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TPB X thread (28 Viewers)


Heisman Winner

It would scare you to death how many people are driving around with tires like that or even worse. One of my friends had a tire shop up in the Vail area. I would stop in the middle of winter to visit and there would be big stacks of tires that they had changed out that day. Most were bald, some had steel showing or even sticking out, some of the worst tires you've ever seen and earlier that day these folks were flying up and down I-70 on them.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
It would scare you to death how many people are driving around with tires like that or even worse. One of my friends had a tire shop up the Vail area. I would stop in the middle of winter to visit and there would be big stacks of tires that they had changed out that day. Most were bald, some had steel showing or even sticking out, some of the worst tires you've ever seen and earlier that day these folks were flying up and down I-70 on them.
I-70 was always an adventure when it snowed. Was stuck my fair share of times when we were in off rough type vehicles with good tires. I pulled so many people out of ditches with my Jeep. The other ones that were dangerous were the tourists who rented a big ole 4 wheel drive SUV at the Denver Airport thinking that they would go through everything. They'd go flying by us on I-70 and then we'd see them a few miles later in the ditch.


Heisman Winner

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF


Heisman Winner
I-70 was always an adventure when it snowed. Was stuck my fair share of times when we were in off rough type vehicles with good tires. I pulled so many people out of ditches with my Jeep. The other ones that were dangerous were the tourists who rented a big ole 4 wheel drive SUV at the Denver Airport thinking that they would go through everything. They'd go flying by us on I-70 and then we'd see them a few miles later in the ditch.
I was friends with a few of the local cops and some of the State Patrol guys and they called SUVs - Suddenly Upside-Down Vehicles.


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
I was friends with a few of the local cops and some of the State Patrol guys and they called SUVs - Suddenly Upside-down Vehicles.
Fitting name. The worst for me was when the bands busses or vans would get stuck in the snow or ice. Spent over 4 hours after a show chopping ice because their bus got stuck in an ice rut behind the grocery store at the Cross Roads. That was an adventure as the bus almost hit the building when making the turn.

The funniest one with bands was with the boys from Sublime. This was after Bradley died so they were playing under the name Long Beach Dub All-Stars. We had a blizzard and they were 8 hours late. No time for soundcheck and I was worried they were going to miss the show. My doormen were laughing about some camper that was stuck in a snowdrift off the Frontage Road. Not surprisingly it was them. Took the corner too fast and ended up in a drift. Those idiots had never driven on snow. I had to drive the camper out of the drift with my security staff pushing. They were in a Winnebago Camper because their bus driver kicked them out of the bus in the middle of the night on some highway in Utah. He called the cops on them... that's a story for another day. And the next night their tour manager got arrested after my concert in Steamboat for breaking a cop cars windshield by head butting it. Doing concerts with Sublime was always an adventure. I could write a book about dealing with Sublime

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