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Inside Info Travis Fisher interviewed at Georgia

Why does everyone have a hardon for Busch? Is he the best we can get if that what it comes to? I honestly don't know. All I know is he coached here for a stint before.
I want him on the staff because he's a good recruiter and has ties to the region. I don't want him to be our DB coach though. I'd rather he be a recruiting coordinator/special teams coordinator.
Been that kind of last 18 months for me. Lot’s of life changes and challenges...and now deciding what I want the future to be. I guess the good news is, get to decide what the future looks like. In someways fun to think out a new start. Re-invention so to speak.

So, what’s your next step?
I don’t know. Wish I did.
rider hog GIF
I approve of this post.
He'll just turn this into a raise and be back next year. Seems like he gets interviewed somewhere every off season.
Why does everyone have a hardon for Busch? Is he the best we can get if that what it comes to? I honestly don't know. All I know is he coached here for a stint before.
Busch is known as a Top Flight recruiter plus a grinder behind the scenes. Hard worker and experienced coach. I would prefer him as Recruiting Coordinator & Special Teams Coach over DB's Coach. Obviously he has ties to Nebraska which will appease some of the fans that want that. I just want us to get the best most qualified coaches because the players and fans deserve that. His wife and kids still live in Lincoln.
In a vacuum, that'd be great. Unfortunately, we can't really afford to keep trading black coaches for white ones the way we've been going. Both Walter and Dewitt were replaced with white guys, bringing us down to only three black coaches on our staff. Two would feel like dipping below a critical mass.
I'm pretty sure I can relate man...keep moving forward and appreciate that the grind never stops. And, if we're honest...we are still doin pretty damn good.
What about blond-haired, blue-eyed German-heritage Caucasian coaches?? Where the fuck are those guys?? I’m offended beyond words.

Anything can happen but I don't think Fisher would leave this year. He had a lot of guys come back to work with him. Kinda be a dick move for him to bounce, but UGA would be a job I think would justify it.
Anything can happen but I don't think Fisher would leave this year. He had a lot of guys come back to work with him. Kinda be a dick move for him to bounce, but UGA would be a job I think would justify it.

Asking for the rest of us schmuck's on tPB that don't know: Are you playing the "faux dean" character to a tee, or are some of your posts not in jest? I'm asking for @Elizabeth Reed, for the record. Lizzy didn't want to stir any pots, ever.

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