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TPB X thread (21 Viewers)


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
Just so yall know this is severely needing context, you get more cyanide from almonds. That said energy drinks in general are not smart to be consuming frequently
Back in the early 2000's my venue was the 2nd largest seller of Red Bull in all of Colorado. My Red Bull Rep Kevin was a ski bum who was making 6 figures, and much of that because of our sales. After a year he quit his job because his conscience got to him. The more he learned about Red Bull the more he learned how bad it was for people, especially when mixed with alcohol. He saw case studies showing the dangers of it. He told me never to drink Red Bull. Kid left that job taking some food Rep job making about 1/3 of what Red Bull was paying him. Plus with Red Bull he was involved with their fun events. He had the life.

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