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2023 Nebraska vs Sparty Game Recap
Captain Obvious here, but that pretty much sucked. Going to do this a little differently this time, and go through drive by drive. There were some solid drives and some complete junk. Hope you all enjoy it. A disclaimer as always...there's probably shit on here I'm wrong about, pretty confident in most of it. It's also long as hell, it's every play besides the last offensive play of the game.
A few obvious things…we struggle to throw the ball with any consistency, mostly because of inaccuracy and not reading a defense. But there were some protection issues that reared their ugly head in this game. The most glaring, the inability to pick up the twist game up front. I think HH felt this and didn’t help his cause. Satterfield tried to get them some help with some 7 man protections and chip game, but still issues. Plus, there were times receivers were flat out getting pushed around and not getting open.
In terms of the run game, good and bad. There’s times where the OL looks like a solid unit, and the offense ripped off multiple runs over 8+ yards. HH walk in TD was blocked up great. I’m also at the point where trying to add “90’s” Nebraska stuff should be thrown out the door IMO. We got one explosive play off of it and the rest is mostly bad. I think they’ve proven they can run their gap scheme pretty well, and their IZ game is getting better. But they’ve pretty much completely abandoned any real RPO game which I think would benefit the offense a lot, because our counter game is pretty good.
A couple of stats from the game from a play calling perspective. First half featured 5 possessions for the offense and 40 total plays. 3 of 5 drives were 10+ plays each, 2 of which resulted in points. The other 2 possessions were 3 & out, 4 & out. Of those 40 Plays, 16 were called passes + there were 4 more run plays that had quick screens attached where the ball was thrown + the throw to Coleman off a bluff split zone. Personally, I thought they threw the ball too much. 20 Runs, 20 Passes.
Stats from the 2nd half. Much worse…obviously. Nebraska had 8 drives and a total of 32 plays. Only TWO drives went over 4 plays, and those two only went for 6 plays. 20 of the 32 plays in the 2nd half were called passes. And 5 of the 12 runs came in the first drive of the half. Obviously the score dictated some of that, but the pace we were operating at with 8 and change left, IMO, was bad. I get they were trying to check into their best play, but pace wise…sucked.
Drive #1 - 3 & Out (BLAH)
Synopsis - Shit Start
Clip 1 Love the power read to start out, we’ve consistently ran this well.
Clip 2 Hate the quick screen, we’re not accurate, ball out fast enough, or block the perimeter well enough.
Clip 3 Chip protection, good concept vs quarters, attack the Hook/Curl defender w/ a Bench concept…not accurate.
Clip 1 - Power Read
Clip 2 - IZ w/ QS
Clip 3 - Flood Box
Drive #2 - 10 Plays, Interception
Synopsis - Solid drive.
Clip 1 Starts off with a solid split zone bluff, gets the ball out to Fidone for 5.
Clip 2 is a traditional split zone from under center. OL does a nice job, and watch Coleman dig out the $. Titays
Clip 3 We fire right back with a nice counter play, log the spiller, wrap for scraper, it’s blocked up well. Big run.
Clip 4 1st Down pass, split zone naked. It’s not terribly ran, HH was to be able to find those short crossers.
Clip 5 Counter Rev - Potential explosive run. TE gets owned, Bullock chasing when he didn’t need to
Clip 6 Split ZR, pick up the blitz, couldn’t get the last LB with WR crack
Clip 7 Q Power, used a lot at Baylor. 1st down, but a lot of missed assignments IMO, could be an explosive.
Clip 8…Now we get greedy…close to the green zone…take a shot…but take a sack…anger rages. Fidone is 1:1 with a corner as the $ rocks down HARD.
Clip 9 - Shallow Screen. I get it, it’s safe, easy on the QB. No interference on the chaser though + poor throw
Clip 10 - 3rd & 19 - double move and we actually get them…but HH puts in no where near the #’s…piss…but it’s a good punt
Clip 1 - IZR Bluff
Clip 2 - I Split Zone
Clip 3 - Counter
Clip 4 - Split Zone Naked
Clip 5 - Counter Reverse
Clip 6 - Split ZR
Clip 7 - Q Power
Clip 8 - Belly Opt Pass
Clip 9 - Shallow Screen
Clip 10 - Shot
Drive #3 - 10 & Touchdown
Synopsis - Good…good.
