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What are the “cool kids” from your high school up to nowadays? (1 Viewer)


Offensive Lineman
I graduated from Elkhorn Mt Michael. Most of us were dorky nerds so being the coolest kid there was like being the skinniest kid at Fat Camp. Most of them to this day couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50's. Only had 28 in my class but pretty confident in saying I've gotten way more quantity & quality strange than any of them. I think about half of them are doctors & lawyers. We had 1 go to Stanford and later start a computer company who is now rich as shit. Anther was Yale ending up as an Ambassador to a country. 1 started an export import company that did quite well. Had one who was building golf courses all over the country. Had another go to the Naval Academy that ended up being a Nuclear Physicist on a Submarine. Gotta say that sounds like an interesting job.
I laughed too hard at most of them couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50's.😂


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I graduated from Elkhorn Mt Michael. Most of us were dorky nerds so being the coolest kid there was like being the skinniest kid at Fat Camp. Most of them to this day couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50's. Only had 28 in my class but pretty confident in saying I've gotten way more quantity & quality strange than any of them. I think about half of them are doctors & lawyers. We had 1 go to Stanford and later start a computer company who is now rich as shit. Anther was Yale ending up as an Ambassador to a country. 1 started an export import company that did quite well. Had one who was building golf courses all over the country. Had another go to the Naval Academy that ended up being a Nuclear Physicist on a Submarine. Gotta say that sounds like an interesting job.
Pretty spot on for EMM.


Elite Member
We had two different family shootings in my hometown. #1 when I was a kid and #2 shortly after I graduated that was committed by a former bball teammate. Those two guys are not "doing just fine."

#1 - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-05-26-mn-3661-story.html

#2 - https://mtstandard.com/news/state-a...cle_58a6bc56-df0f-58d4-90cf-2f2ea96c1e2d.html

Kelley was killed from a gunshot in the head after being kidnapped by her estranged boyfriend Michael Allen Goltz. After shooting Kelley, Michael then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

Kelley is the brightest star that has ever passed through our lives. Her smile was infectious; her beauty inside and out made her the envy of many and a pleasure to others.

Her life was short. Her love is long.


100 & havin fun GBR !!
westernt NE 80 acres
Proud Benson Bunny from the Class of '67. We had 850 in our graduating class and there were some notables. Dave Karnes was a US Senator. Another guy became the Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in D.C. Lots of doctors and attorneys as well.

Surprisingly I'm one of only 3 that lives in California. We all moved here when it was cool to live out here, the '70s.
you silly old horse cock! don’t wanna mention you are Peter North??

Dble E

Elite Member
I still stay in touch with about 5-6 guys I went to HS with. And they are shitdicks....ha. They are doing fine actually.

The rest are doing fine if Facebook is any indication. Ha.


Most of the hot girls are now heavy and married, yet a handful I know cheat on their husbands fairly regularly, and have at reunions although I haven’t been to a reunion. One exception is a girl I “dated”that now does a lot of wellness stuff. She’s an idiot, though, and in my opinion, a charlatan, although I did see her on GMA a few months ago. It’s not surprising to me as she was super-ambitious, but seemed morally “loose”.
Several of my old buddies are doing very well, and some are complete losers that I haven’t talked to in well over a decade. Haven’t been to a reunion because they have been poorly planned.
I don’t have FB, IG, or any of that stuff, so there are a bunch of people that I have no idea about, but I had a graduating class of about 300.

And what are the names of these formerly hot girls that like the sex? Asking for a friend.


They were asking if we were going to have a 15 year high school reunion.

Bitch, no. If you need a reason to drink with your old high school buddies just call them


Wide Receiver
View attachment 35002

And what are the names of these formerly hot girls that like the sex? Asking for a friend.
I honestly don’t even know last names of any of them that went to the reunion as I didn’t go, and don’t know who’s they married. The one that is like a wellness coach or whatever that was on GMA is:



Running Back
Elite Member
I honestly don’t even know last names of any of them that went to the reunion as I didn’t go, and don’t know who’s they married. The one that is like a wellness coach or whatever that was on GMA is:

Those some crazy eyes


I graduated from Elkhorn Mt Michael. Most of us were dorky nerds so being the coolest kid there was like being the skinniest kid at Fat Camp. Most of them to this day couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50's. Only had 28 in my class but pretty confident in saying I've gotten way more quantity & quality strange than any of them. I think about half of them are doctors & lawyers. We had 1 go to Stanford and later start a computer company who is now rich as shit. Anther was Yale ending up as an Ambassador to a country. 1 started an export import company that did quite well. Had one who was building golf courses all over the country. Had another go to the Naval Academy that ended up being a Nuclear Physicist on a Submarine. Gotta say that sounds like an interesting job.
The "couldn't get laid in a whore house" brought back a funny memory of a friend and I. We went to a strip club during college one time after pay day. We actually had some money to spend and was ready to do it on some skanks. We get to the place and there is only 1 other guy there. He had about 4 strippers around him the whole time. We started watching and couldn't get any attention at all. We could barely get the waitress to come over to us. We had $20 bills on the table and everything and still nothing. They all hung around this one scurvy looking dude. Finally we gave up and went home and just laughed the entire way home joking about what fucking losers we were that we couldn't even get a stripper to talk to us with money sitting on our table. Well....a few weeks later we found out that the place got shut down due to drugs and apparently the guy that was there was some big drug guy that got all the girls attention. So that made me feel slightly less of a loser.

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
Man that is blowing up my social media feed. People seem to have strong opinions about it.
The horse what?

A bunch of horses (apparently) died at a Vet Clinic and the Prosecutors have not filed any Criminal charges because: a) there were no criminal laws violated; and b) Law Enforcement has not sent the prosecutors any referrals (because there were no criminal laws violated)

Naturally every idiot is freaking out due to Gage County Sheriffs Office and the Gage County Attorney not inventing new laws (which they can't do) and then charging people with the new laws after the action was already committed. (That pesky US Bill of Rights and not allowing ex post facto laws like the English King used to do)

I found out about it from 1 of the Gage Prosecutors who wanted my advice on what (if anything) his office should say about it.

It's amazing that people in Gage County didn't really have a mass freak out when it came out that they wrongfully convicted 6 innocent people and sent them to the State Pen for 20 years.... but lose their minds and want pure anarchy and no rule of law all because some horses negligently (no intent) died at a Vet clinic.

God is a Husker

Pussy Posse
36 kids in a class sounds way too big for FCSH.

Or it would explain how they dominate Class D2 athletics when every other school in D2 has like 8 kids a grade.

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