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What Does Clouse do for a FT job?

Where do you live? Colorado is insane. I just had my house appraised to refinance and they said it was worth like $560k. It is definitely not a 560k house. But everything just keeps going up.
East Valley PHX Metro. Our previous house (got for about 200k in 2010) was appraised for about 425k a few months ago...just unbelievable. It was as mediocre of a house as you can get.
East Valley PHX Metro. Our previous house (got for about 200k in 2010) was appraised for about 425k a few months ago...just unbelievable. It was as mediocre of a house as you can get.
Wow, crazy. Yeah sounds similar to here. New houses are starting around $550k now everywhere you look. We were thinking about upgrading just because we could make a ton on our current house, but everything is so expensive it's not even worth it. A slightly larger house with a walk out a neighborhood over is $630k plus (and was probably $400k a couple years ago)
Wow, crazy. Yeah sounds similar to here. New houses are starting around $550k now everywhere you look. We were thinking about upgrading just because we could make a ton on our current house, but everything is so expensive it's not even worth it. A slightly larger house with a walk out a neighborhood over is $630k plus (and was probably $400k a couple years ago)
Yeah, my best bud lives in Arvada and I couldn't believe he paid so much for his house...seems like Colorado is much worse than here in PHX
Wow, crazy. Yeah sounds similar to here. New houses are starting around $550k now everywhere you look. We were thinking about upgrading just because we could make a ton on our current house, but everything is so expensive it's not even worth it. A slightly larger house with a walk out a neighborhood over is $630k plus (and was probably $400k a couple years ago)
It's insane what people are paying for those houses. Had a friend buy one for more than what we paid 6 years ago, much smaller, no finished basement, and no finished back yard... like no grass lol. Wtf.
I don't envy yours and SB's cost of living or taxes.


I'm blessed with a good job that pays and a home that's worth X times what I owe....but damn, it's crazy here in CA.

For a lot of reasons. Fires, Homeless, Crime, Too Many People, Taxes (Bus and Indv) and shitty criminal Government (Local State National) "representation" etc etc

His full time job is tweeting about the super popular Chicago White Sox

i think covid has lead to these sportswriters and whatever you call HOL’ers to become even lazier than they were before. A reason to be a sports writer is so you dont actually have to work, and these mother fuckers have mailed it in.

this last part looks like a high school
book report where i needed 500 words and i was at 465
Memorable moments in Martinez's Nebraska career
There are quite a few memorable moments in Martinez's career at Nebraska, but I will always remember the start of his redshirt freshman season and thinking to myself how special he could end up being. His game against Kansas State is one that especially stands out to me. He ripped off some amazing runs that night in Manhattan where people had angles on him, but Martinez flew by them.
i think covid has lead to these sportswriters and whatever you call HOL’ers to become even lazier than they were before. A reason to be a sports writer is so you dont actually have to work, and these mother fuckers have mailed it in.

this last part looks like a high school
book report where i needed 500 words and i was at 465
Memorable moments in Martinez's Nebraska career
There are quite a few memorable moments in Martinez's career at Nebraska, but I will always remember the start of his redshirt freshman season and thinking to myself how special he could end up being. His game against Kansas State is one that especially stands out to me. He ripped off some amazing runs that night in Manhattan where people had angles on him, but Martinez flew by them.

And therefore, in conclusion, it is definitely obvious that Taylor Martinez was a great talent as highlighted by his incredible game against Kansas State in Manhattan in 2010.

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