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Any cops on here?

I mean Philando Castille did all of the above and still got shot.

I'm mostly just curious about people's belief about what cops knew, might have known, should have known, and how people who got shot behaved, didn't behave, could have behaved. It's an incredibly difficult job and errors on all sides are really costly.
Nothing is ever guaranteed, but courtesy, cooperation and compliance are key attributes to bring to any conversation with an armed police officer. Statistically, the Philando Castille incident is an outlier, and he was also reaching for "it" ("it" allegedly and most likely was his ID after he informed the officer he was in possession of a weapon, and the officer repeatedly yelled "Don't pull it out", but Mr. Castille continued to reach behind him for his ID or weapon). Sadly, Mr. Castille failed in the "compliance" category and a cop shot him unnecessarily (IMO).

Conversely, there are probably a metric shyte ton of citizen-police interactions where the citizen acted like an utter nincompoop and didn't get shot (impossible to verify as there's no statistics on "didn't shoot the asshat").

There are really only two viable alternatives:
  1. Improve training and aggressively remove the lower tier of LEO's who lack the needed decisioning skills to safely police their communities. In sales, if you're not burning the bottom 10% of your sale force each and every year, you're doing it wrong. Bad cops need to become ex-cops, but we still need cops (IMO). There will continue to be questionable situations where deadly force is used under this model, but we "should" be able to see statistical improvement in policing and outcomes over time. This doesn't necessarily mean much if you happen to one of the statistics in the interim.
  2. Truly defund or completely disarm cops. Think of the London "Bobbies" of the 60's: "Here's your night stick. Good luck against the criminals."
And finally, I agree with your last statement about it being a very difficult job. Everybody reacts differently under stressful situation, and there are very few more stressful jobs than being a cop. Part of my 1st point above is to try and incorporate stressful situations into the training regimen to see who "fails" in those moments of truth. It won't guarantee perfect outcomes, but it can help identify those cops with temperaments and decisioning that should probably move on to another career path.


Daunte Wright Was Wanted For Robbing And Choking A Woman At Gunpoint. Here’s Why That Matters.​

And herein lies the problem we are seeing today. I've been able to find this fact from two outlets: the one posted and Fox News. No other media is reporting it.

This is why it is important to quit the bullshit thinking that there is a direct right or wrong on any of these issues. There's so much gray area that always needs sorted through before anyone can know all the details. But unfortunately, people only will read what fits their narrative. They can't think for themselves, they think what they are told to think by the people they are comfortable following. And obviously, they won't get the full story that way.

Ok, off my soap box now.
And herein lies the problem we are seeing today. I've been able to find this fact from two outlets: the one posted and Fox News. No other media is reporting it.

This is why it is important to quit the bullshit thinking that there is a direct right or wrong on any of these issues. There's so much gray area that always needs sorted through before anyone can know all the details. But unfortunately, people only will read what fits their narrative. They can't think for themselves, they think what they are told to think by the people they are comfortable following. And obviously, they won't get the full story that way.

Ok, off my soap box now.
Almost like the dude was a really bad guy AND the cop needed to be better trained.

To me the use of force was fine and justified based on our conversation and these facts coming out. But we need to address the training aspect.

Do you think the cop in questioned should've had their taser or pistol out given the situation now?
Almost like the dude was a really bad guy AND the cop needed to be better trained.

To me the use of force was fine and justified based on our conversation and these facts coming out. But we need to address the training aspect.

Do you think the cop in questioned should've had their taser or pistol out given the situation now?
I think they'd have been justified either way, knowing this fact.
I think they'd have been justified either way, knowing this fact.
Ya I almost think she either needed to be quicker on the taser or had a lethal option. As soon as he reached you have no idea what is over there and it should have never got to that point if you just had a taser out.

Just my two cents
Ya I almost think she either needed to be quicker on the taser or had a lethal option. As soon as he reached you have no idea what is over there and it should have never got to that point if you just had a taser out.

Just my two cents
Exactly. I'm still not sure what had her confused between the two weapons, but I agree. If she'd had her taser out and ready, this would be a non issue and no one would have ever heard about it.

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