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Welp...we are witnessing the end of football. (1 Viewer)


Offensive Coordinator
Elite Member

CornFed Gregger

Offensive Lineman
But its something more than just free agency. Its more like a free for all.

Free agency is conducted with players working under the same rules league wide. The number of free agents is limited to the number of players out of contract at any given time, not any player any time they feel like it. Free agents are courted by a relatively small amount of teams who can be interested based on their salary cap situation, which is also regulated by the same rules league wide. None of that exists in college football. Not even close.
There’s a local guy who has bitched about players getting their rights & piece of the pie forever but now complains how there’s no regulation for a fair playing field which would infringe on those rights.

It’s gonna be a free-for-all while these schools look to separate themselves from the haves & have-nots. Cockeye State doesn’t have half the NIL money that Cockeye does & I think Cockeye is on the low-end so it could be worse & Nebraska is getting relegated to a mid-major. Fortunately by the time this evolves to the next step(CBA maybe) Nebraska will be in a better spot than most of the Midwest schools.


Elite Member
I know that lots of my posts lately have been sour, but frankly there hasn't been much good news to be excited about. That continues here.

This tweet and story by the OWH should terrify everyone interested in CFB.

This is what anyone following the evolution of NIL have been scared of from the start. We are handing football over to the rich. (even more than it was before) Little groups or "pods" of NIL donors are forming. The price tags for membership is in the thousands. This will not morph into something good for Husker athletics (or any place that this is happening) It will spiral out of control sooner rather than later.

You all know the entitlement you feel when you pay for something. When you buy something or pay for a service you expect some sort of result. You want your money's worth. A quality product, superior service, increased access....etc etc. Now the athletic department is selling access to literally dozens and dozens of groups willing to pay. Access to coaches and players, if the article is to be believed, at regular intervals. I know that this has already existed to some level in the past, but not in these numbers. And the planned events in this case will dwarf the number of events that were expected in the past. The article mentions that this access would be monthly to most groups. So now a sizable amount of time won't be spent game planning, recruiting or simply resting....our coaches are gonna be financially obligated to spend even more time glad handing NIL donors, answering inane questions and listening to various opinions from people who are far from experts. As I said this is something they already do to a lesser degree on occasion but there is a huge difference now. Now they aren't just meeting with fans but rather investors, and investors, people who have put in over $5.000, will bring their privilege along with them. The dynamic will have changed from Coach/Player with a curious fan like you had in the past to the new dynamic of CEO (coach) and investor. You all know rich dudes, now imagine that rich guy feels like his money wasn't well spent after watching us lose yet again to Illinois. You know how this access is gonna play out. You know what these "meetings" are going to turn into. You think Big Red Reaction post game shows or message board vitriol is bad? Wait until someone drops $10k on a RB who trips behind the line of scrimmage on a play that the coach lined him up in the shotgun on 1st&Goal from the one.

The quality of coach that is willing to play this NIL game will trend toward the ones that are comfortable chasing cash and the guys who coach because they love the game or are in it because they are actually good at coaching will decrease. What I mean is why take a job in which you are no longer able to do the part of the job you like because you need to attend another dinner hosted by country club Charlie who wants you to explain why you didn't give playing time to the WR he's paying for? In the past these donors at least were under the guise of making donations to the "school"...now literally you have financial backers of a true freshman RB that want an update on his status. How long until one of these dudes, who consider themselves elite businessmen, want to be a part of the recruiting visits? Be the pitch man? Be the talent evaluator? Have their money decide who gets an offer?

Basically this is just my long way of saying that rich, entitled dudes with ceaselessly expanding access to college football are going to ruin the sport because that is what rich entitled dudes do to everything.

And that was always naturally going to happen. They passed NIL with no plan or rules in place.


Running Back
Elite Member
As the great PFTCommenter says, 'Water always finds it's level.'

This will get ironed out over the next few years. There's going to be growing pains, but it's not necessary to be melodramatic about it.


At this point you are almost better transferring out to a new school. It seems like your NIL opportunities are at a premium on the transfer market rather than staying at your current school, unless you are a QB. Casey Rogers, I don't think, would get a ton here, but he goes in the portal and now teams will bid for him.

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