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Breaking Fleck News - Boats Sinking

“Oh Rowfather!!! You are so great!!! Let me clap extra hard for you!”

Legality aside, it makes him look like a fucking weirdo cult leader. That will likely be a distraction going forward and will definitely hurt recruiting.
Yeah, it's super weird and I don't think appropriate in a CFB setting. That said, this will not be fireable behavior unless he shits the bed this year and they're looking for an excuse.
It will probably just unite the Fleck Cult, and they will come out with their fucking hair on fire and ready to go.
“Oh Rowfather!!! You are so great!!! Let me clap extra hard for you!”

Legality aside, it makes him look like a fucking weirdo cult leader. That will likely be a distraction going forward and will definitely hurt recruiting.
Meh. If you didn't figure out he was a douchey Pee Pants already you weren't paying attention.

Unless some other shit comes out this is over by next week. Really need somebody to come forward with points being used to offset a serious crime.
The former players and staff members were granted anonymity by FOS over fears of retaliation since they remain in the sports in some form. The players — some of whom were starters — were all under scholarship, and they played for Fleck from the 2017 through 2021.
Did Sean Callahan write this? Two typos/word errors in this paragraph alone.
“Oh Rowfather!!! You are so great!!! Let me clap extra hard for you!”

Legality aside, it makes him look like a fucking weirdo cult leader. That will likely be a distraction going forward and will definitely hurt recruiting.
Might keep him from getting hired somewhere else down the road.

Clearly this story by itself won't get him fired. But it may be the spark that sets things off if other people come forward or if there is pressure on the University to investigate the program to make sure everything is okay. In effect, that's what took NW down. Someone made an accusation last November, the University felt obligated to investigate, and the findings of the impartial investigator finished Fitzgerald off.
Meh. If you didn't figure out he was a douchey Pee Pants already you weren't paying attention.

Unless some other shit comes out this is over by next week. Really need somebody to come forward with points being used to offset a serious crime.
Oh he’s a fucking weirdo. I don’t think anybody disputes that but the whole cult vibe - including memorizing 20 different acronyms- is new.

Hopefully this is the start of some serious shit coming out. The whole Pat Fitzgerald thing went from 0 to 60 in the matter of a few days.

The story itself was grounds for firing.
Well it did go from a two week suspension to immediate termination a few days later because their idiot administration only read the executive summary.

This is nowhere near as bad but like others have said they will have to check under the floorboards
Two other former players said that Fleck would reenter a room if he didn’t like the ovation he received. "

I had a 5th grade English teacher who would make us redo our greeting to her when she walked in the classroom if we didn’t have the right inflection and if we didn’t all participate….
That was weird and annoying.
Was hoping for a real story here and PJ to get run. This is weak on its face and unless more details come out, will be forgotten in a few weeks.

This could kill his already lackluster recruiting.

I imagine lots of committed kids weren't told about this stuff while on visits. Now they'll call and ask and either get lied to (which they will realize on their first day on campus) or they will be told about the acronym, clap for me, elite stuff now and hear the weirdness early.

I bet some kids change their mind if they still have other options. We'll see.

Some of this other stuff is just run of the mill things that kids these days complain about like "I didn't want to say elite when I was having a bad day" or "there wasn't time for mental health service".

But the big one is the drug testing favoritism. That is a no no and will divide the locker room. We shall see if this escalates.
Looks like my reaction is similar to most: "Meh."

He plays favorites and pressures injured players to return quickly. The worst of it might be ignoring positive drug tests for certain players.
A lot of the story was just detailing his weird idiosyncrasies, many of which have been publicly on display for years.

I do not see this as a fireable bombshell we were led to believe it was going to be. Seems like a sit down with the AD or chancellor might be in order with some kind of internal probation/monitoring for a year or two.

As for the clapping when he enters a room... I wonder if that includes halftime?

The story itself was grounds for firing.
that was not hours - it was what - 7 months? - after the allegations were made and six months after the University announced there were allegations and they were investigating. A huge amount of evidence was developed in that time frame. It was just hours after the suspension was announced and there was blowback when the people who were interviewed by the investigator went to the paper.
This could kill his already lackluster recruiting.

I imagine lots of committed kids weren't told about this stuff while on visits. Now they'll call and ask and either get lied to (which they will realize on their first day on campus) or they will be told about the acronym, clap for me, elite stuff now and hear the weirdness early.

I bet some kids change their mind if they still have other options. We'll see.

Some of this other stuff is just run of the mill things that kids these days complain about like "I didn't want to say elite when I was having a bad day" or "there wasn't time for mental health service".

But the big one is the drug testing favoritism. That is a no no and will divide the locker room. We shall see if this escalates.
The whole Narc thing seems like a big deal in regard to locker room environment to me. You’re supposed to be tight with your teammates but if your boy doesn’t show up to class your run to your Rowfather and get a magic coin? I’d rather my players/leaders take care of those situations themself.

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