I've got a couple of weeks of hard battle ahead of me with this situation. Still gruesome to look at an painful to walk on. I saw my Primary physician today for a change of meds (had an allergic reaction with one of the antibiotics - my first medical allergy!). so we switched meds and added a steroid to address the newly developed rash.
I see a Dermatologist tomorrow to look at the skin on the calf and foot to develop a plan for the "molting" that will be taking place soon. Then its on to another round of imaging to look at the circulation again to see why my toes are cold (because they've been elevated for a week and I have to wear open toed sandals cause my shoes don't fit - duh). Regardless, I like my toes so I'll dutifully attend to make sure there are no issues, real or imagined.
Other than that, I'm getting sick of being cooped up and only being allowed out for Dr.'s visits. I miss my pickleball community and I'm stiff and sore from sitting on my duff. I need to get out and MOVE again, but the leg is conspiring against me. In summary,