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Years ago when I was in the trucking industry we had a client even for our Aberdeen / Watertown terminal: an ice fishing tournament. Did it up big, had a couple of chefs out on the ice making omelettes, memosas for the women-folk (wives, but sturdier) who were in attendance, etc. It turned out to be one of those weird winter days where it was in the 40's and my job was to shuttle our clients out onto the ice from the parking lot at the lake.
I apologized for driving with the windows down, but when you're plowing through 8" of slush, the idea of going through the ice with electric windows in the up position seemed like a very bad idea. It turned out to be a non-event as the ice was still over a foot thick all the way from shore to the event area, but it seemed like the prudent thing to do under the circumstances. Most of the clients were on board with the idea, too.