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Any cops on here?

Be curious to hear if there are any non-white people here that can share their perspective.

What’s becoming increasingly clear is that:

1) A white person has zero idea of what it is like to grow up as a minority in this country.

2) There are separate justice systems for white and non-white people in this country.
Be curious to hear if there are any non-white people here that can share their perspective.

What’s becoming increasingly clear is that:

1) A white person has zero idea of what it is like to grow up as a minority in this country.

2) There are separate justice systems for white and non-white people in this country.
@Black Dean
I guess I'm old fashioned or whatever, but I think the vast, vast majority of people think that folks shouldn't resist arrest and cops should refrain from killing folks unless absolutely necessary. I'm also assuming the vast majority of people expect a cop to know the difference between their taser and their service weapon. Idk. Maybe I'm wrong.
That's about where I'm at. If you resist, you certainly up the probability that a fucky wucky happens, but resistance alone is a pretty low bar for a bureaucrat to legally be able kill you
No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police officer’s instructions should not be punishable. Clearly there are instances where deadly force is warranted, but to hand waive away any police shooting because the victim was “resisting arrest” is pretty morally bankrupt.

Not completely true. Ask the officer in Omaha who got shot in the face for trying to stop and talk with a shoplifters. Shoplifter refused to show his hands. People always want to Monday morning quarterback. I think people who question some law enforcement motives should just go ahead and apply to be law enforcement.
No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police officer’s instructions should not be punishable. Clearly there are instances where deadly force is warranted, but to hand waive away any police shooting because the victim was “resisting arrest” is pretty morally bankrupt.
What's your take on this situation? McDowell made up his mind that he was not going to comply with the officer's instructions.

We all must do what cops say no matter what or they will kill us. Awesome.
Do what the cops say and you don't put yourself in this situation.

I don't see how this is a hard concept.

He is known to be carrying a pistol illegally and he went into his car and reached for something. Pretty safe to say if he didn't do that he would be alive.
Do what the cops say and you don't put yourself in this situation.

I don't see how this is a hard concept.

He is known to be carrying a pistol illegally and he went into his car and reached for something. Pretty safe to say if he didn't do that he would be alive.
Its also safe to say that if the cop wasn't a moron she would have actually pulled her tazer.
No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police officer’s instructions should not be punishable. Clearly there are instances where deadly force is warranted, but to hand waive away any police shooting because the victim was “resisting arrest” is pretty morally bankrupt.
Do u mean punishable by death or a chargeable offense? I get how using the resisting arrest line isn’t fairly applied in certain cases but most ppl would resist arrest if there were no consequences.

We need more ppl to understand even if the cop is mistaken, ur fucked until u go thru the legal process with a lawyer & hopefully a jury of ur peers aren’t complete idiots. The Miranda rights literally tell u to stfu & get a lawyer.
Do u mean punishable by death or a chargeable offense? I get how using the resisting arrest line isn’t fairly applied in certain cases but most ppl would resist arrest if there were no consequences.

We need more ppl to understand even if the cop is mistaken, ur fucked until u go thru the legal process with a lawyer & hopefully a jury of ur peers aren’t complete idiots. The Miranda rights literally tell u to stfu & get a lawyer.
See above, punishable by death.
I meant to say “should not be punishable by death” in my prior post and not just “should not be punishable”
that seems reasonable. my question on the McDowell video is when would it be considered that he is threatening the officer's life? I mean, he's like 6'6" 330 and the officer appears to be 5'5" 150. McDowell had absolutely no intention of complying and was forcibly resisting.

i know this is a COMPLETELY different situation than the OP, but these are all extremely stressful situations that, hopefully, very few us will ever be involved in (thank god). seems like the standard should still be to comply 100% with all police officer instructions until you can get to a location that's safe for the suspect and the officers, calm the eff down, and sort out the situation with legal council present.
Yaaa like the training aspect is one thing, but I was curious if lethal force was justified in the eyes of a cop here.
I'm hoping I answered those part in the parentheses. That training part was just my frustration with this all.
No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police officer’s instructions should not be punishable by death. Clearly there are instances where deadly force is warranted, but to hand waive away any police shooting because the victim was “resisting arrest” is pretty morally bankrupt.
Just to try and understand your perspective a bit here, what do you think in this situation the guy was reaching for in his vehicle?

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