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Will Double Chins cause Scott Fraud to get fired?

It's a toss up what will cause the 1st domino.

The QB's have regressed/no development, the D regressed after showing early promise, and the play calling is atrocious. Take your pick. Can Frost fire himself? He sure as hell better look at Dooze and Chins otherwise he'll be run out of town.
I’ve heard from a family member of a pretty prominent defensive player that Chin gives conflicting info from what the position coaches say...so there’s that.
It's a toss up what will cause the 1st domino.

The QB's have regressed/no development, the D regressed after showing early promise, and the play calling is atrocious. Take your pick. Can Frost fire himself? He sure as hell better look at Dooze and Chins otherwise he'll be run out of town.
The play-calling is the most perplexing thing to me. Tutelage from some damn good offensive minds over the years hasn’t sunk in, apparently.

Everyone loves to bash the play calling and at times its perplexing but there's multiple times receivers are running down the field wide open and bad throw by the qb or doesn't throw it at all.

With that said thats still a coaching issue to a large degree. Martinez mind fuck, recruiting McCaffrey as a qb, and apparently Smothers isn't an option. Could Smothers have been an option in a non covid fucked year? Is Martinez mind fuck the coaches fault? Were they really recruiting McCaffrey as an athlete and forced to leave him at qb because of shitty depth?

Any way you look at it the qb position is a fail right now and there's nobody else to blame for that but Frost. You don't win without at least a reasonably good qb in college football.
Everyone loves to bash the play calling and at times its perplexing but there's multiple times receivers are running down the field wide open and bad throw by the qb or doesn't throw it at all.

With that said thats still a coaching issue to a large degree. Martinez mind fuck, recruiting McCaffrey as a qb, and apparently Smothers isn't an option. Could Smothers have been an option in a non covid fucked year? Is Martinez mind fuck the coaches fault? Were they really recruiting McCaffrey as an athlete and forced to leave him at qb because of shitty depth?

Any way you look at it the qb position is a fail right now and there's nobody else to blame for that but Frost. You don't win without at least a reasonably good qb in college football.
Sure is a lot crammed into that second paragraph Jim Bob. My brain hurts.....

Offensive problems are the Pass game coordinator and a Run game coordinator is the reason this offense is mess
So do we think Vedral would be doing as well here as he is at Rutgers? Is Rutgers supporting cast making him look better?

He wouldn't be. It's a combination of QB coaching and the QB's skills. Although I think one thing is abundantly clear - LM is not the deep thrower we need/want him to be. That experiment should be over. Now that AM got benched, maybe he'd fucking step up and be the player that this team needed, and start to ball out.

The problem is that the QB's haven't been developed whatsoever. In fact, I'd argue that they've regressed. Guys are open if people pay closer attention to what's going on during games. I have no idea why the QB's aren't seeing them. It's maddening.

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