Clip 1 Power read again (Hooray) Edge blocking not as good, but it’s 4-5 yards
Clip 2 Counter, this is where an RPO would come in handy to handle that butthole backside safety rocking down. Fidone gets blown up on the wrap. But they ran counter well most of the day.
Clip 3 Empty with some quick game to either side and Fidone is running a nice little search route. HH with a nice laser to Fidone for a big gain.
Clip 4 More IZ with a quick screen….F#%&
Clip 5 Counter scheme again, perimeter was terrible. Get the log by the RG, TE doesn’t wrap and misses the LB, WR flies right by the $...F#%&
Clip 6 Counter again, 3rd & 10, no problem. Got the log, got the edge. Good block by the WR on the bottom.
Clip 7 IZ Read - Doubles just aren’t getting to their IDs, Fidone is hesitant, get the $ or the -1 the ID. But at least they’re getting some movement
Clip 8 WB Counter - a little fancy, MSU LB makes a hell of a play to stop this from being a Touchdown
Clip 9 Straight Split Zone, JEJ gets beat, poor block by 44, but that’s a tough one
Clip 10 Same Action, but bluff the HOK. Very well executed and blocked. Walk in Touchdown
Clip 1 - Power Read 2
Clip 2 - Counter
Clip 3 - Empty Quick Search
Clip 4 - IZ w/ QS
Clip 5 - Counter
Clip 6 - Counter Again
Clip 7 - IZR
Clip 8 - WB Counter
Clip 9 - Split Zone
Clip 10 Split Zone Read
Drive #4 - 4 & Out
Synopsis - Shitty…
Clip 1 - 1 & 10 PAP, Don’t hate it, nice action off of the Power Read, hit a crosser for a nice gain.
Clip 2 - Now we’re getting greedy again. Trying to hit the rail shot, have to hit it immediately or come off to the crosser.
Clip 3 - Why he bounces this I have no idea. Last place you want to go vs Quarters. Stay with the OL, get 5 at least.
Clip 4 - 4 Vert concept with a crosser under the seam reader. This is a frustrating one. That Hook/Curl defender gets depth under the seam reader on the left hash, have to come off of that. Have to. Crosser is running a ways
Clip 1 - Power Read Pass 1
Clip 2 - Power Read Pass 2
Clip 3 - Split Zone Read
Clip 4 - 4 Verts Cross
Drive #5 - 13 & FG
Synopsis - Got points at least, don’t like how the last half of the drive ensued…had two timeouts, could have ran the ball more…
Clip 1 - Q Belly - Hate it. Absolutely hate it.
Clip 2 - Split Zone Bluff Naked…we’re just not very good at these. There’s a deep crosser, but get pressure fast
Clip 3 - Love this vs quarters. Bench concept, attacks Hook/Curl in Quarters to play the bench route. HH makes a throw here the 2nd time
Clip 4 - MSU fires a CB blitz here…vs a reduced split…should probably pay attention to that. But the OL gets good movement. Also, the backside DE…where you’re running your nakeds…is getting up the field…stop it.
Clip 5 - Remember what I just said…about the BSDE getting up the field…NAKED IS A BAD CALL…sack.
Clip 6 - Chip protection again, twist game gets home, I think it’s a spear concept, but hard to tell. WRs getting road pretty hard, HH makes a heck of a play to escape.
Clip 7 Condensed Toss, poor exchange hurts this a lot, but feel like Grant could have cut this up behind his blocks and got solid yardage
Clip 8 - Stick Draw is blocked up well, HH gets a solid run, + tack on the penalty
Clip 9 - No idea if the throw to MC was designed, certainly looks that way, but get illegal man downfield
Clip 10 - This is another really frustrating one. They also ran the crap out of this at Baylor. Slot fade to the trips with a switch rail to the back. It’s a good call vs Man free, but HH stares down where he’s going, and he’s got a good matchup on the slot fade at the bottom and could have been a TD.
