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What Does Clouse do for a FT job?

I've always wondered what else Washut does as he doesn't produce much content, doesn't really travel anywhere on Dean's dime, and isn't connected for football.
I've never seen Kong (hates bewbs) and Washut post at the same time, in the same thread... interesting...
Dean somehow gets paid to talk and do recruiting dinners. I’ve listened to him talk on the podcast and can’t imagine paying to listen to that
I heard he charges 100k for an appearance!

I'm blessed with a good job that pays and a home that's worth X times what I owe....but damn, it's crazy here in CA.

For a lot of reasons. Fires, Homeless, Crime, Too Many People, Taxes (Bus and Indv) and shitty criminal Government (Local State National) "representation" etc etc

Serious question.....with the stories we hear over and over about Cali folks flooding into Phoenix and Colorado and even Texas, how the hell are Cali properties/homes holding their value?? Who are the buyers driving the market?

It’s a tough life as a staff member at HOL. Once in a while they have to check Twitter after 5:00 p.m. for breaking news or miss an orange julius workout. Sometimes they may even have to drive home on a two-lane road after dark.
Deab complaining about a 10 hour day about made me piss myself.
Deab complaining about a 10 hour day about made me piss myself.

Same. Dean is the queen of thin skinnery, but him trying to elicit sympathy, or prove that he works harder than everyone else, or whatever the fuck else he was trying to prove, for working a very normal amount of hours in a day (most of it soent driving in a fucking car, no less) ranks right up there with when he brought down the hammer on @slattimer for the pie and salsa debacle. That pissed me off so much when he did that shit. Dean wouldn't know a hard day's work if a shovel hit him square in his jaw.
Serious question.....with the stories we hear over and over about Cali folks flooding into Phoenix and Colorado and even Texas, how the hell are Cali properties/homes holding their value?? Who are the buyers driving the market?


I don't understand it either. There is a shit-ton of money here tho. They seem to still be selling. 2 in my hood in the last 3 months. Big $ both of them.
I hope I can get some of that soon myself and escape to AZ.
Same. Dean is the queen of thin skinnery, but him trying to elicit sympathy, or prove that he works harder than everyone else, or whatever the fuck else he was trying to prove, for working a very normal amount of hours in a day (most of it soent driving in a fucking car, no less) ranks right up there with when he brought down the hammer on @slattimer for the pie and salsa debacle. That pissed me off so much when he did that shit. Dean wouldn't know a hard day's work if a shovel hit him square in his jaw.
Guessing ole Deab has never done much in the terms of any manual labor.
Guessing ole Deab has never done much in the terms of any manual labor.

These guys get so pissy and defensive at the people that pay money to come to their website for "information" and "content" and then question the value of that content. Like if you go to a restaurant and and something is wrong with your food, what do you do? Send it back. Almost any other industry if the service you are receiving is sub-par, you ask for it to be redone, a replacement, or your money back. With RSS, you don't like the lack of information? Get pissy at the people that complain. What a business model!
These guys get so pissy and defensive at the people that pay money to come to their website for "information" and "content" and then question the value of that content. Like if you go to a restaurant and and something is wrong with your food, what do you do? Send it back. Almost any other industry if the service you are receiving is sub-par, you ask for it to be redone, a replacement, or your money back. With RSS, you don't like the lack of information? Get pissy at the people that complain. What a business model!
If Deab would actually do some proofreading, especially after he uses voice to text in all of his articles or posts, it wouldn't be so bad and I could get over him being an oblivious thin skinned gomer. But he's so fucking lazy he won't even proofread his shit, hell, it took him forever to even consider grammarly.
If Deab would actually do some proofreading, especially after he uses voice to text in all of his articles or posts, it wouldn't be so bad and I could get over him being an oblivious thin skinned gomer. But he's so fucking lazy he won't even proofread his shit, hell, it took him forever to even consider grammarly.

And TT is such a joke any more. We wait 2 weeks for some "insider" shit that is literally them regurgitating what they say in the chat or random threads throughout the the week. And then the occasional "someday I will share everything I know" comment...which is code for "I dont know shit but I need to buy myself some time to find out something these poor suckers might find interesting."
I've always wondered what any of them do tbh..

So from my time with everyone, I’m pretty sure HOL is their only job. We never discussed if they drive for Uber or DoorDash or anything like that but during the busy season of football/basketball, these pressers are held around 10:00-11:00 every single day. It’s tough to have a 9-5 white collar job when you’re summoned to work for your job at that point in time.

