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NSFW What's the most random place you have had sex

In high school: In the timber while turkey hunting. On the 4 wheeler by the MO river. Dental Chair. Tanning bed room in the fitness center. The dock just outside the pool my gf worked at.

Later on: The beach in the Bahamas as a storm rolled in on us (didn’t miss a beat). Same girl as i met in the Bahamas but this time in her home town in Minnesota on her massage table while she screamed loud enough the whole apartment complex probably heard her. We thought her sister had left....nope. She was just feet away behind French doors. My treestand. Back of my truck on my clover food plot. Deer blind. Parking lot of Pitch after being at Brix in west Omaha. (Different girl) In my truck in front of Brix in east Omaha. Animal science building living quarters at UNL. Another gal while turkey hunting. Tag teamed a girl with a buddy in another guys truck. The truck owner was drunk as fuck so we kicked his ass out at his parents place and took his truck. Well that’s all I got...drawing a blank now on any others....

edit: at the way back property line of a cemetery. I suppose it was 200 yards deep and we were 400 yds back by the fence line in her Mercedes. Not a clue why she asked me to meet her there but parked my car and jumped in with her. She drove way back there and then hoped on top in my seat!
funny thing was she told me she was single then and as I was pulling out of the drive on the highway and she was behind me in her car there went her apparent boyfriend flying up the highway to look for her all frantic cause she hadn’t been answering the phone after leaving his house in town. Yes he saw her and I’s cars as he drove by.
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Blow job in the kitchen of the Max Bar and Grill in WAYNE, NE. Just to clarify again, that’s the Max in WAYNE not Omaha 😂. Also a blow job in the parking lot of the old Bluejay bar in Omaha
Did you go to Wayne State? I was a 2011 grad. The Max isn’t the popular bar anymore; was back up for a wedding a couple years ago. Had a bunch of buddies that worked the kitchen...
Blow job in the kitchen of the Max Bar and Grill in WAYNE, NE. Just to clarify again, that’s the Max in WAYNE not Omaha 😂. Also a blow job in the parking lot of the old Bluejay bar in Omaha
My picture was on the wall of the old Bluejay bar for years. We did a "Keg Toss & Roll" fundraiser in conjunction with a Pickle Smoochers fraternity for charity and a photo memorialized the event for posterity. Got to be on TV during a live broadcast of the WOWT weather segment when we rolled a keg across the set to promote the event as well. I was simultaneously delighted and appalled when buddies of mine who ARE Pickle Smoochers fans let me know about it as I'm the fervent Pickle Smoochers hater in our group.
My picture was on the wall of the old Bluejay bar for years. We did a "Keg Toss & Roll" fundraiser in conjunction with a Pickle Smoochers fraternity for charity and a photo memorialized the event for posterity. Got to be on TV during a live broadcast of the WOWT weather segment when we rolled a keg across the set to promote the event as well. I was simultaneously delighted and appalled when buddies of mine who ARE Pickle Smoochers fans let me know about it as I'm the fervent Pickle Smoochers hater in our group.
That was a great bar. I didn’t go to CU but had some good buddies that did so I was at the jay almost every Wednesday when I was 19-20 years old. Had a lot of good times there. Think I maybe went there twice after I turned 21 lol
That was a great bar. I didn’t go to CU but had some good buddies that did so I was at the jay almost every Wednesday when I was 19-20 years old. Had a lot of good times there. Think I maybe went there twice after I turned 21 lol
Back the Paleozoic Era in which I grew up, we had the option of heading across the bridge to Cockeye to drink legally at the age of 18. Nebraska was 19 at the time, but yea ... there were always bars that would turn a blind eye to asking for ID in exchange for business back then. My guess is those places are fewer and further in between with the enhanced emphasis on enforcement of all laws alcohol related. Except in Bow Valley, NE. I believe the standard up there is if you're old enough to see over the bar, you can drink.
So what did you do while in middle school and elementary?

Ask yer mom

Back the Paleozoic Era in which I grew up, we had the option of heading across the bridge to Cockeyes to drink legally at the age of 18. Nebraska was 19 at the time, but yea ... there were always bars that would turn a blind eye to asking for ID in exchange for business back then. My guess is those places are fewer and further in between with the enhanced emphasis on enforcement of all laws alcohol related. Except in Bow Valley, NE. I believe the standard up there is if you're old enough to see over the bar, you can drink.

LOL. Grew up about 1/2 mile from Bow Valley and a 1/4 mile from the "if you're old enough to see over the bar, you can drink - dance hall"

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