Several people familiar with the university’s current presidential search have said Pillen has been very specific about what he wants in the next NU president. Three declined to speak on the record for fear of retribution but said they were told he wants someone with Nebraska ties, someone willing to stay in the job for 10 years and someone who won’t advocate for the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts that Pillen campaigned against in 2022.
Pillen initially denied having made any requests of the regents. He also denied trying to influence their presidential choice. After the Examiner followed up and shared what it had been told, the governor acknowledged having made his wish list clear.
“Yeah, maybe I can clarify that … I’ve been very, very public,” he said. “We need a great Nebraskan to be the leader of our university system. We don’t need a shiny star. We need somebody that understands Nebraska, understands the people of Nebraska and understands that the taxpayers are our boss.”
He also confirmed the push for someone who would stay 10 years, saying, “To really make things happen, having a 10-year expectation is reality.”
“If you try to hire somebody for two years, you’re spinning your wheels,” Pillen said.
Of the third push, he said he also told people that he wanted someone who “understands what our Nebraska values are and what Nebraskans expect.”
Gov. Jim Pillen is blaming a University of Nebraska athletic director's departure on the NU regents and a slowed presidential search.
Whatever Tr*v's personal politics are, or how the chain of command for these kinds of hires is supposed to work, it seems pretty clear that Pillen's extremely stringent "wish list" is a big obstacle in this process and he's trying to put all the blame on his former buddies in the BOR. A Nebraskan who is qualified to be the president of a gigantic public academic institution, is willing to make a 10 year commitment, is against diversity initiatives, and presumably wants to keep slashing the education budget... I'm not an expert in the upper echelon academic world at all, but is Pillen trying to force them to find a unicorn?