Clipp 11 - Another slot fade, this time with a rub. Guessing they told him to throw the slot fade, but the rub would have been a great throw for a TD.
Clip 12 - Option into the boundary, their DE absolutely wrecked this and they got 4 fast to the ball…don’t mind the call, but we got owned here.
Clip 13 - No idea what this bucket of trash is, I think they were trying to get a man look and leak the TB out
Clip 1 - Q Belly
Clip 2 - Bluff Naked
Clip 3 - Bench
Clip 4 - I Split Zone
Clip 5 - Split Zone Naked
Clip 6 - Chip Spear
Clip 7 - Condensed Toss
Clip 8 - Stick Draw
Clip 9 - Split Zone Read + Throw
Clip 10 - Slot Fade Rail
Clip 11 - Frisco
Clip 12 - Boundary Option
Clip 13 - TB Leak?
End of the Half
Drive #6 - 6 Plays and Punt
Synopsis - Looks like they’re coming out and just going to punch you in the mouth and run the ball…ends in a drop
Clip 1 - Belly Toss - Again…I just don’t like this, we don’t do these things really well.
Clip 2 - Nice Split Zone, blocked up well, back hits the hole hard, big gainer
Clip 3 - Counter, another nice play, even if the playside double, both tried to come off on the LB, big gainer. Notice a trend here? Our best run plays are usually counter or split zone?
Clip 4 - Split Zone Read, should be a TD, Boerk doesn’t find the corner, but still, HH has to make a corner miss
Clip 5 - Counter again, it’s a solid run, should be better, RG gets a kick, wrapper should fit in and hit this shit vertical.
Clip 6 - Tear motion, perimeter screen is set up, HH goes to the backside 1:1 for a first down….Have to make plays
Clip 1 - Belly Toss
Clip 2 - Split Zone
Clip 3 - Counter
Clip 4 - Split Zone Read
Clip 5 - Counter
Clip 6 - Tear Screen Hit
Drive 7 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - Let the pass happy shit show begin…
Clip 1 - I Split Zone, 3rd time we’ve ran this, 2nd time in a row we got a CB blitz vs a reduced split that dooms this one…again…
Clip 2 - Shall Screen, this time we’re smart and offer some interference, problem is, HH lays a turd in his pants, big play missed
Clipe 3 - 4 Verts Cross again, and we don’t have a chance at it because the twist game gets home…again
Clip 1 - I Split Zone 3
Clip 2 - Shallow Screen
Clip 3 - 4 Verts Cross
Drive 8 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - Try to get back to the run…fail
Clip 1 - Power Read again, but ran it to the strength, harder with the numbers, minimal gain
Clip 2 - Counter again, and again, this is when an RPO would benefit us a lot. We run counter okay, MC has a nice dig out of the $, their CB crack replaces well. It’s a numbers game where where an RPO reading that fitting down $ would be a big equalizer
Clip 3 - Mesh - Don’t like this call at all. Great scheme, but can HH read it…Had Fidone late…PUNT
Clip 1 - Power Read
Clip 2 - Counter
Clip 3 - Mesh
Drive 9 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - It’s POOP again. Feel like we’re in panic mode, there’s still 12 minutes in the 4th, down 10.
Clip 1 - Catch them in a blitz, 7 man protection, and have a nice call, Search route over the middle is there, don’t mind the shot to an outside receiver
Clip 2 - Frustrating, lots of time, this is open, the Hook/Curl is out leverage, the bench route is there, but the protection, completely breaks down again vs twist game. And this is of particular not because Benhardt is chasing the twist…ACROSS THE CENTER
Clip 3 - Hard to tell what this is, I’m assuming something similar to spear, it’s 8 man protection…Chip & check, back check…and blitz still gets home. Just awful.
Clip 1 - 3 Verts
Clip 2 - Bench Frisco
Clip 3 - Chip Spear
Drive 10 - 6 & Pick
Synopsis - We’re basically huck and chucking at this point.
