Saltsdogg is either a tad bit touched or a plant from the North Stadium. He White Knights for Frost non-stop. Claims to be that "Positive Fan" but he has Frost's back. Their are other Taters that Russle My Jimmies with their White Knighting.
LarsTheRed - which I think might be a second account for the poster who is Saltsdogg. No way 2 people are that dense plus a couple times it appeared he was answering in posts like he was Saltsdogg. With the way they defend Frost we have wondered if they are plants.
Skulnbonz - complete tater. He is a Tater Salad with Mustard and Mayonnaise dressing. Special kinda stupid
Commander McBragg- new poster who won't ever support the Huskers if they fire Frost. He's a special kinda special.
1545Morrison - potato. Someone mentioned that there might be a bunch of people on that account which would explain the somewhat Bipolar posts. You call him out on something that he posted and he denies it. Quick to call people idiots or other names.