Some of you think I'm trolling. I'm not. I don't think we should spend top dollar on a rehab project. (We are the ones in need of the rehab) I still think character matters. I want to win and maintain high standards off the field.
I read so many of you saying basically that the ends justify the means. When did we all turn into the people where the leaders of our groups can do whatever they want as long as I get what I want? Not me. But I am a bit idealistic. There are good people out there to be our leaders and that is the place we should be searching first. Why not have a high standard?
For example: Turd can't get up there and preach accountability and then hire Urban Meyer. Urban is a guy who hasn't shown an ounce of loyalty to any place he has been and usually leaves with the safe lie of "health problems" after he has lit the place on fire with some sort of nonsense. Top dollar? No way. Urban should be asking us for the job at a discount if we are to be the vehicle for his image rehabilitation.
Would you guys be ok with being PSU of the 80'a and 90's along with Joe Pa turning a blind eye to abuse? We make fun of those fools and they deserve our scorn.
Somebody brought up Lawrence Phillips. Tom Osborne did about as well as anyone could have done in that situation. He actually shielded society from LP for as long as he was able to. Was it perfect? No. And again Tom didn't create LPs problems.
But anyway, I just like to rant and workshop opinions.