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2023 Off Season Thread

Can't go much lower than TAMU with the talent they have so of course it is rise. Same with Colorado. Win two games and you doubled last year's win count. Miami much like TAMU. OU and N are the two question marks. OU should rise according to talent, but yet to be seen if this coaching staff has what it takes. New Coach at Nebraska so 1st year can always get a pass while coach makes the changes for culture, terminology, and the team picks up playbook. Pitt lost one of their best coaches in recent history, TCU overachieved last year, and Miss State has a new Coach as well. Interesting this list stays away from Texas, and doesn't count Bama amongst teams making a rise after 2 losses and missing the SEC CG and playoffs last year. LSU has some to do with that as well as TAMU prediction. I'd add FSU to the risers.
I still appreciate what y'all did to Steve Spurrier's team. Always a great day when he threw his visor, and it plus his headset came off multiple times that day. Bravo, bravo
College Football Smh GIF by ESPN
I remember watching that game live and when I was done laughing at Spurrier's reaction, I told her "That is going to turn into a gif that will live FOREVER on sports message boards!" 🤣
You’re welcome. Wasn’t spurrier the one who said he liked playing Georgia later in the year because they always had a bunch of guys suspended?
Early not late:
“I don’t know. I sort of always liked playing them that second game because you could always count on them having two or three key players suspended.”

My favorite Spurrier quote:

Anyone know of anyone tracking the progress on these? Like, if you get on the list do you drop off, or is it always building on the last list? Also, I counted but lost count and didn’t feel like redoing it… I counted ~8 walk-ons. That means half of our scholarship players are on this list. Curious who the surprising names are who aren’t on the list. Might have to do some homework.
That’s 49 players. Seems like more than 10%.
Maybe you’re just joking but there is a definition out there if what they mean by this and it isn’t just the top 10% of players.
Zack Carpenter wrote this about The Ten

'The Ten'

There have been innumerable interesting storylines and tidbits throughout the offseason since Rhule took over and began to put his fingerprints over the program.
One of the more interesting implementations was Rhule carrying over one of his previous traditions of single-digit jersey numbers being dished out to the 10 hardest-working players on the team.
Nebraska then started releasing a graphic called “The Ten” on its social media platforms this summer, which led many to believe those were the guys being selected for single-digit jerseys. That belief was debunked shortly afterward as it became clear “The Ten” was acknowledging the team’s top 10 percent of players who were performing the best throughout summer conditioning. Those lists have been released weekly, and Campbell was able to give some more insight into what they mean.
“So that was a huge topic,” Campbell said with a big grin. “Coach Rhule actually hit me up on that like, ‘Coach, these guys really aren’t understanding.’ So with ‘The Ten’ – We talk about the 10-80-10 Rule with that top 10 percent being your elite guys. They do everything the right way, they hold themselves to a high standard, they hold their teammates to a high standard, they do whatever it takes to be successful, and they bring guys along with them. That’s where we aim for everybody on this team to be – that top 10 percent. You have the middle 80 percent that essentially could be swayed either way, and then you have that tail end – that bottom 10 percent who are guys that really don’t understand or buy into the way in which we wanna do things. We wanna be a team of individuals who strive to be in that 10 percent but also bring others along with them. When you see that number raise above 10, we want a culture where as guys climb they lift each other up and pull them into that 10 percent. If you have a team full of guys who have that 10 percent mindset and work ethic, you position yourself to be a really good team come August.
“We talk about how the standard continues to be raised every week. What was good enough the week before, that’s the bar. That’s the standard. It won’t be good enough next week. We go into an evaluation of that, and we take a lot of factors into account. It is as much the weight room and conditioning as it is being on time to study hall, showing up to your meals on time. That criteria is hard, and those guys wanna be a part of it. When they’re not, they’re questioning, ‘Hey Coach, what more can I do? What more do you need to see out of me to be a part of that list?’ I love the way the guys are buying into it. My hope is that list continues to grow because if we have a list full of 10-percenters, we’re gonna be a really tough team to beat come fall.”
Overall, Campbell believes that the implementation of “The Ten” has made a team-wide impact and that players are continually pushing themselves.
“They see the example their teammates are setting,” Campbell said. “Those guys who do make ‘The Ten,’ their teammates are looking at them like, ‘what is he doing that I’m not doing? How is he impacting others? How is he influencing others to work a little bit harder and push themselves a little bit more?’ And then they go out there and do that. We talk about it all the time: when you as an individual set that precedent and then you hold your room accountable to it, then your side of the ball accountable to it and then your entire team accountable to it, then you have a team full of 10 percenters.”
All of Campbell’s details in his breakdown of “The Ten” circles back to one of the program’s highest-priority goals this offseason: creating a culture where it’s a player-led team and establishing a brotherhood and unity in the locker room.

Zach has all of them weeks posted in a thread so you can compare, and tgheir are posts in the thread whiuch tell how many time some individuals have maded it and who has never made it


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