ready for college. Who knows man.
Would your kid take advantage of the “no question asked safe spaces”? If not, why do you care? Would your kid sit out of PE class? If not, why do you care?

It would be nice to simply walk around the mental disorders and bullshit of today from a safe distance. It’s hard to control for those. For us, we’re working on limiting “news” time that was rotting our brains trying to make us afraid of public schools and other kids with less fortunate home scenarios.

I hear you on the teacher ratio thing. Our hope is that their high ratios get them ready for college. Who knows man.
Parents on here clutching their pearls over what they perceive as "weirdos" at school sure does feel a lot like the Satanic Panic from the 80s. Seems like a lot of hearsay and runaway rumors being taken as gospel by adults who should know better.

Like @Hotcarl, I definitely understand wanting a better teacher-to-student ratio. But the rest of these concerns seem like paranoia as the result of media fear-mongering to me.

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