Clip 1: This is a hell of a throw. Not going to lie, with pressure that protection blows, this throw and catch is freaking awesome. Slot fade to the top, Scissors to the bottom.
Clip 2: Come back with true 4 verts with the back check under the Hook/Curl defender. HH reads it and gets the check down, solid.
Clip 3: IZ Read, it’s solid, which the back would have banged that in the front side, had potential.
Clip 4: Duo - solid push and plunge for the first down
Clip 5: Shot play, where we absolutely get hosed on this, complete bullshit PI wasn’t called. How neither of those two idiots didn’t call PI is unbelievable.
Clip 6: Follow it up with an overthrow on 4 verts that resulted in a pick. I dislike where Fidone is on the field, he needs to get to the opposite hash to create space for both verticals. Shit spacing.
Clip 1: Frisco Scissors
Clip 2: 4 Verts
Clip 3: IZR
Clip 4: Duo
Clip 5: Shot
Clip 6: 4 Verts
Drive 11: 4 & TD
Synopsis - Athlete being an athlete…Marshawn Lynch Mode
Clip 1 - This is actually a really good throw. Sail concept to the low side, Hi/Lo Dig with a checkdown on the backside and fits the Dig throw in nicely. He shows flashes of what can be done, both really good, and really bad.
Clip 2 - 4 verts again, don’t like it out of 2x2 personally, but HH tries to back shoulder it with the WR getting road hard again and attempt to break the vert off.
Clip 3 - They come back to the slot fade scissors and MSU covers it up well, HH pulls it down and says hold my dick
Clip 4 - IZ Cap - Go fast, cap the read, let your OL work, EJ makes a hell of a move to stay upright and puncture the defense for a TD. Got a chance.
Clip 1 - Sail Hi/Lo
Clip 2 - 4 Verts
Clip 3 - Frisco Scissors
Clip 4 - IZ Cap
Drive 12: 3 & Fumble
Synopsis - Desperation mode, throw the ball…no bueno for us
Clip 1 - Frustrating again, as we don’t run 4 verts terribly, we just have a hard time reading it. Running 4 verts with the rail and the cross replacing the checkdown. The Search opens up the seam reader, and the seamer reader in Doss is open, have to rip it in there.
Clip 2 - IZ Read and try to sneak a run in there, would love to see the RB bang it in the frontside B, it’s blocked up okay. Movement.
Clip 3 - Haven’t seen them run this yet, Bench combo to the bottom with the drive concept on the backside, it’s good shit..but can HH read it. Our protection is absolute junk, TP gets run around, twist game gets home…AGAIN & fumble
Clip 1 - 4 Verts Cross Rail
Clip 2 - IZR
Clip 3 - Bench Drive
Drive 13: 4 & EOG
Synopsis - Piss
Clip 1 - Bench Dig, Solid protection this time, HH hits the Dig route, waits a little while, but again, we get absolutely jobbed by the officials as this is a first down, shit even the TV guys running the 1st down lines had the next play up as a first down. But it forced us into shit show land
Clip 2 - 4 Verts again, they basically tackle our seam reader, PI and 1st down.
Clip 3 - 3 Verts - chip protection, MSU shows blitz and drops, trying to drive the ball down the MOF, and again…twist game gets home, and essentially ends the game…even though it was an incomplete pass..we once again got jobbed on.
Clip 1 - Bench Dig
Clip 2 - 4 Verts
Clip 3 - 3 Verts
Wrap up
Don’t have much to add because of the synopses. There’s stuff this offense does fairly well. Counter, Inside Zone. But that’s only going to take them so far. OL pass pro needs to improve, especially vs the twist game. That’s been a shit show for a long time. Obviously, QB play has to improve. I think with a solid QB, this offense will be much better. There’s still times I feel like they get themselves in dead plays. The one thing I noticed doing the Baylor Breakdowns, they didn’t deviate much from game to game. Didn’t just add stuff to add stuff. Stay ahead of the chains…have to add some RPOs at some point to take advantage of defenses fitting your run game that fast. The elements of a good offense are there IMO. The execution level just isn’t. Also, this offense is very similar to what they ran at Baylor...only without all of the RPOs
Captain Obvious here, but that pretty much sucked. Going to do this a little differently this time, and go through drive by drive. There were some solid drives and some complete junk. Hope you all enjoy it. A disclaimer as always...there's probably shit on here I'm wrong about, pretty confident in most of it. It's also long as hell, it's every play besides the last offensive play of the game.
