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Urban Koolaid from Random Sports Talk Caller

IDGAF about Urban's baggage. Guy fucking wins.

Pay him whatever
Pay him a fucking huge assistant pool
Get the fucking donors fired up with a 30 mil NIL pool.

Time for us to get back to the Nebraska way of winning and covering up the problems..

Don't see us doing it, but it is what I would do.
IDGAF about Urban's baggage. Guy fucking wins.

Pay him whatever
Pay him a fucking huge assistant pool
Get the fucking donors fired up with a 30 mil NIL pool.

Time for us to get back to the Nebraska way of winning and covering up the problems..

Don't see us doing it, but it is what I would do.
There's zero reason why Nebraska doesn't pay like Michigan St does. Zero. They doubled Tucker's pool when he moved from Colorado to there.

Nebraska should have 3 $1 million dollar assistants.

Now of course you don't just pay any slappy that. But that's the type of offering they should have. Go all in. Why not? Urban Meyer at $15 Mil/Yr is a steal. He'll make that money back for the Huskers in a year. Be outrageous, I don't know if A&M and Jimbo are going to work out but at least they are going for it.
There's zero reason why Nebraska doesn't pay like Michigan St does. Zero. They doubled Tucker's pool when he moved from Colorado to there.

Nebraska should have 3 $1 million dollar assistants.

Now of course you don't just pay any slappy that. But that's the type of offering they should have. Go all in. Why not? Urban Meyer at $15 Mil/Yr is a steal. He'll make that money back for the Huskers in a year. Be outrageous, I don't know if A&M and Jimbo are going to work out but at least they are going for it.
ESPECIALLY with new BTN money coming in. That is 20mil+ in addition to what we have currently.

Also, do you think donors would donate more or less if we landed somebody like Urban?
His "baggage" is G rated compared to what has happened at Nebraska over the last 50 years.

People need to get over themselves that think Nebraska football was Mother Theresa of college football. (not saying you)
I think you're right, amigo.

It's a weird place to find ourselves in. If we had a shot at hiring Urban Meyer (not sure we do) I'd never have imagined Nebraska fans arguing over whether it was a good decision or not.
ESPECIALLY with new BTN money coming in. That is 20mil+ in addition to what we have currently.

Also, do you think donors would donate more or less if we landed somebody like Urban?
Honestly, I don't think we've ever hired someone Urban because he would be about the only coach on the market right now with enough clout to tell the "ole boys crew" to go fuck themselves with their meddling and shit. I think the shit runs deep and these people love their connections and access. Just a guess, but a large source of our problems starts and ends with them.
The media killed Urban Meyer before he even had a chance to get here. Urban=success overnight. No other coach in the world offers that. I just don't understand the pushback from so many Nebraskans.
They all think that Tom Osbourne was some magical saint and father figure when he did some shady shit as well in order to win. Plus with Urban in place, maybe the TC feels like they wont have power like they are used to having.
This Greg guy is on fire this morning... starts around 4:30

I had such high expectations for this. But this isn't Koolaid. Koolaid is "I think Urban is coming to Nebraska", not "hey Urban Meyer is a great coach".

I'm with @HerbRedman on this, I absolutely believe Urban was interested before he saw firsthand how absolutely ass we are, and now has cooled off.
I just don't understand the pushback from so many Nebraskans.
Coaching searches are one of the times it's clearest how weird our fan base is.

Tons of guys NU is too good for, tons of guys not nearly good enough for DONU.

But trot out a candidate that runs some sort of option, or who has never had a head coaching job but whose uncle was a GA at NU in the late 80s and a bunch of NU fans will wet themselves.
His "baggage" is G rated compared to what has happened at Nebraska over the last 50 years.

People need to get over themselves that think Nebraska football was Mother Theresa of college football. (not saying you)
If he had any ties to Nebraska or even the Dakotas our Potato Fans would want and accept him. Leipold & Kleiman are the only ones that currently fit their narrow minded nepotistic ways. Urban is a Slam Dunk for what we need as I could care less that he "Checked a Woman's Oil" in a bar. Honestly who amongst us hasn't done that?

Any coach that has ties to Nebraska could be an Axe Murderer and some of our fans would still want him. Not sure why they are so scared of change or outsiders.
The media killed Urban Meyer before he even had a chance to get here. Urban=success overnight. No other coach in the world offers that. I just don't understand the pushback from so many Nebraskans.
What Nebraskans are pushing back besides retarded media guys like Deab? Sure there’s a narrative that they are but who’s actually doing it? I think it’s a perceived notion that they are b/c of what Turd said he’s searching for and what urban’s “baggage” looks like. Screw that. Quit saying it and the narrative will die. Urban would be the best for our job and that’s the narrative that needs to be pushed to all Nebraskans, administrators and across social media.
If he had any ties to Nebraska or even the Dakotas our Potato Fans would want and accept him. Leipold & Kleiman are the only ones that currently fit their narrow minded nepotistic ways. Urban is a Slam Dunk for what we need as I could care less that he "Checked a Woman's Oil" in a bar. Honestly who amongst us hasn't done that?

Any coach that has ties to Nebraska could be an Axe Murderer and some of our fans would still want him. Not sure why they are so scared of change or outsiders.
To be fair, for you it’d be checking their lower unit lube. You know, lake life & all. But otherwise spot on.
I had such high expectations for this. But this isn't Koolaid. Koolaid is "I think Urban is coming to Nebraska", not "hey Urban Meyer is a great coach".

I'm with @HerbRedman on this, I absolutely believe Urban was interested before he saw firsthand how absolutely ass we are, and now has cooled off.
I think the Koolaid would be the argument/logic the guy presented and his "connections" however dubious they may be.
What Nebraskans are pushing back besides retarded media guys like Deab? Sure there’s a narrative that they are but who’s actually doing it? I think it’s a perceived notion that they are b/c of what Turd said he’s searching for and what urban’s “baggage” looks like. Screw that. Quit saying it and the narrative will die. Urban would be the best for our job and that’s the narrative that needs to be pushed to all Nebraskans, administrators and across social media.
I wouldn't say push back like Deab but most have said it's unrealistic. I've seen a lot of pushback from boomers on Urban. I agree though, I think we all need to change the narrative and get it out there that we want Urban.

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