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NSFW What's the most random place you have had sex


POTD Editor of tPB. Master interviewer
Titty Master
Mine was at Green Dimond bar in Saint James, Ne in the woman's bathroom doggystyle over the sink.
Sexy Jessica Alba GIF
My favorite, as there a lot of random places, was in our clubhouse during a game in Peoria, IL. As a starting pitcher in the minors you chart in the stands with the radar gun and all that jazz when you’re not pitching. I had convinced the waitress from the bar the night before to come to the game. I had my teammate take over my duty for a couple innings and took her down there for a good time. She proceeded to drive back to South Bend that night for an extended night of debauchery.
My favorite, as there a lot of random places, was in our clubhouse during a game in Peoria, IL. As a starting pitcher in the minors you chart in the stands with the radar gun and all that jazz when you’re not pitching. I had convinced the waitress from the bar the night before to come to the game. I had my teammate take over my duty for a couple innings and took her down there for a good time. She proceeded to drive back to South Bend that night for an extended night of debauchery.
Nice! What bar? And what year? I may know her 😉
Mine would be either a movie theater, state park, numerous bar bathrooms, or a boat deck in the middle of party cove at Lake Shelbyville
Edit: maybe while driving down the strip in PCB over spring break.
Nice! What bar? And what year? I may know her 😉
Mine would be either a movie theater, state park, numerous bar bathrooms, or a boat deck in the middle of party cove at Lake Shelbyville
Edit: maybe while driving down the strip in PCB over spring break.

2005. I couldn’t tell you the name of the bar. Her name was Reagan though if that helps.
In college, for a brief period of time (approx. 4 weeks), I worked at the Home Depot on 27th and Cornhusker. I would often spend the night there in my car, passing out in a drunken stupor, and then wake up for a sink shower and a head to toe coating of Axe body spray at the sketchy gas station across the street.

During this time, a young lady (cannot for the life of me remember her name), also worked at that HD. I want to say she was either in Lawn & Garden or was a cashier, and she smoked Marlboro Lights (100s). As burning heaters with a downtrodden Home Depot cashier was more appealing to me than retrieving carts from the parking lot for $7.70 / hr, I would often join her for smoke breaks.

We would mostly just sit around and shoot the shit, nothing too personal. I knew was about to quit that shitty job, so right before I was going to, I just said fuggit and asked her if she wanted to go to the lockable family restroom and bang one out. She agreed, so we went and did the nasty. Did it on the floor and I also bent her over the changing table.

After that, I found the manager and quit on the spot. Figured they could easily replace my production and that I had achieved everything I set out to in the job. Not my proudest memory but fond (if not foggy) memory to look back on.

P.S.S. - can't remember exactly what she looked like, but she was ugly as shit. I think part of why I quit that day was so I didn't have to come to grips with myself for scraping the bottom of the barrel to get off.
College girlfriend & I had a game called “sex commandos”. We tried a lot of unusual locations, and it seemed the closer we got to getting caught, the harder she came. Clamped my hand over that girls mouth on more than one occasion.

Pretty much got busted a couple of times, including by a flight attendant for double occupancy in the bathroom of a 747. Who knew flight attendants could be so condescending?

For me, the most memorable was the glass elevator at the old Hilton on 16th & Dodge. We were on our way down from a sorority formal when the mood struck. I pulled the emergency stop button, encouraged her to turn around, bend over, and grab a hand rail so we could both enjoy the view. Like a gentlemen. 😎

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