A few obvious things…we struggle to throw the ball with any consistency, mostly because of inaccuracy and not reading a defense. But there were some protection issues that reared their ugly head in this game. The most glaring, the inability to pick up the twist game up front. I think HH felt this and didn’t help his cause. Satterfield tried to get them some help with some 7 man protections and chip game, but still issues. Plus, there were times receivers were flat out getting pushed around and not getting open.
In terms of the run game, good and bad. There’s times where the OL looks like a solid unit, and the offense ripped off multiple runs over 8+ yards. HH walk in TD was blocked up great. I’m also at the point where trying to add “90’s” Nebraska stuff should be thrown out the door IMO. We got one explosive play off of it and the rest is mostly bad. I think they’ve proven they can run their gap scheme pretty well, and their IZ game is getting better. But they’ve pretty much completely abandoned any real RPO game which I think would benefit the offense a lot, because our counter game is pretty good.
A couple of stats from the game from a play calling perspective. First half featured 5 possessions for the offense and 40 total plays. 3 of 5 drives were 10+ plays each, 2 of which resulted in points. The other 2 possessions were 3 & out, 4 & out. Of those 40 Plays, 16 were called passes + there were 4 more run plays that had quick screens attached where the ball was thrown + the throw to Coleman off a bluff split zone. Personally, I thought they threw the ball too much. 20 Runs, 20 Passes.
Stats from the 2nd half. Much worse…obviously. Nebraska had 8 drives and a total of 32 plays. Only TWO drives went over 4 plays, and those two only went for 6 plays. 20 of the 32 plays in the 2nd half were called passes. And 5 of the 12 runs came in the first drive of the half. Obviously the score dictated some of that, but the pace we were operating at with 8 and change left, IMO, was bad. I get they were trying to check into their best play, but pace wise…sucked.
Drive #1 - 3 & Out (BLAH)
Synopsis - Shit Start
Clip 1 Love the power read to start out, we’ve consistently ran this well.
Clip 2 Hate the quick screen, we’re not accurate, ball out fast enough, or block the perimeter well enough.
Clip 3 Chip protection, good concept vs quarters, attack the Hook/Curl defender w/ a Bench concept…not accurate.
Clip 1 - Power Read
Clip 2 - IZ w/ QS
Clip 3 - Flood Box
Drive #2 - 10 Plays, Interception
Synopsis - Solid drive.
Clip 1 Starts off with a solid split zone bluff, gets the ball out to Fidone for 5.
Clip 2 is a traditional split zone from under center. OL does a nice job, and watch Coleman dig out the $. Titays
Clip 3 We fire right back with a nice counter play, log the spiller, wrap for scraper, it’s blocked up well. Big run.
Clip 4 1st Down pass, split zone naked. It’s not terribly ran, HH was to be able to find those short crossers.
Clip 5 Counter Rev - Potential explosive run. TE gets owned, Bullock chasing when he didn’t need to
Clip 6 Split ZR, pick up the blitz, couldn’t get the last LB with WR crack
Clip 7 Q Power, used a lot at Baylor. 1st down, but a lot of missed assignments IMO, could be an explosive.
Clip 8…Now we get greedy…close to the green zone…take a shot…but take a sack…anger rages. Fidone is 1:1 with a corner as the $ rocks down HARD.
Clip 9 - Shallow Screen. I get it, it’s safe, easy on the QB. No interference on the chaser though + poor throw
Clip 10 - 3rd & 19 - double move and we actually get them…but HH puts in no where near the #’s…piss…but it’s a good punt
Clip 1 - IZR Bluff
Clip 2 - I Split Zone
Clip 3 - Counter
Clip 4 - Split Zone Naked
Clip 5 - Counter Reverse
Clip 6 - Split ZR
Clip 7 - Q Power
Clip 8 - Belly Opt Pass
Clip 9 - Shallow Screen
Clip 10 - Shot
Drive #3 - 10 & Touchdown
Synopsis - Good…good.