Robin also travels to a lot of places on the company’s dime. He goes to all away games with Sean along with two interns when there were three(four) of us so he was able to be Sean’s right hand man.

It is difficult right now with COVID and I think the “lazy” comment about sports reporters night be a little accurate to an extent. I was lazy as hell when I worked for HOL and even with this virus it would’ve been worse.

Real excited to be here gentleman GBR

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So from my time with everyone, I’m pretty sure HOL is their only job. We never discussed if they drive for Uber or DoorDash or anything like that but during the busy season of football/basketball, these pressers are held around 10:00-11:00 every single day. It’s tough to have a 9-5 white collar job when you’re summoned to work for your job at that point in time.

Robin also travels to a lot of places on the company’s dime. He goes to all away games with Sean along with two interns when there were three(four) of us so he was able to be Sean’s right hand man.

It is difficult right now with COVID and I think the “lazy” comment about sports reporters night be a little accurate to an extent. I was lazy as hell when I worked for HOL and even with this virus it would’ve been worse.

Real excited to be here gentleman GBR

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You still keep in contact with the fellas over there or it was just a working relationship? Also what the hell is the true story on Eickholt. Dude seems like a total loser in real life, but also love razzing Dean about hiring a Hawkeye fan.
You still keep in contact with the fellas over there or it was just a working relationship? Also what the hell is the true story on Eickholt. Dude seems like a total loser in real life, but also love razzing Dean about hiring a Hawkeye fan.

Not much contact with those guys anymore. Sometimes I’ll text Robin or Sean but, other than that, we don’t talk much.

So the deal with Eickholt...he honestly seems like a genuinely nice guy down to his core but he puts up this douchey persona and vibe that I don’t really like. I’m in a political group chat with him and Reynoldson and a couple other buddies and the amount of times I’ve called him out for simply being a douche is too high to count. There was one point where him and I got on the phone and were yelling at each other but we eventually talked it out and we’re fine now.

When it comes to politics for me, I’m more right leaning but I do have a lot of “liberal” views on social issues that DE doesn’t really agree with. Basically, my political stance is to not be an absolute asshole, regardless of if I agree with your views or not, and he is one 75% of the time.

It’s all an act from that kid though. He likes to put on this confident type of front for everyone when I don’t think that’s who he really is, but that’s just me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So from my time with everyone, I’m pretty sure HOL is their only job. We never discussed if they drive for Uber or DoorDash or anything like that but during the busy season of football/basketball, these pressers are held around 10:00-11:00 every single day. It’s tough to have a 9-5 white collar job when you’re summoned to work for your job at that point in time.

Robin also travels to a lot of places on the company’s dime. He goes to all away games with Sean along with two interns when there were three(four) of us so he was able to be Sean’s right hand man.

It is difficult right now with COVID and I think the “lazy” comment about sports reporters night be a little accurate to an extent. I was lazy as hell when I worked for HOL and even with this virus it would’ve been worse.

Real excited to be here gentleman GBR

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The inner-workings of HOL exposed! Thanks Wheels!

*edit* - Seems like a real slap-dick operation.
Not much contact with those guys anymore. Sometimes I’ll text Robin or Sean but, other than that, we don’t talk much.

So the deal with Eickholt...he honestly seems like a genuinely nice guy down to his core but he puts up this douchey persona and vibe that I don’t really like. I’m in a political group chat with him and Reynoldson and a couple other buddies and the amount of times I’ve called him out for simply being a douche is too high to count. There was one point where him and I got on the phone and were yelling at each other but we eventually talked it out and we’re fine now.

When it comes to politics for me, I’m more right leaning but I do have a lot of “liberal” views on social issues that DE doesn’t really agree with. Basically, my political stance is to not be an absolute asshole, regardless of if I agree with your views or not, and he is one 75% of the time.

It’s all an act from that kid though. He likes to put on this confident type of front for everyone when I don’t think that’s who he really is, but that’s just me.

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I always figured it was an act, but agreed on the douche vibe.

So I guess another question I've always wondered is what is Dean and Nate's relationship like. They often seem to contradict each other's answers in the chats and there is just a general vibe of uneasiness. Not sure about Robin though, he seems like he is probably cool with both, but it's an interesting dynamic I've picked up on.

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