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Winter storm Wendy, holy fuck it's Wendy out


POTD Editor of tPB. Master interviewer
Titty Master
Checking in from the Highlands in Lincoln, Ne
Winds howling at 35mph gust up to 70 reported.
Snowblower has been out crushing snow.
2 inches in the poor areas with wind. Electrical poles blowing over and whatnot. GBR!
Had to drive back into town from Crested Butte today. I’ve seen some wind myself.
Amazon delivered two packages tonight at around 7:00 p.m., apparently because it's my "preferred delivery day". I had no need for these items today. Felt sorry for the poor bastard dashing through Wendy to bring these to my snow covered front porch when it could have waited until a safer day to deliver them. To be fair, he didn't know, and I appreciate Amazon doing what they do to get people their packages before Christmas.

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