Clip 1 Power read again (Hooray) Edge blocking not as good, but it’s 4-5 yards
Clip 2 Counter, this is where an RPO would come in handy to handle that butthole backside safety rocking down. Fidone gets blown up on the wrap. But they ran counter well most of the day.
Clip 3 Empty with some quick game to either side and Fidone is running a nice little search route. HH with a nice laser to Fidone for a big gain.
Clip 4 More IZ with a quick screen….F#%&
Clip 5 Counter scheme again, perimeter was terrible. Get the log by the RG, TE doesn’t wrap and misses the LB, WR flies right by the $...F#%&
Clip 6 Counter again, 3rd & 10, no problem. Got the log, got the edge. Good block by the WR on the bottom.
Clip 7 IZ Read - Doubles just aren’t getting to their IDs, Fidone is hesitant, get the $ or the -1 the ID. But at least they’re getting some movement
Clip 8 WB Counter - a little fancy, MSU LB makes a hell of a play to stop this from being a Touchdown
Clip 9 Straight Split Zone, JEJ gets beat, poor block by 44, but that’s a tough one
Clip 10 Same Action, but bluff the HOK. Very well executed and blocked. Walk in Touchdown
Clip 1 - Power Read 2
Clip 2 - Counter
Clip 3 - Empty Quick Search
Clip 4 - IZ w/ QS
Clip 5 - Counter
Clip 6 - Counter Again
Clip 7 - IZR
Clip 8 - WB Counter
Clip 9 - Split Zone
Clip 10 Split Zone Read
Drive #4 - 4 & Out
Synopsis - Shitty…
Clip 1 - 1 & 10 PAP, Don’t hate it, nice action off of the Power Read, hit a crosser for a nice gain.
Clip 2 - Now we’re getting greedy again. Trying to hit the rail shot, have to hit it immediately or come off to the crosser.
Clip 3 - Why he bounces this I have no idea. Last place you want to go vs Quarters. Stay with the OL, get 5 at least.
Clip 4 - 4 Vert concept with a crosser under the seam reader. This is a frustrating one. That Hook/Curl defender gets depth under the seam reader on the left hash, have to come off of that. Have to. Crosser is running a ways
Clip 1 - Power Read Pass 1
Clip 2 - Power Read Pass 2
Clip 3 - Split Zone Read
Clip 4 - 4 Verts Cross
Drive #5 - 13 & FG
Synopsis - Got points at least, don’t like how the last half of the drive ensued…had two timeouts, could have ran the ball more…
Clip 1 - Q Belly - Hate it. Absolutely hate it.
Clip 2 - Split Zone Bluff Naked…we’re just not very good at these. There’s a deep crosser, but get pressure fast
Clip 3 - Love this vs quarters. Bench concept, attacks Hook/Curl in Quarters to play the bench route. HH makes a throw here the 2nd time
Clip 4 - MSU fires a CB blitz here…vs a reduced split…should probably pay attention to that. But the OL gets good movement. Also, the backside DE…where you’re running your nakeds…is getting up the field…stop it.
Clip 5 - Remember what I just said…about the BSDE getting up the field…NAKED IS A BAD CALL…sack.
Clip 6 - Chip protection again, twist game gets home, I think it’s a spear concept, but hard to tell. WRs getting road pretty hard, HH makes a heck of a play to escape.
Clip 7 Condensed Toss, poor exchange hurts this a lot, but feel like Grant could have cut this up behind his blocks and got solid yardage
Clip 8 - Stick Draw is blocked up well, HH gets a solid run, + tack on the penalty
Clip 9 - No idea if the throw to MC was designed, certainly looks that way, but get illegal man downfield
Clip 10 - This is another really frustrating one. They also ran the crap out of this at Baylor. Slot fade to the trips with a switch rail to the back. It’s a good call vs Man free, but HH stares down where he’s going, and he’s got a good matchup on the slot fade at the bottom and could have been a TD.
