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What are you drinking fuckers?

Code Beer Co (in Lincoln). Currently drinking their Pale Ale. Had some of their IPA tonight as well. To the craft beer people in Lincoln I hope you give Code a try.
Never heard of it. (Not local)

How long has it been there? I just checked their website and it looks like they've got a bunch of beers for somewhere that isn't all that old

Kids are sleeping over at grandma and grandpa’s tonight.
Nothing. But my two year old is throwing a tantrum and my 8 month old is also crying nonstop so I’m debating drinking bleach

The best way to keep the 'Rona away, assuming you don't have a syringe handy.

Coffee then dumping some vodka in it then vodka

I like how you don't want to taste it, but just want it to soothe you. You are the man!
The best way to keep the 'Rona away, assuming you don't have a syringe handy.

I like how you don't want to taste it, but just want it to soothe you. You are the man!
I drink to deal with the meaninglessness of my existence and to cope with the overwhelming burden of my work, which I guess doesn't really matter.
Never heard of it. (Not local)

How long has it been there? I just checked their website and it looks like they've got a bunch of beers for somewhere that isn't all that old
I think they have been open a little over three years now. They have a a pretty wide variety of beers and I just describe it to people that whatever’s on their board it’s good. They don’t always do some strange attempts at beer, but what they do, they do well. I won’t set unrealistic expectations, it’s just good beer.
January 1, 2021
Yup. Things seem totally different now. Thank god. Just kidding. There is no god. Please continue to enjoy Arby’s in the new year.

Wait, are you actually @nihilist_arbys on Twitter. If so, I just met my second favorite parody account holder via the platinum board.
Wait, are you actually @nihilist_arbys on Twitter. If so, I just met my second favorite parody account holder via the platinum board.
Nope. Brendan Kelly from the Lawrence Arms is the nihilist arby's guy. Not that it matters. Because nothing matters. Please continue to stuff our cancer filled cheese roast beef in your mouth. #EatArbys
Nope. Brendan Kelly from the Lawrence Arms is the nihilist arby's guy. Not that it matters. Because nothing matters. Please continue to stuff our cancer filled cheese roast beef in your mouth. #EatArbys
You jumped on the googler/wikipedia faster than I could even come up with a joke about it. Good work.

Who is Faux Pelini?
I always thought Faux Pelini was a Chicago area lawyer.

Me too, but I'm still piecing things together about the platinum board user names. huskerdocco was originally "cheese sandwich" here, and I can't remember the others that have changed their handles.

Is motorboater a chicago based attorney? If so, we've cracked the code.

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