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What are the most relevant statistics for tracking offensive and defensive progress, iyo?

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
Other than record and score. Thinking about firing up a stats database after Buttgers and assembling something to weep over.
For me these are some of the most important when it comes to the difference between winning the close games and losing them:
-3rd Down efficiency (Offense and Defense)
-Special Teams Stats
I used to have an overly intensive SQL Database that I would manage... basically scripted out a bunch of scrape jobs from a few sites that ran in SQL Server Agent Jobs...tons of Views and Stored Procs that would populate tons of different stats. Had basically everything...stats down to individual stats by quarter. I never backed up the database and then the hard drive pooped out. I still have all the python scripts but the thought of starting over makes me sad. Anywho, I did a bunch of stuff and concluded that Nebraska was a very bad team. I think it's safe to assume that is still true, but who knows...
I used to have an overly intensive SQL Database that I would manage... basically scripted out a bunch of scrape jobs from a few sites that ran in SQL Server Agent Jobs...tons of Views and Stored Procs that would populate tons of different stats. Had basically everything...stats down to individual stats by quarter. I never backed up the database and then the hard drive pooped out. I still have all the python scripts but the thought of starting over makes me sad. Anywho, I did a bunch of stuff and concluded that Nebraska was a very bad team. I think it's safe to assume that is still true, but who knows...
Sql is on my list of shit to learn how to do. It seems straightforward.

I mostly just want to look for any possible nugget of progress, but from a cursory glance it looks pretty bleak

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