Clipp 11 - Another slot fade, this time with a rub. Guessing they told him to throw the slot fade, but the rub would have been a great throw for a TD.
Clip 12 - Option into the boundary, their DE absolutely wrecked this and they got 4 fast to the ball…don’t mind the call, but we got owned here.
Clip 13 - No idea what this bucket of trash is, I think they were trying to get a man look and leak the TB out
Clip 1 - Q Belly
Clip 2 - Bluff Naked
Clip 3 - Bench
Clip 4 - I Split Zone
Clip 5 - Split Zone Naked
Clip 6 - Chip Spear
Clip 7 - Condensed Toss
Clip 8 - Stick Draw
Clip 9 - Split Zone Read + Throw
Clip 10 - Slot Fade Rail
Clip 11 - Frisco
Clip 12 - Boundary Option
Clip 13 - TB Leak?
End of the Half
Drive #6 - 6 Plays and Punt
Synopsis - Looks like they’re coming out and just going to punch you in the mouth and run the ball…ends in a drop
Clip 1 - Belly Toss - Again…I just don’t like this, we don’t do these things really well.
Clip 2 - Nice Split Zone, blocked up well, back hits the hole hard, big gainer
Clip 3 - Counter, another nice play, even if the playside double, both tried to come off on the LB, big gainer. Notice a trend here? Our best run plays are usually counter or split zone?
Clip 4 - Split Zone Read, should be a TD, Boerk doesn’t find the corner, but still, HH has to make a corner miss
Clip 5 - Counter again, it’s a solid run, should be better, RG gets a kick, wrapper should fit in and hit this shit vertical.
Clip 6 - Tear motion, perimeter screen is set up, HH goes to the backside 1:1 for a first down….Have to make plays
Clip 1 - Belly Toss
Clip 2 - Split Zone
Clip 3 - Counter
Clip 4 - Split Zone Read
Clip 5 - Counter
Clip 6 - Tear Screen Hit
Drive 7 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - Let the pass happy shit show begin…
Clip 1 - I Split Zone, 3rd time we’ve ran this, 2nd time in a row we got a CB blitz vs a reduced split that dooms this one…again…
Clip 2 - Shall Screen, this time we’re smart and offer some interference, problem is, HH lays a turd in his pants, big play missed
Clipe 3 - 4 Verts Cross again, and we don’t have a chance at it because the twist game gets home…again
Clip 1 - I Split Zone 3
Clip 2 - Shallow Screen
Clip 3 - 4 Verts Cross
Drive 8 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - Try to get back to the run…fail
Clip 1 - Power Read again, but ran it to the strength, harder with the numbers, minimal gain
Clip 2 - Counter again, and again, this is when an RPO would benefit us a lot. We run counter okay, MC has a nice dig out of the $, their CB crack replaces well. It’s a numbers game where where an RPO reading that fitting down $ would be a big equalizer
Clip 3 - Mesh - Don’t like this call at all. Great scheme, but can HH read it…Had Fidone late…PUNT
Clip 1 - Power Read
Clip 2 - Counter
Clip 3 - Mesh
Drive 9 - 3 & Out
Synopsis - It’s POOP again. Feel like we’re in panic mode, there’s still 12 minutes in the 4th, down 10.
Clip 1 - Catch them in a blitz, 7 man protection, and have a nice call, Search route over the middle is there, don’t mind the shot to an outside receiver
Clip 2 - Frustrating, lots of time, this is open, the Hook/Curl is out leverage, the bench route is there, but the protection, completely breaks down again vs twist game. And this is of particular not because Benhardt is chasing the twist…ACROSS THE CENTER
Clip 3 - Hard to tell what this is, I’m assuming something similar to spear, it’s 8 man protection…Chip & check, back check…and blitz still gets home. Just awful.
Clip 1 - 3 Verts
Clip 2 - Bench Frisco
Clip 3 - Chip Spear
Drive 10 - 6 & Pick
Synopsis - We’re basically huck and chucking at this point.
Clip 1: This is a hell of a throw. Not going to lie, with pressure that protection blows, this throw and catch is freaking awesome. Slot fade to the top, Scissors to the bottom.
Clip 2: Come back with true 4 verts with the back check under the Hook/Curl defender. HH reads it and gets the check down, solid.
Clip 3: IZ Read, it’s solid, which the back would have banged that in the front side, had potential.
Clip 4: Duo - solid push and plunge for the first down
Clip 5: Shot play, where we absolutely get hosed on this, complete bullshit PI wasn’t called. How neither of those two idiots didn’t call PI is unbelievable.
Clip 6: Follow it up with an overthrow on 4 verts that resulted in a pick. I dislike where Fidone is on the field, he needs to get to the opposite hash to create space for both verticals. Shit spacing.
Clip 1: Frisco Scissors
Clip 2: 4 Verts
Clip 3: IZR
Clip 4: Duo
Clip 5: Shot
Clip 6: 4 Verts
Drive 11: 4 & TD
Synopsis - Athlete being an athlete…Marshawn Lynch Mode
Clip 1 - This is actually a really good throw. Sail concept to the low side, Hi/Lo Dig with a checkdown on the backside and fits the Dig throw in nicely. He shows flashes of what can be done, both really good, and really bad.
Clip 2 - 4 verts again, don’t like it out of 2x2 personally, but HH tries to back shoulder it with the WR getting road hard again and attempt to break the vert off.
Clip 3 - They come back to the slot fade scissors and MSU covers it up well, HH pulls it down and says hold my dick
Clip 4 - IZ Cap - Go fast, cap the read, let your OL work, EJ makes a hell of a move to stay upright and puncture the defense for a TD. Got a chance.
Clip 1 - Sail Hi/Lo
Clip 2 - 4 Verts
Clip 3 - Frisco Scissors
Clip 4 - IZ Cap
Drive 12: 3 & Fumble
Synopsis - Desperation mode, throw the ball…no bueno for us
Clip 1 - Frustrating again, as we don’t run 4 verts terribly, we just have a hard time reading it. Running 4 verts with the rail and the cross replacing the checkdown. The Search opens up the seam reader, and the seamer reader in Doss is open, have to rip it in there.
Clip 2 - IZ Read and try to sneak a run in there, would love to see the RB bang it in the frontside B, it’s blocked up okay. Movement.
Clip 3 - Haven’t seen them run this yet, Bench combo to the bottom with the drive concept on the backside, it’s good shit..but can HH read it. Our protection is absolute junk, TP gets run around, twist game gets home…AGAIN & fumble
Clip 1 - 4 Verts Cross Rail
Clip 2 - IZR
Clip 3 - Bench Drive
Drive 13: 4 & EOG
Synopsis - Piss
Clip 1 - Bench Dig, Solid protection this time, HH hits the Dig route, waits a little while, but again, we get absolutely jobbed by the officials as this is a first down, shit even the TV guys running the 1st down lines had the next play up as a first down. But it forced us into shit show land
Clip 2 - 4 Verts again, they basically tackle our seam reader, PI and 1st down.
Clip 3 - 3 Verts - chip protection, MSU shows blitz and drops, trying to drive the ball down the MOF, and again…twist game gets home, and essentially ends the game…even though it was an incomplete pass..we once again got jobbed on.
Clip 1 - Bench Dig
Clip 2 - 4 Verts
Clip 3 - 3 Verts
Wrap up
Don’t have much to add because of the synopses. There’s stuff this offense does fairly well. Counter, Inside Zone. But that’s only going to take them so far. OL pass pro needs to improve, especially vs the twist game. That’s been a shit show for a long time. Obviously, QB play has to improve. I think with a solid QB, this offense will be much better. There’s still times I feel like they get themselves in dead plays. The one thing I noticed doing the Baylor Breakdowns, they didn’t deviate much from game to game. Didn’t just add stuff to add stuff. Stay ahead of the chains…have to add some RPOs at some point to take advantage of defenses fitting your run game that fast. The elements of a good offense are there IMO. The execution level just isn’t. Also, this offense is very similar to what they ran at Baylor...only without all of the RPOs